10-592Council File # �p- 5q'],,,
Green Sheet # 3112816
Presented by
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been selecfed to participate in the Round 3
2 Minnesota Mousing Finance Agency Home Ownership Education, Counseling, and Training Fund
3 National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program, to address the dramatic increase in the
4 number of home foreclosures by providing comprehensive home buyer education, counseling,
5 training and support on either a pre or post purchase basis for low and moderate income home
6 buyers or owners; and ,
8 WHEREAS, the Citq wili receive $32,670.00 of program counseling funds; $3,267.00 of
9 program related support funds and a$2,430.00 grant extension of remaining Round 2 counseling
10 funds unspent as of March 30, 2010 for a total of $38,367.00 for the Foreclosure Counseling
11 Program; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept additional grant
funds in the amount of $35,937.00 and a$2,430.00 grant extension of remaining Round 2
counseling funds unspent as of March 30, 2010 and authorizes the proper City officials to
execute a grant agreement with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for this funding for the
purpose of mortgage foreclosure counseling; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Department of Planning & Economic Development (PED) is
authorized to use this funding to provide mortgage foreclosure intervention and loss mitigation
program counseling and program related support to assist owner-occupants of single family (one
to four unit) properties, with mortgages in default or danger of defauit for a three month period
with a possible extension.
25 FURTHER RESOLVED, that PED is further authorized to submit any updates, reports, or
26 additional information as may be required to participate in the Minnesota Housing Finance
27 Agency Home Ownership Educafion, Counseling, and Training Fund National Foreclosure
28 Mitigation Counseling Program for Foreclosure Prevention, and be it
lu - 5a11
30 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the
31 City of Saint Paul, does certify that $35,937.00 in funds are available for appropriation in excess
32 of those estimated in the 2010 budget, and recommends the foliowing changes to the 2010
33 budget (See Attached ).
Requested by Department o£
Planning & Economi elo ment
BY� , V � `l
Adopted by Council: Date ( :� -� O��
Adopt�ertifiedby ounci ecretary
Approved or: Da � � G�Z9
Form Approve,d b City Pf�Y�y
By: l ,
Form Appr ved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: �
Approved by in c' 1 S i s
10 - Sq2
Budget Changes
HRA Loan Enterprise Fund #117
GL-117-26523-3600 GrantforMortgage $305,600 $35,937
Foreclosure Counseling
Change to Fund 117 Financing Plan $0 $35,937
GL-117-26523-0299 Misc. Services $305,600 $35,937
Change to Fund 117 Spending Plan $305,600 $35,937
PED Operations Fund #126
GL-12636000-4095-80021 Administration Billing
Change to Fund 126 Financing Plan
$1,120,225 $35,937 $1,156,162
$1,120,225 $35,937 $1,156,162
GL-126-36075-0131 Temp Salaries - Mortg. $0 $24,505
Foreclosure Counseling
GL-126-36075-0439 Fringe Benefits @ 33.319 $1,722,234 $8,165
GL-126-36075-0299 Misc. Services $103,045 $3,267
Change to Fund 126 Spending Plan $1,825,279 $35,937
�c� — Sqrl—
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Greeri Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmentlOfficelCouncii: Date Initiated:
PE _Planning&Economic 24MAY2010 Green Sheet NO: 3112816
ConWct Person & Phone: Departrnent SeM To Person InitiailDate
Mlche118Voj0cek � 0 &EcanomicDevelo m 0
6-6599 1 & Economic Develo m Allen Cadson
�� 2 �unin & Ecanomic Develo m e Falkse Accountan
Must Be an Council enda by (Date): Numher ,
02-JUN-10 For 3 &EconomicDevelo m D arimentD'vector
' Routing 4 ' Attorne PeteMcCsR �
Doe. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ Order 5 ancial Services DireMOr
TRANSACTION 6 a or'sO�ce or/Assis[ant �f'overS �
7 ouncil CS Cooncil
EAOCUmeM Required: N $ .�k C5 Cterk
Document Contact:
Contact Phone:
Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locatians for SignaWre)
Action Requested:
Authoriza6on to accept graut funds in the amount of $35,937.00 and a$2,430.00 grant extension of remaining Round 2 counseling
funds unspent as of April 30, 2010 for a total of $38,367.00 and authorizes the proper City officials to execute a grant agreement with
the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for this funding for the purpose of mortgage foreclosure counseling.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): personal Service Confmds Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for ihis departmentl
CIB Committee Yes No . -
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee?
Yes No
3. Does fhis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employeel
Yes No
F�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why):
The city was selected to receive $35,937.00 from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for the Round 3 NFMC Counseling
Progam and related support funds for a 3 month period expiring June 30, 2010 and an extension of the Round 2 grant agreement
through June 30, 2010.
AdvanWges If Approved:
Continued support of our foreclosure prevenfion counseling acrivities.
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved: -
We just reduced housing counseling staff by two counselors on May 21, 2010. If the funding is not accepted, we will likely have to
reduce staff by an addirional person.
Total Amount of �
Transaction: $35,937.00 CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Puading Source: . Activity Number. 126-360003600Q?.�
Financiallnformation: budgetamendmentattached f r ����
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May 24, 2070 2:15 PM Page 1
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(6/27/2010 Mary Erickson - Re MN Housing Finance Agency Grant - age item - June 2 V Pag 1
----_ — � _ S � 1 �
From: Michelle Vojacek
To: Egan, Margaret; Falksen, Jerome; Melchionne, Susan
CC: Erickson, Mary
Date: 5/27/2010 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: MN Housing Fnance Agency G2nt - agenda item - June 2
1. Yes it is a budget amendment because we did not know dunng the 2010 budget process there was going to be a Round 3 of
funding. MN Hsg did not apply for Round 3 funding unbl Oct of 2009 and where not awarded funding until very recently. I have an
email from them today asWng how quickiy we can get the signed grant agreements to them bewuse NieghborWOrks is sending
them the funding today and they must have fully executed grant agreements from subgrantees. They understand our process is a
bit more complicated than small non profit organizations but NieghborWorks really does not care.
2. The $2,430 is a Round 2 grant extension and it was include in the 2010 budget.
The new funds and grant extension are include in one grant agreement and the agreement is broken out exactly as described.
Please let me know if you need any further information.
Thank you.
( htto://www.stoaul.aov/ )Michelle Vojacek
Program Coordinator
Department of Planning & Economic Development
25 W 4th Street, Suite 1200; Saint Paul, MN 55102
P: 651-266-6599
F: 651-Z28-3341
michelle.voiacek(o�ci.stoaul. mn.us
( htt�://www facebook.com/oaqes/Saint-Paul-MN/Gtv-of-Saint-Paul/79640426150�ref=ts ) ( htto://www voutube.comist�aulqov )
( httos://twitter.comfcibofsaintoaul )
Making Saint Paul the Most Livable City in America
»> Susan Melchionne 5/27/2010 10:07 AM »>
Will do - I'll work with Michelle and Jerry Falkson in PED to get answers to your questions asap.
»> Margaret Egan 5/27/2010 10:02 AM »>
May I ask your assistance in coordinating a response on the following:
i. Item is a budget amendment - 5:30 session; correct?
2. What is the reason the $2,430 in grant extension does not require a budget amendment at this time?
Margaret A. Egan
Chief Budget Analyst
Office of the City Council
Email: maraaret.eoanCalci stoaul mn us
Phone: 651.266.8564
FAX: 651.266.8574
www.st�aul qovfcouncil