D001980C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �ved Copies to: City qerk (Originai) Finance Dept's Accounting Division Police Dept.. ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER No: Date: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WIiEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department is seeldng authority to pay for related travel egpenses which include air fare, lodging, meals, etc, for two non-city employees from Project Pathfinder, Inc. and two Task Force Attorneys, non-city employees, to present training on the nature of the Internet as it relates to sexuality and sexual offenders, and the legal aspects of investigating these types of crimes, and WHEREAS, this training will be conducted for local law enforcement and prosecutors in the Alexandria, MN area on March 27, 2001 to assist them in investigating and prosecuting these types of crimes and to develop participation in the task force by local agencies, and WHEREAS, the ICAC Task Force's mission is to form a multi jurisdicfional operafion that investigates crimes involving child pornography and exploitation of children online, and WHEREAS, the training is specifically designed to assist task force members in working these investigafions, and the specialized nature of computer crimes makes this training a necessary component of the training of the participants, and 'WAE1tEAS, computers are changing daily and specific initial and ongoing training in this area is critical for a successful operation, and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Police Department will enter into an agreement with the Holiday Inn Alexandria to provide a rental room for the meeting, coffee, juice, assorted rolls, muffins, pop and cookies for refreshments at this training, and WfIEREAS, the public purpose of this training is to train local law enforcement and prosecutors in internet crimes, and BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are hereby ordered to pay for the above menfioned. travel expenses related to this training for four non-city employees, not to exceed $600 from account code 436-34056-025x, and to pay for the room rental and refreshments as mentioned above, not to exceed $1,400, from account code 436-34056-02xx to Holiday Inn Alexandria. � / 1 G-� Appro�Yed . CityAtt� Date _ .. t�o��q� � Routine, and cnlled for by the police internet crimes ngainst children grnnt. We already npproved this request for n trnining session in Rochestor, nnd now here's another session in a different part of the State, Alexnndrin. The AO grants authority to pay trnvel for non city employees, and allows the PD to pay the hotel for the training room, and refreshments. ����aa � � � �� a PARTt6ENTlOFFIG�COUNCIL OATE INlT1ATED rois�e iiz9ioi GREEN SHEET No. 107124 C NTA PER N PHO E INITIA INRIAUDATE WilliamFinney 2423588 �I AKIMENTIXRECTOA couxcw �cmarrorsxer �cmc�wc ' �FINrWCIHLSERNCESDI� ❑FINANCW.SERV/ACGTG ❑MO.YOR�ONASSISiNH�) �HUMPNRIGHiS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REqUESTED Approval of the attached administrative order authorizing the payment of tcavel related expenses for up to four non-city employees while they participate in Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) regional4aining. The training will be given to local law enfoicement an the Alexandria azea of Minnesota. T4ie cequested funds will cover room, travel, and meals for two ptesenters from Pro}ect Pathfinder, Inc, and two Task Force Attomeys to present 4aining on the nature of the Intemet as it relates to sexuality and sexual offenders, and the legal aspects of invesrigating these types of crimes. The police deparhnent will enter into an agreement with the Holiday Inn Alexandria to pzovide the meeting room and xefreshments at this training. RECOMMENDATION ApPfOVe (A) of Rejetl(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/frm ever been a ciry employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Oces this persoNfi(m possess a skdl fwt fwrmalry possessed by any curre�rt ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendor? YES NO Eeplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to gree� sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY� e ICAC Task Force's mission is to work as a multi jurisdicrional operation that: investigates crimes involving child pornography; oitation of children online; educate law enforcement on investigative techniques; legal issues involving seazch wazrants and seizure of evidence; develop and institute a public awareness program to help parents and children have positive experiences while online. The training presented in Alexandria, MN is specifically for local law enforcement and prosecutors to assist them in investigating and prosecuring these types of crimes and to develop participation in the task force by local agencies. ADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED Approval of the order will allow the task force to pay travel expenses far four presenters who will be teaching at the uaining session. All axe an importarn part of the trauring and possess skills and lrnowledge unique to their field of eapertise. This regional ttaudng is part of , the original grant request and is needed to work towards the accomplishment of our mission �������� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None � � � Zofl� CiT� Ci.�y�� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED Regional training presented by the task force would not be effecrive in assisring law enfoicement and pxosecutors in nual Minnesota. �������� FEB " ��, i� o �c°du, L AMOUN7 OF 7RANSACTION $ Not to exceed 2,000.00 � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON�tT�Y���O � N E A FUNDING SOURCE GIaIIt FuridiIIg ACTIVINNUMBER 436-34056-025X FINANCIA� INFORMATION (EXPLAIN)