177785 (1-322 1 7-47f3 i 5 Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT -- , .1 Jtile No. 171785- and 'teas. A written toregrelieUte, , of the following . . , PRELIMINARY ORDER. '`..q and'=="41 Pr-, .. , - , ”, q7,gu lic•i sewers 0014,;iiiidex. , ' ,:- ,) • ' /-14rv• Icillity •The undersigned hereby Proposesthemaking ofthefollowingpublic improvement by tlieZit' y oia":::k.61H-nul,via.: - 7,3i 7-- '7-7 --• 'i- .. r' , '-- -- . Condemning ihfiiiiiiilii-Saseltirliartel. --4'--- - ' ' .4606044dhit-' 4rot .patine lowors--emo-Under and.ftroso-a-0 et 14 1,. in 14ioi Lot 19, Bleak 3, Ware it Moot AdditiOn, from tho alley in the rear of said lot to Como Avenne, the Center lino Of said strip is described as follow** . . . . Beginning 4 a point on the southwesterly line of the alley 16 ft. southeasterly of the nor'thwooterly zeorier of Lot 49, thine* to a point on the northeasterly line of Como Avenue 16 ft. southeasterly of the southwesterly corner of Lot 149 in said Block 3, Ware & Hospes Addition. Also condemning and taking a strip of land 14 Ito in width on Lot 33, Block 3, Ware & Hoopes Addition, and in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, from the alloy in Block i), Ware & Hoopes Addition, to Como Avenue, the center line of said atilt( is described Ss follow's. Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of the a,ley in Block 3, Ware & Hospes Addition, 14 ft. northwesterly of the intersection of the'lino between-Lett '33 and 314 on the southwesterly line of the alleys: thence n a'line which is walla, to and 14 ft. from the lot line between Lots 33' and 3 and the extension thereof to Come Avenue, Also condemning and taking temporary easements for construction purposes on the follOwingt A. strip of land 8 ft. in width on the northwesterly side of the easement in tot 49, Block 3, Ware & Hotpot'Addition. Also a 'trip of /and 8 ft. in width on the southeasterly side of the easement I, In tot 49. Block 3, War. & HOspos Addition. i, Also a strip of land 8 ft. In width on the northwesterly side d the easement in Lot 33, Block 3, Ware & Hospes Addition, and in the Southeast 1/4 of tea Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Rang. 23. , •t Also ii_StriP of land 8 ft. in *04'42 on the southeasterly aids of tie easement in tha',SoathOopt 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Bs e 23, and a Strip of land 2 ft. in width on the southeasterly side of the easement in Lot 33, Block 3, Ware Ift Hospes Addition. Also the northwesterly 6 ft. of Lot 34 in Block 3, Ware & Hoopes Addition, from the alley to the westerly lino of Lot 34, Block 3, Ware & Hospes Addition. Also a strip of land 8 ft. in width on the southeasterly side of the easement in Lot 49, Block 3, Ware & Reopen Addition. Also a strip of land 8 ft. in width on the northwesterly sided the easement in 1 Lot 33, Block 3, Ware & Hoopes Addition, and in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23. !I ii , ., , ., _, ,, Also a !trip of land 8 ft. in width on the ,sontheaster17,81de of the easement ";. ..e ' ;' 4, .414.,..rtow- - - -- Ailitii,-**74.*--444Avstiki** _ .; - - -' 4..;_-,--iii -44.-...,...,-:,,,,v.4 ,,,--,... , .., _ ._ .2.,..„... ...,:. , „ .: ,-, ,._,_ ,.. --. 4-, ..„ . _,.1irill..:17;t:AiliiC.t.:-,,•;:•,:i1;47W:011 -?:.4.011S1011#1 .jlaOkei4;,thiii-„. •••-.43:J'''''S.-, -,"::•P.'N ;4.;. ... :,,, ' :;.L ''-,,j::: ':...•:::''4: : ,=:; .: ;: ':, • • ,.:'-'' ::: : ':' ,144■:::: '.:;-,.-':,,,T4 . . . 4,1ire• ,77 :,.? ,ig",41, ;*7:::,5..,.!4ki,4,;,,,,,ti,*, ''.'' ''',:;1:•"::::; ',.-n',... :,:-.Z,::.i. t7 ''•:-..::,,:,-1-.•:;`:,, ":' 7.-.',i,::::::: 1„:' 1•:',,,,,.:1;- 44110044110/. ''''-''' '., -i.'".; ,,i,..-! :• i'.,;,,,:,•isit'iii.;-;./..,,:,..iiii.. %,,yAir,i,„;:,,,:z:.ii:-:::',..i.4...1.;;.._7„4'...'1" ...;-.i;*„E-...,..=4:7-:7 ..; ,,,.„-,,z,,.,,,-,:,::-.,,,,,-,,,i.,,,:., .t , , : ',..p:.,-:.•.`::::,---..1 .'.4....- „..:.. "..i- -..4:.--: .,,.-....,,,-. '4-•7 .,., ....,. Jwiit ., :!‘-folit-'74/i,'-.., -414.-.....'4,mouriviwwitimr, , ,-' -r . ---v,,,;.:,-7,f';'''' ,;'''' '."''.'?'.:•-••. MOW 1, 6mt1711 '.<:1-- ';.::;:g3:::4,1?-T"..,::-*3.1?,...4,tt74*;V'''/,:::::-1 :1=-4f%''' ''A'::'' ':'''','-'(..--/{. =''. '--.1,..',.-:'• ;-'7 :•: .24.:.14.:-'.''t'.-- ....--:: •.,:,-•?.f..',Ii•;=-":„.,,-,1,.. ,', .',, !..4-k:':'.'_".;'.:'i,:,N..=z1i4i.,/,11'-...-.;';,,'::,'',.':' w.,,-;.-4,. .F--1,,TLF,-,;',1,:;i:.4,14,...r). :',--,:,:-5"..'::'‘,-..-,;;...,.;',-'.,-." -,,- ,-.:-,.,.,-,---• . ,.:--- -.. :,,,-.:::'"i-v v i. .=-,.-,...-,...: ---,,-,:. ,;,,, .„. --, ,--,,,,,t,-.,::,..,.-_, :,.„, ',:.,,,,-,„ ..1.-,,,,:r.'it--,,,,.1,-!,:,,,.. .:--.4i c'.....,-- ,....,-.., '-'-,.--LzCi'..tY.:. ,kg;;L..,.-1,,.::::4::.t':,A,„-,e;.--...•;',',,.;.. --•' - ..--;....-:..--:,: ,.7,,.. . ,,-.. -.-. ...-:: -4,,..,-- --. . ..„,-1„.L--,- :,.. ,-,.,. , ....,.- ,