177784 0-322 17 784 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT it rule No 10104-- and t+a , A written '' me P'ng of the folloWlt 144.ade �anld', e PRELIMINARY ORDER. '.J; , el �� s . 1 . t 54 ry wa" 96. The undersigned hereby proposes the making ofthefollowing public improvement a 41, ,x ' thae r:TSi.-...YET?E i72'.' ap %3'.s`?+['�' ,,.. '$. t`Y,. K__r•... _ -Gredia and surface mi th bituminous arterial the alley in *Daly 1 1. ,* Ij Addition, In end Neves' leassuptenent "A", and the Seutheest:3 the I.rt'heast 1/h, Smitten 26, dip 29, lunge 23, fro* Dale Strut ti LJSsseatne Awe. Also construct sewers in the ealiment to be obtained eat_Lot 494-Bleak , 'r Were and Noe's' Addition, and in the easement to be obtained on Let 33 Block ), Ware and Hospital Addition, and ea the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast mss 26, 20wAnbip 29, Range 23, from the alley in Block 3, Ware and **pest Addition to the sewer is Como Avenue. PRELIMINARY OKW1 K. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: , Grade and surface- th bietimminewa Arterial-the allelr--i3--.Bleak 3, Ware &• repel+'--- Addition, Ware and Nespes'' RMrvs meat, "A■, and the Southeast 1/14 of the Northeast i/b, Section 26, Tortehip 29, Range 23, .free Dale Street to T.dessaeii Aveaee. Also construct ovwera in thre _ to be .obtained o:.Lot b9, Block 3, Ware and Hospes* Addition, mut in the-. iasenent to be obtained on Lot 33 Block 3, Ware and.Hespest Addition, and on the Southeast 1/b.of. this. Northeast 1/(, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, -free the alley in Block 3, Ware and_Hospett Additiea to the sewer in Coto Avenue. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch or sam Improvemeub. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council MAY 1956 YEAS NAYS Councilman GIBBONS Approved MAY 9_1956 HOLLAND MARZITELLI MORTINSON Ara / doerAL PETERSON . MR. PRESIDENT DILLON Mayor. .,—.. 3000 7-84 PUBLISHED