177766 Original to City Clerk 177766 CITY OF ST. &AUUCU O. Goundi 1 File No. l7 y Joke" N. . . OFFICE OF THE C ten— n COUNCIL RESOLUTION : The iR rid �lt�:a ,et.uy lrii r 3_, � �. 'and Hawn ih n+''• 11 + 41 of ls. PRESENTED BY ,ia t Por pat r'; Von t, the City i I y ` 3r F..9 c PYttt •'t t COMMISSIONS `� ���,� tys w r,,; .ie1"/. .talf s Arad Defeo WHEREAS, the sum of 45,000.00 has been set up in the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Fund (31 G , ) of the 1956 Budget for participation by the City of Saint Paul in the Saint Paul Winter Carnival; and WHEREAS, the Saintpaulites Incorporated, in a letter dated March 7, 1956, over the signature of John Geisler, Managing Director of Saintpaulites Incorporated, represent to the City that expenses have been incurred in connection with the Winter Carnival in an amount of $5,000.00, said expenses being listed as follows: "Installation of pipe for rerouting parade on Seventh Street; Rope replacements on parade route; Parade float for City and County Carnival group; Expenses incurred in repairing the Ski Slide structure; Labor and materials for construction of ramp at St. Paul Auditorium; These bills include the Metropolitan Airport Commission, J. S. Sweitzer & Son, Inc., Com- monwealth Electric Company, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Gordon Displays, Inc., Northern States Power Company; 45,000.00." RESOLVED, that the sum of 45,000.00 be paid from said fund to Saintpaulites Incorporated as reimbursement for payment of its obligations hereinbefore mentioned. 1ANg ti V356 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays a ibpb s m dial arson Approved 195_ -*Sifiland 'Ma ' elli Favor ZOAse,t, oditek, ortinson Mayor _,,Pderson Against Mr.President, Dillon SM 6-55 4604 PUBLISH �" 5(P DuVcate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL El NCI L NO. 17/766 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 7,71IFFEAS, the sum of : 5,000.00 has been set up in the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Fund 01 G 4) of the 1956 Budp:et for particiration by the City of Saint Paul in the Saint Paul Winter Cernivel; and 11-1T-FFAS, the Ssintpe.ulites Incorporated, in a letter dated March 7, 1956, over the signature of John Geis ler, Managing Director of tea Incorporated, represent to the City that e7penses have been incurred in connection with the Winter Carnival in an amount of ::'5,000.00, said ex)enses beinz listed az follows: "Inetallntion of pipe for rerouting parade on Seventh Street; r:OpE replacements o prade route; Parade float for City ane: County Carnival group; Expenses incurred in repairing the Ski Slide structure; Labor and wt,rials for constructio:: of ramp at St. Paul Auditorium; The .e, bills include the MetropoV.ten Airport Commission, J. S. Sweitzer & Son, Inc., Com- monwealth 3.71.ectric Com:)any, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Gordon Displays, Inc., Northern States Power Company, 1.5,000.00.n • RESOLVED, that the sum of r$5,000.00 be paid from said fund to Saintpaulites Incorpor .ted as reimbursement for payment of its obligations hereinbefore mentioned. itWi bi.WE COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons fASS Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson J Against Mr. President, Dillon 4 6-55 04M302