177637 . r Original to City Clerk 3 i E�77 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER // DATA f dl Whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has`"duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the City Sp al Election held in said City on the 24th day of April, 1956, upon. Vie ratifica- tion or rejection of Charter Amendment to Section 201, With re- ference to the per capita tax levy limitation and the p, ;r capita spending limitation; and Whereas, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 32,058 electors voted in favor of the adoption of said Charter Amendment, and 28,510 voted against the adoption thereof; and Whereas, Minnesota Statutes Sec. 410.12 provides that such amendment must be adopted by a three-fifths vote of those lawfully voting thereon; therefore, be it Resolved, That said Charter Amendment be and it is hereby declared to have failed to receive the necessary three-fifths of the votes cast, and therefore to have failed of passage. Council. fine Ito. 19`761#—By ieenlrrd T.'.HoDsnd - Whereas,The of die Clay of Saint Paul bas,. irisued the re- t of the east at the City re ch ny h:aittitItn 1 1s u pCoir the ratification or of Charter ,:,; •�o� t :Seal .;101, with re- ference rerenoe to Pee 'sp 1im46ation and the: limitation: and Whereas ,�t from said re- turns and the canvass thereof that, 32,068 electors voted in laver of the adoption of skid Carter Anteti and 810 ,voted.against st tree tnereor: and Whereas, Statutes Sec. 410.19 provides such must be by a threea�. of those lawfully voting thereon;the- tare, be # Resolved, That saw Charter - ment be and it id hereby daclsred to have failed to receive the naMgMear three-fifths of the votes oast,am mare- fore to have tailed of passage Adopted by the Council April at 11IpS., r i O'look) APR 2 7 1956 COUNCILMEN :r Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas " Nays t -s 2 '1 1gbk:. ibbons A Approved 195— olland r Marzltelh ___In Favor 4.6 ■ /Morti on /� Mayor eterson i/ Against - r. President, Dillon ' 5M 6-55 49502 .. - - Duplicate to Printer 77("37 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL kla - -1/T FILE 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF whereas, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the City Special laection held in said City on the 24th day of April, 1956, upon the ratifica- tion or rejection of Charter Amendment to Section 201, with re- ference to the per capita tax levy limitation and the per capita spOnding limitation, and Whereas, It appears from said, returns and the canvass thereof that 32,058 electors voted in favor of the adoption of said. Charter Amendment, and 28,510 voted against the adoption thereof; and. Whereas, Minnesota Statutes see. 410.12 provides that such amendment must be adopted by a three-fifths vote of those lawfully voting thereon; therefore, be it gesolved, That said Charter Amendment be and it is hereby declared to have failed to receive the necessary three-fifths of the votes east, and therefore to have failed of passage. APR LY36 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli Tn Favor Mayor Mortinson Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 • -•>‘2 , , . i777 .37 CHARTER AMENDMENT - April 24, 1956 "YES" and "NO" VOTE BY PRECINCTS. ag2-1 YES VOTING PLACE 170-----77 Prec, 1 139 / 146 10 Fire Station, Bedford St. 56„76 Preo . 2 319 243 Wilder Playgrounds, Jessie St. 51.37 Prec, 3 206 195 Johnson High School, York St. 60.88 Prec 4 193 124 Cleveland High School, Jenks St. 50.29 Prec. 5 172 170 Grant School, Arkwright St, 58,77 Prec. 6 124 87 Ericsson School, Edgerton St. 49.63 Prec., 7 407 413 Wheelock "chool, Wheelock Pkwy. 54.59 Prec. 8 208 173 Phalen Park School, Payne Ave. 49,12 Prec. 9 334 346 Farnsworth School, Ivy St, 47,27 Prec. 10 269 300 New Harrison School, Magnolia & Cypress 37. 58 Prec, 11 233 387 Old Harrison School, Magnolia & Forest 50 07 Prec, 12 28202 21'70 WARD 2 �T; -Fire Station, Payne Ave. 52070 Prec. 1 117 105 East Side Motor Sales, 7th St. 45.74 Pre°. 2 145 172 Van Buren School, Maple St. 53.47 Prec. 3 509 443 . Mounds Park school, Pacific St. 51.17 Prec. 4 284 271 Deane School, Clarence St. 50.00 Prec, 5 125 125 Kemper Motor Co. , Ise 7th St. 47,04 Prec, 6 238 268 Margaret Playgrounds, Earl St. 54.33 Prec. 7 113 95 Sacred Heart School, E. 6th St. 43.22 Preco 8 188 247 Fire station, 7th St. 47.93 Prec. 9 394 428 Hayden Heights School, Hazel Ste 48,12 Prec. 10 422 455 Ames School, Case St. 40.00 Prec, 11 198 297 Harding High School, Sari St. 41,65 Prec. 12 162 227 let Evang.United Brethren Church, Earl St. 48.09 Prec. 13 505 545 Eastern Heights School, Huth St. 49.82 Prec. 14 281 283 Prosperity Hts. School, Prosperity Ave. 45.34 Preco 15 331 399 Sheridan School, 3rd St. 47,71 Free. 16 73 80 Taylor School, Howard St, 7 7.65 Prec. 17 73 21 -Roosevelt Comm. Bldg, Ames Ave. 48,32 Prec. 18 230 246 Hayden Hts. Baptist Church, Van Dyke Ave. 4Q.42 Prec. 19 147, Hayden Hts. Library, White Bear Ave. 48.25 452 4854 W 4RD 1 53.15 Prec. 1 59 52 New Franklin School, 10th St. WARD 4 50.41 Prec. 1 61 60 City Hall, Kellogg Blvd. 49.63 Prec. 2 67 68 St. Lighting Garage, 10th St. 61.67 Prec.ec. 3 140 13 �8� Salvation A 6th 10th Sty The Armory, fel 381 299 WARD 5 62.58 Prec. 1 97 58 Joy Bros. Motor Co., , Pleasant Ave. 60.00 Prec. 2 120 80 Fire Station, Leech St. 49.69 Prec. 3 161 163 Hammond School, Goodhue St. 48,32 Prec. 4 101 108 St. Francis DeSales School, Osceola Ave. 57.95 Prec 5 51 37 Nick Sauro° s Garage, Mill St. 43.16 Prec. 6 202 266 St. Clair Playgrounds, St, Clair Ave. 47,94 Prec. 7 70 76 Palace Playgrounds, View St. 43,44 Prec. 8 192 250 Fire Station, Randolph St. 48. 55 Prec. 9 284 301 Randolph Hts. School, Hemline Aver 43.36 Prec. 10 134 175 Monroe High School, Palace Ave. 43.49 Prec. 11 254 330 Adams School, Chatsworth St, 50.85 Prec. 12 90 87 Garage, Benhill Rd. 49, 51 Prec. 13 352 359 Edgcumbe School, Hemline Ave. X4 43,48 Prec. 14 0 lQ2 Riverside School, Albion St. 47.63 2248 2472 2 111-012-6. INS,S, VUTIhG PLaCii 47,.17 Prec, 1 25 28 Fire Station, Fairfield Ave., 4674 Prec 2 86 98 Lafayette School Fenton St., 45:,85 Prec.. 3 149 176 St, Matthew' s School, Humboldt Ave, 57,45 Prec.: 4 54 40 Crowley School, Delos St., 54,75 Free., 5 121 100 Roosevelt Jr. High„ Greenwood St, 60.24 Free 6 50 33 Peters Hent--A1l . Concord St. 55,86 Free , 7 200 158 Douglas School , Orleans St, 54.. 39 Prec, 8 161 135 -Garage, Hear,: 774 Delaware St-, 49. 77 Pre , 9 1.08 109 Bryant School ,, Page St. 51.45 Free, 10 186 162 Baker Playground, Baker St, 52.: 45 Prec, 11 267 242 Humboldt Hinh School ,, Humboldt Ave , _2 _.?_ Free 12 2 0. Riverview School;. waodbury St.. 52, 56 1626 1471 W_1Rt 62..45 Pree, 1 163 98 1st Christi an Church, Farrington Ave, 67.,65 Prec 2 161 77 Quantreli Cadillac ,, Inc, Selby Ave. 5649 Prec, 3 187 144 Federal Heatinq & Appl, Co„ Selby Ave. 65, 59 Pree •. 4 183 96 7th Day Adventist School, Laurel Ave,. 60, 52 Prec 5 210 137 Minn, T B. & Health Assn„ Dale St., 77, 29 Prec 6 354 104 Darling Olds, Grand Ave, 58, 58 Prec 7 232 164 Webster School.,, St.. Albans St.. 65.37 Prec, 8 168 89 Lutheran Church of Redeemer„ Carroll Ave, 55, 37 Prec, 9 134 108 John Marshall High, Grotto St, 64. 34 Prec . 10 166 92 Gospal Temple,; Grotto St 60, 26 Free, 11 188 124 St., Paul Lutheran Church,, Marshall Ave 55, 55 Free. 12 200 160 Hill School , Selby Ave,. 58., 26 Prec, 13 201 144 Central High School,, Lexington Ave.. 56, 55 Prec 14 164 126 Fire Station,, Ashland Ave.. 69.45 Prec 15 341 150 Grand Ford Co. ,. Grand Ave. 52,46 Free- 16 224 203 St George Greek Church,, Summit Ave, 58, 53 Prec, 17 374 265 Linwood School , Oxford /we, .51,12.1Z Prec 18 _24Z Al, Mergen' s Motor Co: , Grand Ave, 61,. 24 3897 21 A ARD 62, 50 Free,: 1 120 72 Aud.: Catholic Guild Ha1l ;,Marshall Ave , 50.85 Pree . 2 60 58 St Peter Claver Church Bsmt., „ Aurora Ave: 45. 52 Free, 3 127 152 St, Agnes Church bsmt„ Thomas Ave. 75,43 Prec., 4 132 43 McKinley school , Carroll Ave 46, 38 Prec:, 5 154 178 whittler School , Wayzata St., 43<, 63 Free, 6 178 230 Scheffer School, Thomas St= 41,37 Prec. 7 266 377 Arlington School. Arlin,ton Ave, 41, 38 Prec:, 8 144 204 St , Agnes School,; Lafond Ave. 44: 77 Prec., 9 184 227 Gorman School,- Front St. 4464 Free 10 150 186 Jackson School, Edmund St.. 37" 56 Prec:, 11 163 271 kishington High,,. Marion St- 34„80 Free, 12 334 251 St Bernard's liec. Hall ,, Albemarle St:- 4 Free.: 1, __22, Halite Q. Brown Aud. „ Aurora Ave.. 44< 909 2i 5 W ARD 9 46.15 Free 1 42 49 Mechanic Arts High School, Central. Ave,. 44.95 Prec, 2 89 109 Wesley Church„ Park Ave 62,90 Free , 3 39 23 Capitol Comm.. Center„ 15th St., 58.76 Free, 4 171 120 Store - Park St, ( 542) 62. 65 Prec, 5 52 31 Valley Playgrounds, Valley St.. 52.. 56 Free : 6 113 102 Rice School, Granite St, 42 . 26 Free.. 7 161 220 Smith School, Geranium St. 71. 62 Free,: 8 106 42 Mississippi School„ Mississippi 5434 Pree . 9 _129 $2 Grace Baptist Chapel ,, Lyton Pl., 52.8 ` 873 778 J -3- t WARD 10 YES 1 0 VOTING PLAQis 044 Prec. 1 172 215 Galtier School, ndmund St. 42.79 Prec. 2 178 238 Central Lutheran School, Lexington Ave. 46019 Prec. 3 , 218 254 Wilson High School, Albert St. 50.73 Prec. 4 209 203 Field House-Bethel College, Nebraska Ave. 50.98 Prec. 5 182 1?5 Bible Institute, Englewood Ave. 66.05 Prec. 6 214 110 Hancock School, Hubbard Ave. 55,17 Free. 7 272 221 Hemline Playground, Snelling Ave. 58080 Prec. 8 127 89 Liquid Carbonic Corp. , Thomas Ave. 55.90 Prec. 9 237 18/ Tatum School, Clayland St. 56.83 Prec, 10 129 98 Baker School, Territorial Rd, 71087 Prec. 11 391 153 St. Anthony Park School, Knapp Ave, 74.96 Prec, 12 491 164 Murray High School, Buford 48. 51 Prec. 13 260 276 Tilden "chool, Albany Ave. 5110 Prec.. 14 256 -21-4.5 Chelsea Hts, School, }kwon St. 55.93 3336 2628 W a...1. 61005 Prec 1 58 37 Front Room-House 744 xustis 56.67 Prec. 2 170 130 Desnoyer Park School, Pelham Blvd. 59.16 Prec, 3 326 225 Fire Station, Snelling Ave. 59 ,33 Prec 4 302 207 Barracks, Selby Ave. (St,, Thomas Campus) 41.34 Prec. 5 74 105 Concordia College, Carroll Ave. 59. 54 Prec. 6 181 123 Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Roy St, 61..02 Prec. 7 119 76 Midway Ford Co. , University Ave. 6211 Prec 8 336 205 Longfellow School, Prior Ave. 57,73 Prec, 9 336 246 Ste Mary' s Church - Laurel Ave: 60,42 Prec. 10 200 131 Gordon School, Dayton Ave., 57,93 Prec. 11 314 228 Homeoroft School, Edgcumbe Rd. 60.82 Prec, 12 208 134 Fire Station, Ashland Ave . 60,95 Prec 13 334 214 Sons of Jacob Synagogue, Portland Ave, 58095 Preen 14 359 250 Grand Service Jarage, Grand Ave, 56.49 Prec, 15 348 268 Groveland Park School, St. Clair Ave. 64,97 Preco 16 434 234 Ramsey School, Grand Ave. 54.81 Prec. 17 2?9 230 Nativity School, Stanford Ave, 55,63 Prec. 18 158 126 St. Paul' s Parish House, Summit Ave, 63.46 Prec. 19 224 129 Maealester 3ymn, Snelling Ave. 52022 Prec. 20 282 258 Mattocks School, Macalester Ave. 44089 Prec 21 167 205 Lund and Lange Floral Shop', Snelling Ave. 46088 Prec. 22 293 332 Holy Spirit School, Randolph Ave. 64061 Prec 23 252 138 Cleveland Ave. Meth. Church, Cleveland Av 63.75 Prec. 24 401 228 St, Leo' s School, Kenneth Ave. 50072 Prec., 25 351 341 Telephone Bldg, , Fairview Ave, 62.75 Prec. 26 583 346 Horace Mann School, Eleanor Ave. 52.38 Prec., 27 308 280 American Legion Bldg. , Randolph Ave. 51.91 Prec. 28 231 214 Ste Therese School, S. Miss.Hiver Blvd. 62.E Prec. 29 489 294 Highland Park School, Saunders Ave. 5577 8117 593 + WARD 12, 58.10 Prec 1 190 137 Pilgrim Baptist Church, Central Ave. 53.28 Prec 2 211 185 Maxfield School, Victoria Ave, 51010 Free, 3 163 156 Hetfield-Queenan, Inc, Showroom,Universit 41.20 Prec 4 171 244 Fire Station, University Ave. 38069 Prec. 5 118 187 Playgrounds, W. Minnehaha 50083 Prec. 6 123 119 St. Andrew School, an Slyke Ave. 46,28 Prec. 7 112 130 Municipal Garage, Dale St, 43,31 Prec 8 136 178 McClelland School, Stinson St. 46..31 Prec 9 295 342 Como Park School, Wheelock Pkwy. 50045 Prec 10 222 218 Office, Bldg. 877 W. Minnehaha Ave. 51.19 Prec. 11 258 246 Emmaus Lutho Church, Idaho Ave. 4878 Preen 12 _21;,, -2.9.5. Maternity of Mary School, Dale St. 48. 33 2280 2437 ALL WARD TOTALS, 52.93 32058 28510