177568 • .Original to City Clerk Council 1rd No.17T;'PBB QxiiAeaoe No. ORDI 10774—By Robert T. C b An ordinance sraerditw OrdinatamI 1� 568 Nr 7606. IM/loved Febri v!,, mat,es 1 4 : ',tied entitled: j NO. • � J3 m yl.,.,to regw-kuog the PRESENTED BY &/%-, - -!4 4*m '`. } ICE NO. (0770 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 16606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, entitled: "An ordinance regulating the rates, dis- tribution and use of water, and establishing rules therefor, in the City of Saint Peal, Minnesota, and repealing Ordinance No. 6489, approved April 23, 1925, Ordinance NO. 6460, approved February 18, 1925, and Ordinance No. 7488, approved June 20, 1933"; This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in respect to the provisions of Section 5 thereof in the following particulars: (a) That there be and hereby is inserted in said Section 5 of said ordinance immediately following the first paragraph, the following supplemental paragraph: "Definition "Street services are defined as the pipe which extends from the street,main to the first stop ahead of the water meter, or in the case of an outside meter box, it shall be defined as extending t© the inside of the first building serviced, when such pipe is used for the conveyance of the public water supply for domestic, commercial or industrial uses only." (b) That there be and hereby is inserted in said Section 5 of said ordinance immediately following the second paragraph, the following supplemental paragraph: "The Water Department shall install all that part of the service from the street main to the property line. The balance of the service connection shall be installed and at all times maintained by the owner in accordance with Section 10 of this ordinance." (c) That the word "are" immediately following the words "The Board of Water Commissioners" in the fifth paragraph of said Section 5 be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom and that the word "is" be and the same hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken word. (d) That the words "a street service connection" immediately following the words "necessary repairs to" in the sixth paragraph of said Section 5 be and the same hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken words Yeas GkennOliwi a ,• Nays Passed by the Council Gibbons " i l_ __ Holland In Favor Marzitelli Mortinson Against Peterson Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1000 12-54 ofM1.8 ( 0770 the following words, "that part of the service installed by.it:in the. street". (e) That the words "the service connection" immediately following the words "or renewal of" in the seventh paragraph of said Section 5 be and the same hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken words, the following words, "that part of the service connection in the street". (f) That the entire eighth paragraph of said Section 5 be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken paragraph the following paragraph: "Failure of the owner either to order renewal of so much of the service as is in the street, or to order repairs made when notified after the expiration of the guarantee period-4 or failure at any time properly to maintain and keep in repair against water leakage so much of the service as is on private property shall be prima facie evidence that no further service is desired and shall be cause for the immediate discontinuance of the existing service and water supply." (g) That the entire eleventh paragraph of said Section 5 be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom. (h) That the entire schedule entitled "Schedule Price of Street Service Connections 'Copper" in said Section 5 be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken schedule, the following schedule and note: "SCHEDULE PRICE OF STREET SERVICE CONNECTIONS Width of Street 3/4" 1" 1*" 30' St. 55.00 60.00 95.00 2nd pipe 22.00 26.00 68.00 40' St. 60.00 65.00 112.00 2nd pipe 24.00 29.00 72.00 45' St. 65.00 75.00 120.00 2nd pipe 25.00 31.00 75.00 50' St. 75.00 80.00 125.00 2nd pipe 27.001 32.00 81.00 55' St. 85.00 90.00 135.00 2nd pipe 28.00 34.00 84.00 60' St. 95.00 100.00 140.00 2nd pipe 29.00 35.00 86.00 66' St. 100.00 110.00 150.00 2nd pipe 30.00 36.00 88.00 70' St. 105.00 115.00 156.00 2nd pipe 31.00 37.00 90.00 75' St. 110.00 120.00 165.00 2nd pipe 32.00 39.00 92.00 80' St. 115.00 125.00 175.00 2nd pipe 33.00 40.00 99.00 86.' St. 125.00 130.00 180.00 2nd pipe 34.00 42.00 101.00 -2- 177568 fo77o 90' St. 128.00 315.00 186.00 2nd pipe 35.00 43.00 104.00 100' St. 140.00 148.00 200.00 2nd pipe 38.00 47.00 108.00 120' St. 165.00 175.00 230.00 2nd pipe 43.00 52.00 116.00 160' St. 215.00 225.00 290.00 2nd pipe 52.00 65.00 138.00 1�0•0o Y m o 180' St. 2 320.00 ' 2nd pipe 56.00 70.00 148.00 200' St. 265.00 280.00 350.00 2nd pipe 60.00 75.00 160.00 • "* Note: Services installed in streets which have widths other than listed above will be priced proportionately. If street has 2 mains on opposite side of street, use schedule for street of one-half the width. Charges for tumble rock are to be made in addition to the regular schedule at the rates of $10 per short con- nection and $20 per long connection. Charges for solid rock excavation are to be made in addition to the regular schedule charges for the ser- vice installation and at the following rates per lineal foot: for solid rock excavation, $4.00 per foot; for average 5 foot depth of rock, $3.50 per foot; for average 2 foot depth of rock, $2.00 per foot. -Excavation for rock at other depth will be proportioned accordingly. The schedule of service connections shall include the cost of repairs to dirt or oiled surfaced streets. Where service connections are installed in streets which require openings in paved Streets, the following charges shall be added to the schedule or estimated costs of all services and shall be paid for at the time of application. For concrete surfaced streets, $30.00 for one (1) opening; $55.00 for two (2) openings, $80.00 for three (3) openings, and $20.00 each additional opening. For concrete base with surfaced top, $45.00 for one (1) opening; $85.00 for two openings; $120.00 for three (3) openings and $25.00 for each additional opening." (i) That the entire schedule entitled, "Schedule Price of Street Service Connections 'Lead," in said Section 5, and the note appended thereto, consisting of eight separate paragraphs, be and the same hereby are stricken therefrom. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in respect to the pro- visions of Section 6 thereof in the following particulars: (a) That there be and hereby is inserted in the third paragraph of said Section 6, immediately following the words "installed on", the following -3- 17/568 . /077. 7 words, "other than fire supply". (b) That the following words, "except as otherwise provided in Section 10" be and hereby are inserted in the tenth paragraph of said Section 6, immediately following the words "Water Department only" therein contained. (c) That paragraphs 11, 12, and 13, under the special title, "Damaged Meters" contained in said Section 6, exclusive of said special title, be and hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby are inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken paragraphs, the following paragraphs: "If meters are damaged either through neglect or carelessness of the consumer, the cost of repairs must be paid for by the consumer or owner. "The cost of ordinary maintenance and repairs will be borne by the Department. "In case of breakage, stoppage and/or other irregularity in to meter or the meter setting, the owner or consumer shall notify the Department immediately. "Meters damaged due to freezing will be repaired at the expense of the consumer or owner. "Meters which have been damaged due to hot water and which were installed with the required protective features will be repaired by the Department after the first damage from hot water. Subsequent damage due to hot water must be paid by the consumer or owner unless further protective measures are installed as required." (d) That the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth paragraphs under the subtitle "Cost of Repairs," contained in said Section 6, inclusive of said subtitle, be and hereby are stricken therefrom. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in respect to the pro- visions of Section 7 thereof in the following particulars: (a) That the words "one dollar" contained in the second sentence of the twenty-fourth paragraph of said Section 7, immediately following the words, "A charge of" therein contained, be and hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby are inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken words the following words, "three dollars". (b) That the twenty-fifth paragraph, under the subtitle "Stand-pipes," contained in said Section 7, be and hereby is stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken paragraph, the following paragraph: "Standpipes hereinafter installed in an unsprinklered building and to be used exclusively for fire protection purposes shall be considered as a fire supply and installed in accordance with this ordinance, except that a maximum of three (3) such standpipes may, with written permission, be supplied with water through the domestic service provided that the size of such standpipes shall be no larger than the size of the domestic water meter, and provided further that the building has no other fire protection service to which they can be connected." -4 [ ' .171568 10 770 (c) That the words "one dollar" contained in the second sen- tence of the twenty-seventh paragraph of said Section 7, immediately fol- lowing the words "A charge of" therein contained, be and hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby are inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken words the following words, "three dollars". Section A.. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in respect to the pro- visions of Section 9 thereof in the following particulars: That the words and figure "one (1) dolime contained in the first sentence of the fifteenth paragraph of said Section 9, immediately following the words "the charge of" therein contained, be and hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby are inserted therein in place and stead of said sttckenrds and figure, the following words and figure, "three (3) dollars". Section 5. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in respect to the pro- visions of Section 10 thereof in the following particulars: (a) That the word "estimated" contained in the sixth paragraph of said Section 10, be and hereby is stricken therefrom and that the words "total market" be and hereby are inserted there in in place and stead of said stricken word. (b) That the words "the State of Minnesota Plumbing Code and is licensed by the State Board of Health" contained in the seventeenth paragraph of said Section 10, be and hereby are stricken therefrom and that the words "this code" be and hereby are inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken words. (c) That the words "For the purposes of this Section" be and hereby are inserted at the beginning of the first line of the twenty-third paragraph of said Section 10, under the subdivision titled "Services", and that said inserted words shall represent a supplemental initial phrase of said paragraph. (d) That immediately following the words, "check valve" contained in the seventieth paragraph of said Section 10, the comma therein be stricken therefrom and that the words:afid:<punctuation "mark, "when required," be inserted therein in place and stead of said first mentioned comma stricken; therefrom. (e) That immediately following the seventy-fourth paragraph con- tained in said Section 10, entitled "Curb or Yard Meter Settings," there shall be and hereby is inserted therein as a supplemental paragraph, the following paragraph: "Removal of Meters yes "No meter shall be removed by other than an employee of the Water Department or, in the case of emergency, change of location or to drain the system by a plumber. When the meter has been removed for such reason it shall be reset or a spacer pipe inserted and the Water Department notified of such action immediately. It shall be unlawful to break the seal on any meter except for the purposes above indicated. A charge of Three ($3.00) Dollars shall be made for the turn on which shall include resetting and/or resealing of the meter." (f) That the seventy-fifth paragraph contained in said Section 10, entitled, "Meters, Shut-off Valves" be and the same hereby is stricken there- from and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken paragraph, the following paragraph: -5- - Original to City Clerk i r `: ORDINANCE 17756 COUNCIL FILE NO. 8 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /e 7 70 "Meters. Shut-off Valves "Each service shall be provided with two (2) shut-off valves placed in close proximity to the meter. On services two inches an&emaller the valves shall be guaranteed for a working pressure of not less than 125 lbs. water pressure, of virgin alloy of copper, tin, lead and zinc (85-5-5-5), having a full opening for maximum flow volume, and accurately machined for tight closing, capable of repacking under pressure when fully opened or closed, and provided with suitable attached handwheel. The valve on the house side of the meter shall have a drain. On services larger than two (2) inches the valves shall be double disc all bronze or iron body . bronze mounted. All valves shall be stamped or identified as to size and manufacturer's name or trademark. All valves shall be as approved by the Board." (g) That in the eightieth paragraph contained in said Section 10, immediately following the words, "second shut-off" there shall be and hereby are inserted the following supplemental words: "except when the hot water tank is equipped with a fully automatic pressure temperature relief valve as hereinafter specified." (h) That the following language contained in the eighty-first par- agraph of said Section 10, "temperature and pressure relief valve (either sepa- rately or in combination)" be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom and that there shall be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken language the following language, "self-closing combination pressure-temperature relief valve". (i) That the following language contained in the eighty-second par- agraph of said Section 10, "Temperature or" be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom. (j) That the following language, "when permitted separately" shall be and hereby is inserted in the eighty-fourth paragraph of said Section 10, immediately following the language, "Pressure relief valves" therein contained. (k) That the word "or" immediately following the word "pressure" . contained in the eighty-fifth paragraph of said Section 10, be and the same _. hereby is stricken\therefrom and that there shall be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken word a hyphen, "-". Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. MAY 91956 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Gibbons.. " 3111111111116:4 Ho , In Favor Marzitelli Mortinson Against Peterson M President (Dillo. (SAY 9 1956 win Approve a Attest: e, i ' lir , . / 4 i City Clerk Mayor 2TJBLISHEI7���-5��0 . 41,1000 s • tAlf jL/ Q l�G 44u iu+.eL r 1 I Or aitbit e4 -gru. L. • Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 177568 COUNCIL FILE NO. 'RESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 7 0 "Metertla Sat- ft vittiV313 "Each service sahell be provided with two (2) shutoff valves placed in doe* proximity to the meter. On services two inches and smaller the valves shall be guaranteed for a working pressure of not less than 125 lbs. water premiere, of virgin alloy of copper, tin, lead and zinc (85-5-‘5-5), having a full opening for maxlamm flow volume, and accurately machined for tight closing, capable of repacking under pr satire when Pally opened or closed, and provided with Imitable attached handwheel. The Vallta on the house aide of the meter shall have a drain* On services larger than two (2) inches the valves hall be double disc all bronze or iron body bronze mounted. all valves shall be stamped or identified as to else and manufacturer's name or trademark. All valves shall be as approved by the Board." (g) That in the eightieth paragraph contained in said Section 10, immediately following the words, "second shutoff" there shall be and hereby are inserted the following supplemental words "except when the hot water tank is equipped with a fully automatic pressure temperature relief valve as hereinafter specified." (h) That the following language contained in the eighty-first par. agraph of said Section 10, "temperature and pressure relief valve (either sepa- rately or in combination !' be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom and 'that there shall be and hereby is inserted. therein in place and stead of said stricken language the following language, "self-closing combination pressure-temperature relief valve". (i) That the following language contained in the eighty-second par- agraph of said. Section 10, "Temperature or" be and the same hereby ill stricken therefrom. (j) That the following language, *when permitted separately" ehall be and hereby is inserted_in the eighty-.fourth paragraph of said Section 10, immediately following the language, "Pressure relief valves" therein contained. (k) That the word "or" immediately following the word "pressure" contained in the eighty-fifth paragraph of said Section 10, be and the same hereby is stricken *erefrom as that there shall be and hereby is inserted therein in. place and stead- of said et21.eken word a hyphen, "..". Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the prenervation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effeat and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. MAY 9 1956 teas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun 'I Gibbons Holland In Favor Marzitelli Mortinson Against Peterson Mr.President (Dillon) MAY 91956 Approved: ,ttest: City Clerk Mayor 00 12-54 Duplicate to Printer - ORDINANCE 177568 COUNCIL FILE NO. 'RESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. I 0 4']4 ( 7( An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7606, approved February H, 1935, as amendedf entitled; "An ordinance regulating the rates, diems tribution and use of water, and establishing rules therefor, in the City of Saint Paul) 14inneaata;, and repealing Ordinance No. 6489, approved April 23, 1925, Ordinance No 6460, approved February 18, 1925, and Ordinance No. 7488, approved June 20, 1933"; This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TUB CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in respect to the provisions of Section 5 thereof in the following particulars: (a) That there be and hereby is inserted in said Section 5 of said ordinance immediately following the first paragraph, the following supplemental paragraphs "Definition "Street services are defined as the pipe which - extends from the street main to the first stop ahead of the water meter, or in the case of aa outside meter box, it shall be defined as extending to the inside of the first building serviced, when such pipe is used for the conveyance of the public water supply for domestic, commercial or industrial uses only." (b) That there be and hereby is inserted in said. Section 5 of said ordinance immediately following the second paragraph, the following supplemental paragraph: "The Water Department shall install all that part of the servic a from the street main to the properti line. The balance of the service connection shall be installed and at all times maintained by the owner in accordance with Section 10 of this ordinance." (c) That the word .."are" immediately following the words "The Board of Water Commissioners" in the fifth paragraph aof said Section 5 be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom and that the word "ie"' be and the same hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken word. (d) That the words "aa street service connection" immediately following the words "necessary repairs to" in the sixth paragraph of said Section 5 be and the same hereby .:re stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken words 'eas Conn Nays Passed by the Council Gibbons o and Tn Favor Marzitelli Mortinson Against Peterson Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: ttest: City Clerk Mayor 0 12-59 _7 X)68 (0770 • the following words, "that part of the service tsta ed by::it in:thee street".. (e) "hat the words *the, service connection" , diateli following the words "or renewal of* in the seventh paragraph of said Section 5 be and the same hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said ,stricken.words,. the following words, *that part of the service. connection'in the street*. (f) That the entire eighth paragraph of said Section 5 be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken paragraph the following paragraph; "Failure of the owner either to order renewal of so much of the service as is In the street, or to order repairs made when notified after the expiration of•the guarantee period;,or failure at any tine properly to maintain and keep in repair against water leakage no much of the service as is on priva,.te property shall. be prima facie evidence that no further'service is desired and shall. be cause for the immediate discontinuance of the existing service and water supply.* (g) That the entire eleventh paragraph of said S ection 5 be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom. (h) That the entire sched a entitled *Scheme Price. of Street Service Connections 'Copper** in .said`Sectione 5 be and the same hereby is stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted theerein in place and stead Of said stricken schedule, the following schedule and note: "SCHEDULE P P1 E OF am= smut COMMONS Width of Street 3/4* , 301 St. 55000 60.00 95.00 2nd pipe 22.00 26.00 68.00 401 St. 60.00 65.00 112.40 2nd pipe 24.00 29000 72.00 450 St. 65.E 75.00 120.00 2nd pipe 31..00 75.00 50' St. 75.E 80..00 125.00 2nd pipe 27.00 32.00 81.00 55' St. 85.00 90.00 155.00 2nd pipe 28.00 34.00 84.00 60 a St. 9540 100.09 140.00 2nd pipe 29.00 35.00 86.00 661, St. 1°4).4° 110.0E 150.00 2nd pipe .00 36.00 88.00 70' St. 105.00 115000 .. 1 000 2nd pipe 31.00 37.E 90.00 75' St. 110.00> 120.00 165.00 2nd pipe 32.030 39. 3 92.00 80' St. 115.00 125.00 175.00 2nd pipe 33.E A0000 99.00` S61 St. 12:5.00 13O.0 10,0000 2nd pipe 34.00 42.00 101.00 »2 , 177568 /O ?70 /3J-0o eel St. 8.00 / 186.000 2nd pipe 35. 43 00 .00 104.00 1001 St. 140.00 148.00 200.00 2nd pipe 38.00 47.00 108.00 120f St. 165.00 175.00 230,00 2nd pipe 43.00 52.00 116.00 1600 St. 215.00 225.00 290.00 2nd pipe 52.00 65.00 138.013 1801 St. .00.. 320.00 2nd pipe 56.00 70.00 148.00 2001 St, 265.00 280.00 350,00; 2nd pipe 60.00 75.00 160.00 "i' Note: Services i.n,stal. eed in streets which have widths other than listed above will be,priced proportionately. If street has 2 main on opposite side of street, use schedule for street Of one-half the width. Charges for tueble,roek are to be made in, addition to the regular schedule at the rates of 10. per short con- nection and'$20 per long connection. Charges for solid rock excavation are to be made in addition'to the regular ,sched e 'Charges for the sew-- vice installation and at the following rates per lineal foots for solid rock emettvatien, U•00 per foot; for average 5 foot depth of rock, $3,50 per foot; for average 2 foot depth of rock, $2.00 per foot. Excavation for rock at other depth will be proportioned accordingly. The schead 1e of service connections shall include the ` cost of ' 'r ; to dirt or,oiled surfaced streets. Where service connection* are installed in streets which require openings in paved streets, the following charges shall be added to the schedule or-estimated costs of''' all services and shall be paid for at the time of appication. For concrete surfaced streets, $30,00 for one (1) openingl $55,00 for two (2) openings, $80.00 for three (3) openings, and', $2o..00 each additional opening. For concrete base vith surfaced top, $45.00 for one (1), 0PeningV t85.00 for two openings; :20,.00 'for three (3) openings and $25.00 for each additional opening." (i) Thati + tire sola�e 'ent : ,ed, °achede price of Street Service Connections 'Lead" ins ction 5, and the note appended thereto, consisting of eight separate paraaphs,• be. and the same hereby are stricken therefrom. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further,,amended i a respect to the pro- /legions of Section 6 thereof lh the follt .ng -partic .ars: (a) That there be and hereby is inserted in the third paragraph, of said Section 6, immediately following the words "installed one, the following • _3 - Dt) 1 fo770 words, "other than fire supply". (b) That the following vorde, "except as otherwise provided in Section 10" be and hereby are inserted in the tenth paragraph of said Section 6, immediately following the words "Water Department only" therein contained.. (c) That paragraphs 11, 12, and 13, under the special title, "Damaged Meters" contained in said Section 6, exclusive of said especial title, be and hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be andeherebywarare inserted tedhst therein in place and stead sef,said stricken para�grap i "If meters are damaged either through neglect or carelessness of the consumer, the cost of repairs must be paid for by the consumer or owner. "The cost of ordinary maintenance 'end repairs will be borne by the Department. "In ease of breakage, stoppage and/or other irregularity in the meter or the meter setting, the owner or 'co nsumer shall notify the Department immediately. "Meters damaged due to freezing will be repaired at the expense of the consumer or owner. °Meters which have been damaged due to hot water and which were installed with the required protective features will be repaired by the Department after the first damage from hot water. Subeequent damage due to hot water must be paid-by the consumer or owner unless further protective measures are installed as required." • (d) That the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth paragraphs under the subtitle "Cost of Repairs," contained in said Section 6, inclusive of said subtitle, he and hereby are stricken therefrom. wetstion 3. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1933, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in respect to the pro- visions of Section 7 thereof in the following particulars: (a) That the words "one dollar" conta`ned 3n the second sentence of the twenty-foutth paragraph of said 'Section 7, Immediately following the words, "A charge of" therein contained, be and hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby are inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken words the following words, "three dollars°. (b) That the twenty-fifth paragraph, under the subtitle-"Stand-pipes," contained in said Section 7, be and hereby is strioken therefrom and that there be and hereby is inserted therein in place and stead of said stricken paragraph, the following paragraph: "Standpipes hereinafter installed in an uneprinklered building and to be used exclusively for fire protection purposes shall be considered as a fire supply and installed in accordance with this ordinance, except that a maximum of three (3) such standpipes may, with written permission, be supplied with water through the domestic service provided that the size of such standpipes shall be no larger than the size of the domestic water meter, and provided further that the building has no other fire protection service to which they can be connected." -4- 1'7X568 / 0 . r0 That the 'words "one dollar* contained in the second Ben- I 7 7 tenco of the twenty-seventh paragraph of said Section 7, immediately fol- lowing the words "A charge of" therein contained, be and hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be and hereby are inserted therein in place and stead of .eaid stricken words the following words, "threw dollars*. Section 4. That Ordinance No. 7606,, approved February S, 1935, as amended, be and the se is hereby further amended in respect to the pro- visions of Section 9 thereof in the following .particulars: That the words and fie "tine (1) doll*! contained in the first sentence of the fifteenth pm ' graph of said Section 1,, immediately following the words "the charge of" rein contained, ite, and hereby are stricken therefrom and that there be esnd,hereby ere inserted therein in place and - stead of said • rds and figure, the following words and figure, "three (3) dollars". • Section 5. That Ordinance Naa. 7606, approved February S, '1935, as amended, be and the same i$ hereby further amended in respect to the pro- visions of Section 1D thereof in the `following particulars: (a) That the word "estima'ted" con ned in the sixth paragraph; of said Section 10, be and hereby is, Stricken therefrom and' that the words "total market" be and hereby are inserted;there/AT-in n place and stead of said stricken word. (b) That the words *the State of Minnesota 'Insibing Code end is licensed by the State Board 4f a�th", ntai~at ,i n the seventeenth • .paragraph of said Section 10,. be's hex y are ;itr , sen therefrom .01011 that the words "this cod " beanhereby a e`in erted therein in place and stead, of said stricken wordaa,e (c) That the wor '"b r t p ses of this Section* be and d• hereby are inserted at the be inns nr of the first line of the twenty-third' • paragraph of said Section 10, under the subdivision ti ty ed: "Services"",,•and;•that said inserted words ehaall, repre' tea supplemental initial phrase., of said paragraph. (d) ' That lately 'ol ng', wordas.,a otheck valve" contained •in the seventieth ,parch of ct on 1: ,. the 0.01048 therein be striv e therefrom .and that the wow$ ,na ,, ."When required,* be inserted therein in place ema std,.;of said first mentioned comma stricken therefrom.. (a) •That immediately f@ .l c i 'the seventy-fourth paragraph coo- ;tained in said Section lt4a, entitled 4'C it or Yard Neter Settings," there shall be and hereby is, inserted;th in as. a s aplementail paragraph, the following paragraph: "No meter: l ,be armed otheer than employee • of the 1Tater Dep V:or, in a of emergency, change of, location"ar , 4dz as a sys y a"lusher.. ' nen the meter been;removed for -such reason•it.it shall be reset or a spacer pipe inserted a ``the 'Niter pePertmient notified oaf . such action immediateUs It s} l b.e unlawful, to break the seal on any'sweeter ezaOt for the p sse,s aebove iaadi eaate « A car a of a .tears ashes` be' for the ,on which. shall inciu + rdei tti 4aae oar` resea li of the meter.e (f) That,,the seventy-;fifth paragraph contained in said Section 10 entitled,, etere, Shut-off .Valves" be and•the same hereby is stricken -oars,: from and that there bhp and hereby is inserted therein in places and stead of said stricken paragraph, the following paragraph • ' 1 2n Laid over to , 1 - dopted .- q 3rd and app. Yeas /Nays Yeas Nays Gibbous n ibbons alvors Hah-o __Oland olland arzitelli 7D arzitelli /Morn on ortinson /Peterson eterson '/ VMC. President Dillon r. President Dillon citl'S 177568