10-56Council File # /0 ��
Green Sheet#3092536
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Pazks and Recrearion, through its Adaprive Recrearion Program offers many events, classes or acriviries
during the year; and
WHEREAS, the public purpose of these zvents is for the Saint Paul residents to experience recrearion, educarion, fun self-
esteem, self-reliance, a sense of social belonging and the eliminarion of boredom and loneliness and
WHEREAS, many of the events, classes and acrivities are centered around the production of ineals and/or have food as part of
the acrivity, Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation requesu permission to purchase food for the events (see attached sheet); and
WHEREAS, these Adaptive Recrearion Program events aze scheduled throughout 2010 and requize staff to participate working
NQW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation is authorized to purchase food for the Adaprive
Recrearion Programs offered and authorize staff workiug the events to participate in meals and other food offexed.
Requested by, Department of: Parks and
Approved by
By: _�/
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary gy;
By: i
Approve y Ma} � ate � 7 �
' ub ' io to Coi ncil
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
I /I -�iD
DepartmenU�ce/Council: Date Initiated: �
PR_ParksandRecreation �gDEC2009 Green Sheet NO: 3092536
Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person InifiallDate
EVSentY y �.0 �azksandRecreatioo 0
793-6634 1 azksaodRecreation ➢e arlmentDirector ��.
ASSign 2 ' Attorne CityAt[orneY I �
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number
� For 3 nancial Services ,��
ROUting 4 a or's OfGce —
Doa Type: RESOLUTION Order 5 nncil 0 I
6 " C7erk
E-DOCUment Required: Y 7 arks and Recreation � Ev Senty
DocumentContact; EvSenly
Contact Phone: 793-6634
Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip AII Locations for Signature)
ACtion Requested:
Approve Councd Resolurion with Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation authorizing Ciry officiats [o participate in Adaptive Recreation
events and classes where food is served.
Recommentlations: Apprrne (A) or Rejeci (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever woriced under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirm possess a skilt not normally possessetl by arry
Current cily employee?
Yes No
Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
These events or classes aze centered around the produc[ion of ineals or to have food at the activiry. Currenfly there aze 16 named
events or classes wlvch meet multiple times per yeaz. These activiries and classes are part of the Adaptive Reczeation prograzns
offered to Saint Paul residents for the purpose of recreation, education, fun, self-esteem, self-reliance, a sense of social belonging and
the elimination of boredom and loneliness.
Advantages If Approved:
Pardcipan[s will have the opportuniry to participate fully in activifies and not feel they are isolated by staff:
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Activiries may have to be changed so that food is not included in the activity - wluch would ruake the ac6vity less appealing.
7oWlAmountof CosURevenue 8ud eted:
Transaction: 9
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Financial Information:
(Explain) �
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December 18, 2009 1029 AM Page 1 �'�� ,�� �'° ° E�`�
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Adaptive Recreation
Activities Where Pood is Prepared andlor Served
Projected for 2010
4 Weekend Camping Trips (48 hours long) 5 meals and various snacks prepped and served.
1 fast food meal on return trip home. Staff eats with
clients, after they have been served.
End of Season Bowling Banquets.
throughout the year
Catered mea1. Staff eats only after all clients have
been served
1 End of Season Basketball Banquet
1 End of Season Softball Team Picnic
Spring Fling Dance
End of Summer Dance
Halloween Dance
Build, Bake and Eat Pizza
(1— 4 times per year)
No-Cook Cooking Class
(# of times vary per year)
Bowling Classic Tournament
(1 to 2 times per year)
Teen Program
(1 time per month)
Catered meal. Staff eats with clients.
Prep and Serve Food, staff eats with clients
Serve Cookies & Apple Cider (or Crystal Lite)
Serve Cookies & Apple Cider (or Crystal Lite)
Serve Cookies & Apple Cider (or Crystal Lite)
Eat what has been prepped, only after all clients
have been served
Eat what has been prepped, only after all clients
have been served
Catered meal. Staff eats only after clients have been
Occasionally the activity may include cooking or
food may be offered, staff eats with clients
Cookie Bake & Take Cookies prepped and baked at the activity and
(2 times a year) clients take home. Clients may also sasnple a
cookie of their choice at the activity, occasionally
staff will also sample a cookie too.
Walking Club Juice after the walk. Staff may also have juice, after
(8 - 10 times a summer) all clients have been served.
Adaptive Recreation
Activities Where Food is Prepared and/or Served
Boat Trip Lunch is included in the entry fee of the activity,
(1 time per year) which is paid by us to cover the staffing of the
activity -- staff still do not eat unril all clients have
been served
(# of times offered vary
throughout the year)
Pop and popcorn are provided during this activity.
Train Ride Dinner is included in the entry fee of the activity
which is paid by us to cover the staffing of the
activity. Staff do not eat until all clients have been
Occasionally, there may be other programs added to our calendar of activities which include
food. As always, the staff do not eat until all clients have been served.