D001976CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI� MAYOR ��� � 1 ��/ No: 6 � ! ,D ADI�IINISTRATIVE ORDER � D�: �-��,� ADMIriIS'IRATIVE ORDER, That the ptoper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreements with the Landmazk Center and other vendors as needed to provide services to the Division of Pazks and Recreation in connection with the Iionored Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, Tuesday, AprIl 24, 2001, honoring division volunteers, at a cost not to exceed $8,000. Funding code: 325-23144 �� APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistam City Attorney Date ��;���1�- a?�J.�/ Adminishavve Arda..�* to Mayor AK � AQ� TQ � DFSh�dMENT/OFFlCE/COVNQL � Parks and Recreaxion CONTAtt PQiSON AND MONE inda Uirich 266-6418 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGEIIDA BV �DATq TOTAL J OF SIONAiURE PAGFS DATEINITATm I GREEN SHEET 1-26-01 � s � �aa�9��, NO. 106662 INITIA4DATE 59GN NUMB£A FOIfIHiG OflOEH 7 DEPAFiTMENT0IRECTOR 2 GT'ATTOFWEY� 3 RNANCIALSERVIGESDIA. � MAYOH �Ofl ASSISiM1T1 CtIP ALL IDGAiIONe FOR bIdYA11NE) INITALiDATE � CITV CoUNCIL 4 an a.mic ❑ RNANG/d SEqY/ACCTG ��Lf18f ACTtON REQUESTID: Approval of 58,000 funding for Honored Volunteer Dinner, on April 24, 2001 at the Landmark Center. RECOMMENDATONS: Appmve IA) or Ftqect �RI _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ p6 COMMIiTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A Staff IN�TIATING PflOBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY 1Who. NTat, When. Where, Whyl: re�soxw. sewwE eormncTS � wawein�wuomnrw uuFSnoxs: 1. Hae tltis pene�JFlrm avm waketl vde� a caMrM }x thif deD�<M7 YES NO 2. Hss tltis Ca�aml�+rm nvw been a uty em9bY� YES NO 3. Daas this peraoN�rm O�+aWI� no[ normally pwsened by any eurrcnt eiry <mployee� VES NO 4. la ihis pera�rm � terpetetl verdor? YES NO Fxpldw a9 YN wwan on aeqs�eh �heat and ateech to 9reen shaat. Oppottunity to recognize specific volunteers who have been se,lected as outstanding contributors who share their time and talents in Saint Paul by volunteering for the Division of Parks and Recreation. nDVANiAGESIFAPPROVFD: Volunteers wili have a stronger sense of value of donating their time to the City of Saint Paul and our neighborhoods. DVSA�VANTAGES VF qPPROVED: None. iy ' v; � a �, � �<<-._ `, � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED Vofunteers may feei less inclined to volunteer their time and talents if they are not recognized and appreciated for their eiforts. i�TALAMOUNT�PTftANSAQION S SH.00O COSTiAEVENUEBUDGETEpIC�RCLEONEI YES NO FUNpNG50UitCE 325-23144 ACTIVITYMUMBBt �����YKCT'1 � iiNMlGIAL INFORMATION: (E%PlP1N1 �... �,. �.. :_"� �, ` � �L�RFC �� H: yrojectsl VOLBANQ I GS. va/banq.01. wpd