178600 G-322 1786100 Council No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a ! and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followingpublic improvement 12y the City of Saint Paul.viz.: _ fr iiiiidaandre snt toiling an..easement far tit* -pie: ef`_ serditirattimi amt.. mmin*aiM4ng > piblie sewer en, under and across a strip of land 4 ft. in width em belt - sch 3' it ! � twee''and-to-the met" sf they stt. -. -_ fen 26,E Township 19, a 23 frog the alley in 1 j, Miro HS Addition, to Avenue, the eater line of said strip IS loSitibild Beginning at a point on the southwesterly liner of the aUet in b ,e r f wars & Hoopes Addition, 4 ft, northwesterly of the intersection of the"i •. ' between Lots 33 and Sit on t e se uthweeterly line of the alley; thence on a line which is parallel to and 4 ft, frost the lot line between Lots 33 and air and the extension thereof to Como Avenue. ,440,00Pdari,n8 and..talc a.. ? t7,l sasm t for construction purposes on ' f 110W A p of "' ft.` "ix!`rldt$ o the rt ►sterly aids of the easement in Int 33, Block 3, Ware & Hespes Addition, and in the Southeast of the Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23. f et ir* Immg 3'ft; ' ';h on, southamstsrlraids"of t 1/tot-try Nos e t Swaim hewer p-- 9e Amor$3, trinklia.of "lard f i ok . aestthiltntiewir erg"the in ?, ,"''fit riinttsiw k ffamites hiettion• ,t 6 .• 64..* the northwesterly a►este rly 6 ft. of Lot Sit in Block 3, Ware I Hospes Addition, 0011 *101.4111.1, Ittet i westerly 111* bis °111, ak 3,'Ware-k,*napes Additoiwno RoJAr,, is paira.uu w anu 4 r. Zrvm 47.0s.,Q01419014 I+Dis.•33. ,-j4 .* 'fie extension"thereof to Coro Arsxine.` nsogionning ad.t altiaeg ,a temporary;*comsat for,construction purposes on the following: A stri1p�. of land 8 ft.: is width, on,the northwesterly side of the eanerent in tot 3#, Block 3, flare k Hesps. Addition, and in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 23. Also a strip of land 8 ft, in width on the southeasterly side of the easement in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 26, Township 29, Range 239 and a stop of .40, 2 0► 41 width on the southeasterly side of the easement in Lot 33, Block 3,. ire A Hoopes Addition. Also the northwesterly 6 ft, of Let 3e in Block 3, Tare & Hospes Addition, from the alley to the westerly line of Lot 34, Block 3, Ware 4 Hospes Addition. 8000 7-54 ® N■_J