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l�lri`lnal to City Clerk •
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PRESENTED BY �41 / / tau Board
WHEREAS, the Board of Freeholders has submitted to the Council a
proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that a special election is hereby ordered to be held in
the manner provided by law, in said City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on
Tuesday, August 7 ,1956, for the purpose of submitting to the electors
of .said City the question of ratifying and adopting the proposed amend-
ment to the Charter, submitted by said Board of Freeholders; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed
to cause the full text of said proposed amendment to be published as re-
quired by law, once a week for four (4) weeks, in a newspaper of general
circulation in the City of Saint Paul, which newspaper shall have an
aggregate regular paid circulation of at least 25,000 copies, and which
newspaper shall be printed and published in the City of Saint Paul, viz,
the St. Paul Dispatch, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Election
Expense Account of the General Fund; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give
notice of said election in the manner provided by law, and that the
registration records on file in the Registration and Election Bureau of
the CityClerk's office shall be used as provided by law; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are authorized and
directed to prepare the necessary printing, stationery, and election
supplies, the cost thereof, together with all expenses of said election,
to be paid out of the Election Expense Account of the General Fund, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed t
to give such notice and do whatever else is necessary for the submission
of said proposed amendment at said election in the manner prescribed by law.
JUN 2 91
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas DeCourcy Nays
Titi 2 9 i
fittEmmm Approved 195
Holland • '
Marzitelli In Favor
Mortinson Mayor
Peterson Against 1.
Mr.President, Dillon
5M 6-55 .4110.2
PUBLISHED Co- 30-`5 6
-,uplicate to Printer 7 a
J 7 7
WIEREAS, the Board of Freeholders has submitted to the Council a
proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that a special election is hereby ordered to be held in
the manner provided by law, in said City of Saint Paul, Ninnesota, on
Tuesday, Kie,( 7,(,;! -2 ,l956, for the purpose of submitting to the electors
of said City4/the question of ratifying and adopting the proposed amend-
ment to the Charter, submitted by said i$oard of Freeholders; be it
FURTtTER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed
to cause the full text of said proposed amendment to be published as re-
quired by law, once a week for four (4) weeks, in a newspaper of general
circulation in the City of Saint Paul, which newspaper shall have an
aggregate regular paid circulation of at least 25,000 copies, and which
newspaper shall be printed and published in the City of Saint Paul, viz,
the St. Paul Dispatch, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Election
Expense ccount of the General Fund; be it
FURTiTER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give
notice of said election in the manner provided by law, and that the
registration records on file in the Registration and Election bureau of
the CityClerkis office shall be used as provided by law; be it
FURTIF,J: RESOLVD, that the proper city officers are authorized and
directed to prepare the necessary printing, stationery, and election
supplies, the cost thereof, together with all expenses of said election,
to be paid out of the 4lection Expense Account of the General Fund, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed t
to give such notice and do whatever else is necessary for the submission
of said proposed amendment at said election in the manner prescribed by law.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays
*Wcamscm Approved 195_
Marzitelli In Favor
&WW1 Against
Mr. President, Dillon
,M 6 5 5 • •2
ry • _ .y
The annexed is a draft of a proposed amendment to be
made to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, made, framed
and adopted by the Board of Freeholders of the City of Saint Paul,
appointed pursuant to Section 36, Article 4 of the Constitution of
the State of Minnesota, and the laws and statutes enacted pursuant
thereto; and said draft of said proposed amendment is hereby
transmitted to you as Chief Executive of the City of Saint Paul
signed by the undersigned majority of said Board, to be submitted
to the qualified voters of said. City for ratification in the manner
provided by law.
Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 2 F day of
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Proposed Charter Amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul
, Amend Sec. 201 to read: - •
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"Sec. 201 - The total cost of government, including schools, of the City of
Saint Paul in any one calendar or fiscal year shall not exceed the following,
I. To meet all school expenditures the sum of Twenty-five Dollars
and fifty cents ($25.50) per capita for each inhabitant of said city plus
one-tenth (1/10th) of one cent per capita for each resident pupil in average
daily attendance, as reported by the Board of Education to the State of
Minnesota for the purpose of obtaining basic school aids, for the school year
prior to the fiscal year for which the budget is being prepared in excess of
36,225, the number of resident pupils in average daily attendance for the .
school year 1954-1955, exclusive of:
a. Sums required to pay principal and interest upon bonds, levy certi-
ficates, or similar obligations issued for school purposes, together with ex-
penditures made from the proceeds thereof for other than current operation
and maintenance.
b. Sums required by State Law for teachers' retirement appropriations.
c. All receipts from Federal and State School Aids, departmental
receipts and revenues, and all revenues, miscellaneous taxes and gifts now
or hereafter dedicated to or intended for school purposes.
At least Two and 50/100 Dollars ($2.50) per capita of the amount appro-
priated each year for school expenditures shall be reserved for and may be
expended for instructional supplies, equipment, maintenance, upkeep and re-
modeling of buildings and equipment, or new construction. Any part of said
reserve not expended in any year shall be carried forward and be added to the
appropriation made in subsequent years for remodeling school buildings, new
construction or for school debt retirement.
II. To meet the cost of the City Government and departments, other than
schools, the sum of Thirty-Nine Dollars and Fifty Cents ($39.50) per capita
for each inhabitant of said city, exclusive of:
a. Sums appropriated to pay principal and interest upon bonds, levy
certificates, or similar obligations, together with expenditures made from
the proceeds thereof for other than current operation and maintenance.
b. The cost of operating public utilities, parking meters, garbage
or refuse collections and disposal to the extent that the cost is met by
revenues collected from patrons for the service or from other like revenue.
c. Sums appropriated for pension and retirement funds and for the
Metropolitan Airports Commission.
d. The city's share of the cost of conducting the activities of the
Board of Public Welfare of the County of Ramsey,
e. The cost of local improvements paid for by special assessments.
At least Six Hundred Thousand dollars ($600,000.00) of the amount appro-
priated for the cost of the city government, other than schools, shall be ex-
pended in each year in paying the city's share of the cost of street paving,
1- -2-
construction of trunk or main sewers, and bridges, including right of way,
and if any part of said Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000.00) shall not
be so appropriated, it shall be used to pay interest on bonds as a part of
the cost of government within the Thirty-nine Dollars and Fifty Cents (39,50)
per capita limitation.
III. Of the aggregate per capita limitation of Sixty-five Dollars ($65.00)
per capita plus one-tenth (1/10) of one cent per capita above provided no more
than Twenty-five Dollars and Fifty Cents ($25.50) per capita plus one tenth
(1/10) of one cent per capita, as provided in paragraph (I) of this section
may be provided by tax levy on real and personal property for school expendi-
tures and no more than Twenty-seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($27.50) per. capita
may be provided by tax levy on real and personal property for the cost of the
city government and departments other than schools.
IV. To secure additional revenues the Council shall have the power, by
ordinance, to assess, levy and collect taxes for general or special purposes
on all subjects or objects which the city may lawfully tax, except an ad
valorem tax on real and personal property and except a sales or excise tax on
clothing, food, rent or fuel, and except an income tax or payroll tax.
V. The Council shall have no authority to make appropriations, in
excess of the limitations named herein; provided, however, that notwithstand-
ing any limitation in Section 236 or other provisions of this Charter, the
Council shall have authority to contribute out of the general funds of the
city or out of the proceeds of bond issues toward the payment of the cost of
trunk or main sewers.
VI. To determine the population upon which these per capita limita-
tions shall be based, the Comptroller and the Council shall take the United
States census figures of population for St. Paul last announced previous to
completion of any annual budget, and shall add thereto for each year that
has elapsed since said United States census a number equal to one tenth (1/10)
of the increase in the population of the City of Saint Paul during the period
between said census and the last previous United States census,
VII. Regardless of other provisions of this charter specifying dates
for the adoption of budgets the City Council in the year 1956 shall have
authority to adopt by resolution an amended budget for school expenditures
and an amended budget for all other city expenditures subject to the limita-
tions contained in this section, submitted by the City Comptroller and the
Council is hereby empowered to finance such amended budget by the use of any
surplus in the general fund as of January 1, 1956 to the extent of $550,000.00
for school purposes and to the extent of $275,000.00 for all other city purposes.
Page -3-
VIII. Regardless of other provisions of this charter the Comptroller in
the year of 1956 shall transtit to the City Council not later than September
1, 1956 a budget for school expenditures and a budget for all other city ex-
penditures for the year of 1957, and the City Council shall hold public hear-
ings on said budget from day to day for not less than ten days.
IX. This amendment will take effect and be in force immediately upon