178515 a• j _ N
•'Original to City Clerk
• ORDINANCE ,: .. ,.
i ,ems ° " `
,'-'- '41),,!,,i4 rw,1 ,Y 'r �Y #a,y"
N v.,,,1114, -440k, -..3
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5-84Q, entitled: j'
"An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the
public health, safety, order, convenience, pros-
perity and general welfare by providing for the
classification, regulation and restriction of the
location of trades and industries and of buildings
used for human habitation and for specified purposes,
and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter
erected or altered; and regulating and determining
the minimum size of lot line courts and other open
spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts
for said purposes,"
approved July 7th, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public
peace, health and safety.
That Ordinance No 5840 appr ved July 7th,
Section 1. ,
tAINLItK 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby amends so as to rezone
tri Lots 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Block 27, Balmets Addition to West St.
Paul, situated at the southwest corner of Cheroke and South Smith
Aves. , from "C" Residence to Commercial District.)
Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of
the public peace, health and safety.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage and publication.
'JUL 1 2 1956
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
T7 Holland
Mortinson (,)
Peterson gainst
Mr.President (Dillon) ,a p. owed
Atte P '-'40 7 ..e.drie4 i l F / / A 11 ,
City Clerk ,N ' 'w x'R, ,I 'I; —swag
1 s '
VUBLISIIEIS "� '� � �,
_ City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
The signer should appraise himself of the uses permittf CITt'
under the new classification before signing this petite K
For further information about the re-zoning of property,
call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4-4612, Ext. 251.
• (Please type or print) n 1956 APR 30 PM 3 05
Date: NPR/L /714A141(‘
SAINT +' °;, v!I+tiESOTA
c/o the City Clerk CITY CLERK
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen: .
Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two-
thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the
real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the
frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following
described property: (legal description and street address)
L oTS 25, 2. 4., 27, 26 A t4-1? 29, ei-K. 2.7. /394 "1& S 4440/7-fc,e`f .
To vox 5T 5 7. PP9vh. .
from a - C- sESeOBNCi's' District to a C4a ^'7 t`i e.e4ZiA4_ District,
for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe criefly the proposed il ty) ydv-• o1---L. ,c-`
ZC®c V
77ae-,es et. FRiat_ 'f 2.3 LiENE �3o's
rl L4J 24 17 tZ�/aete4NG11.rie147, vF 13141s
11 Y l8 oLrvlK'S Alp tit t iot--4 To
�• WMST ST: PA v1.
! �Sp:d/d 31'4"i-31'4"i-5'12'7 °tL co. ce �� Z , z, BHLM�S AOb r.�lrr� -ro
MG -04.5.4 L I-t l.(W •35'. yk.t a:5 T S T 7•4‘..A1.-
qo - " _. ' 01-0 - if e r^�� oaive2S 19-D DITt ocs4 To
1 � Act K.t' i.. ? 3C�f�!.A1?�%y1 « W.CEST gT PA,4.3I..
3 • aMua-9 R. R1 cc-1 S!-' TA„�L''` DTA/ r ; _ • ,
',' "cP5E M. xi,cc, - t27 i'7 et-' /3i-*t.S. (71(8 oLrvlsleS 9CD To
� � War Sir'7,.�!
� na? T e■K � (VT 20
HARRY F.4rILk. i •X N St., I 'i1: . ff Lei
MItRY E•KCI�«+YLrN I / 'o•6 DrTr.�
N14RI MoRTel Re)P 710 ill i ed- - - 7 Ae.' 17 Dt7Tv
-1-/ m e-t �a Tres cT % VI- e e•e7��i 4 • oT ra%
State of Minnesota)
/.-v1/C•s l.. t r d At✓, ;t - af'o.{'FT.
County of Ramsey )S$ y� f , , /ot/9
6- /tie& Kd N
e being first duly sworn, deposes and states
that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of
pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lot
placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each o )
said c-, ners in the presence of this affiant, and that the .stgnatures above are
the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subsc ibed and sworn to be ore me ' / �3;')this/7 day of .1� ..�.i//�i i��l /./i
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. _ A
My Commission expires Page of a�e.
� Cheer P g
'�n I �,,- Approved as to form 7/2/54 .� c
"`""'''• , Office of the Corporation Counsel
7,-1 7/2/54 . EDWARD S. DEC1R,IR. LI�
otary Public,Hennepin Co+ush,M!!u!,
t4y C=ommission E;zpirea NoV. I5, 11(1%
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted
under the new classification before signing this petition.
For further information about the re-zoning of property,
call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4-4612, Ext. 251.
(Please type or print)
Date: egp,e/L / 7 lets`
c/o the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two-
thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the
real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the
frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following
described property: (legal description and street address)
LO-rs 15. 7-Co, 27, 2. S; ct.A.-dP .t4, lB!. IC, 2.7, a 4i_ 11 MS & D PiT1 0 ^1
T... WSST ST_ E}uL•
from a- C . 7e S l U E N C F: District to a Qc.2 "‘ C..4 me et G L District,
for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe riefly the proposed facility)
�� hots TBpRT�=LS it Y-
1 f d 4 ;L�v eyt 77 -Bn L Mr .S (4 DD lT1 a .
R 3 To U S -'
r 1 1• p�tl L Lear
i`obt4 i4,CLtFt=oRD �,/! ; • ` % . '.
4_ v•ttLLtf3N A. CLi t=worep x677 %' —et 1,,e. 1 0'' �� .t
,.-A alott5 ' E. F31R®tu Gt 1*., --t 7 t_er 18
J_1.f 124 C. C3iRoN 9" C th-.v.> Y19 Z7 « « .
�\ li 2/3
„,' RNeST Q. / 7 ; g, A.t.
t' S'ANITSHKE C� t.1e%n.erl 7. l t S..
w.ss 4
12 S.eVitif- G. raw tISHICE Zd
�/ /5 pi p' /,
SEirte of Minnesota) -
County of Ramsey )ss
-74 a, 6' /tic k-e G I/ being first duly sworn, deposes and states
that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 6..2
pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots
placed immediately following each name; that this
y g petition was signed by-each of :.;.:T.-•.
said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are
the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. , ,y
Subscribed and sworn to,b ore me
..\ + �r
this l 7 day of / _ .i /Ad 0� -�� 4-- `6`'t
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My Commission expires Page of page a
Approved as to form 7/2/54
'��"° y Office of the Corporation Counsel
7.-1 7/2/54
Alter/Public,Hennepin County, Minn,
My lion Expires Nov.18,1902.
, . tot �Q1.l�. ApPAi' 1°, 7 2-1_
s. -
� _. . Pit X3,5"D a
i ., _,,, \ 50 f/s-ridv-r-
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted
under the new classification before signing this petition.
For further information about the re-toning of property,
call the Board of Zoning-Office, CA 4-4612, Ext. 251.
(Please type or print)
Date: i`otvsT t/4lfiCr
c/o the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840, we, the undersigned owners of
-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated, within 100
feet.of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce- and we, the owners of
50% or more of the frontage to be classified, petition your Honorable Body
to rezone the following described property: (Legal description and street
address) L.4s 2S, 2 C.. 2-'7.2.r c�..de aq,-&fk 2`7, 13 =12A-4 is ldd..-"
from a C. ' .es.4e c t District to a Co M"l( Qc t l - _ District
for the purpose o; talling, conseructing aUd/er Operating the following:/
(describe briefly the proposed facility) .
✓� AMO.&C. VR1r�. IrfirirrilitaiAli %. p ' ,_ . t '. .' 1�1�iN'f 7.
~— 6 f a 4C- % t G.. D L t o
�_ MI "rd v"h'S T S+?444 L
4, 1111111,V •• I.N ' -. trt ',a%. MIP,.. ..1 1 I I IN I I I li 1 li I 6 1 I I I V pellailre ii1„1 e •-wrs,
,ter Eus.eavh G Naa'ii , vow
i. f / Y H M' •'g/i c e- 2 , M 4iG t Y i N',; `' =s
CAR,, H ST4e6
J .J '/ [Li1d1$L // S->rg4 ASL� 3 - `,
State of Minnesota)s5
a of Ramsey ) ,
Vi 9 J ,� &
_�� being first duly sworn, deposes and state_ • t
s "<r • ° :on •o
c red -tied the within petition consisting of
pages that the parties described above are the owners respective , '7"-
lots placed immediately following each name: that this ,petition was sigma by
each of said owners in the presence of this affiaat, and that the signatures
above are the true and correct signet •f each and all Of the parties so
dms,MAtbeif lir.►`/r 1. �i�/- ► •►
serib`ed` sworn to before me s.. •
this l of / ,/�'' .717:-- o .
Notary Palle, ' , nn. pp • ''"' aa: to ', ..x-54
My ecmtaissig e1epi,res. Office of the C oration * : 1
_ \---a...e.4..,v4see.r..4-0 •
, ,f CO
I`.,r..ry; :;iic, Y rn^ <in County,Minn. f
My Commission Expires Mar.22nd 1960.
'1?4. . te\D
t �w
;5i,V .4., " _ ,),e;'✓ w. °�
. • ,
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted
under the new classification before signing this petition.
For further information abbot the.re•zoning of property,
call the Board of Zoning-Office, CA 4-4612, Ext. 251.
(Please type or print)
Date: 1
c/o the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. •5840, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of .real estate situated, within 100
feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce and we, the owners of
5$ or more of the frontage to be classified, petition your Honorable Body
to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street
address) L o-•t•S L S% t t: .1?, 2$, o......-4 21 4614 27. (3 g t.,M C'S
AnntZ'coN T. W a..ST S i -�yuL
from a - C- (' +ay,L Cc-�c District to a ed. ' i '"U=t c L 0`• District
for the purpose of installing, conssructing and/Or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility)
=%,/ •F, -— x
I- . 1°1-- 7 ' '''' M1191".411:14FA=. rq as 7r --------A
MAR le- K 1 04 - •• .+'��:T!f!! ,lam/'!-
i '/ cw �(lMil c reh q� ih.' city
„1 -✓'C�''.1,. tui.ity, ."`Nrff0A7AniN♦11W'f_%
MARS( NnRTKRop `:7-+4;'-w.°,, « .t . 1 .
. 4k, 1 •:T 9,.
State of Minnesota)ss
) County of Ramsey )
■ ggi ".5a, being first duly sworn, deposes and states t
s'' • - 01! on who circu :ted the within petition consisting of
•=ges that the parties described above are the owners respective.,y the
lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by
each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures
above are. the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so
Subscribe and swo before me `' 0. 4/./Ate ►..�.::.w
this 6 day of / '?"' p o 'r page$
Notary Public, R ty, inn. -.prove as to `orm -2..54
My commission expires Office of the Corporation Counsel
N.t..ry Public, HennAt-in County,Minn.
My Commission Expires Mar.22nd 1960.
_,.. ...:0111)
__....__—--- _ ----7---.. — •
-7\ r.... ,
. .
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted
under the new classification before signing this petition.
For further information about the re-zoning of property,
call the Board of Zoning-Office, CA 4-4612, Ext. 251.
(Please type or print)
Date: Z 16•,G At t5-
c/o the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated, within 100
feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce.- and we, the owners of
50% or more of the frontage to be classified, petition your Honorable Body
to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street
address) L,ea.-r a , '-S.'1-", V71 'Zg'o,.�.c.. 2`�, ��r2(2 7 15 A L. s"'1 a`S
hi>0 t "C I e K -re. Was T 5 i�4 L., 1--
from a -C RCS i D6 N Cti District to a C"M M 6 RC'A L District
for the purpose of installing, conssructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility)
. MI ,
_T, -..
�• .. Lots .. l4RTEL-S LeT '�. r, �1(�'1
, ,; ......�. _.,_.� .... of LOT ^1 H.0 ► I?l°N
4 f i 7.5 S taut.
V A 1.Ptf b a S(: E. BI-!'!'s<i tom.! yL 20.. Lk LI t ,
71 ''y1y.
State of Minnesota)
.ic' County of Ramsey )
4,i,1 169/11:egEfara being first duly sworn, deposes and states t
s e p ' . . who circulated the within petition consisting of
p,- 1,8 that the parties described above are the owners respectively t ttie
— ots placed immediately following each 'name: that this petition was signed by
each of said owners in the presence of this affispt, and that the signatures
above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so
_ described. ,�
Subseri and swo before me :-• �ifF%Af A -/1'd
this / day of /fi ��"' o $
Notary Public, -y, Mann. / • • - • as to I`orm 7-2-54
My commission expires Office of the Corporation Counsel
1`+,:r_ ry Public, I Iennc in County,Minn.
My Commission Expires Mar.22nd 1960. CAD IMMMOIL
31101/101% colas
SCOW fiit Pilio I*. 004
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l• • • '• . • • ... . • • • • • * • * • *.• .
los ase ► J . *
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• • •. 11i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 : • 0 ;• 40 • • • •.•.0,0 •
t''M► ' a ai tiling SU par> i*Nr it Jolla 4. l a . 6
17, , iluilag for are► of this Murk.. tai lag ,
ft as ta,isimi kis wittas saM ' 11rs elt s > *tattoo
. • pI5raisr Moat 1 ► Jtaalast Oil C ff. a 11**veasSikaac awai lamaist. soljUa st
1w► iks s p • as rim. a r 5*1 401106 ►:A aiw►.
SOO e lesiiimmo$66, boa a 0 pasillasi blialorlai to a Oaaaanial: p# .
• II =mot
Vie 04.4 Jam, laiamato pare.lketelat
►: avert ' 0 ? : .*5*i NU IMMO
,410 m, Maui Sitauit L ilawiltaelikoh la ainbatiaai ate'
ti to 1ppia imualika! ` mat An
1Mth Avr aNa►, *dal haft. Illa ssIs, tau at 4 Silifie• a> •t to a
itamanial Mat.
7*bs'apr 1'*, ass.
Court Seal
Filed FEB 18 19%
H. P. Currer, Clerk 4.1.11
By RTR Deputy
C51) •
j /
. J • •
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted
under the new classification before signing this petition.
For further information about the re-zoning of property,
call the Board of Zoning-Office, CA 4-4612, Ext. 251.
(Please type or print) .
Date: 4-7 lG- C `�T3
c/o the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated, within 100
feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce and we, the owners of
50% or more of the frontage to be classified, petition your Honorable Body
to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street
address) Lc> 257 1G.. 27, 2.Efa---°R 2c/-6rVik.'L7, 41.Me 'S 140D1T! 6N
T'. $(LST S T. uL.
from a C -i3eS k 1. H CA District to a eg 1")MI! c! A 1-- District
for the purpose of installing, conseructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility)
OPT 4 1-
64.0342o'4N a .- r S7.17ptuL
of JTZ(f4Q 1111111111. c iii ' IRK
State of Minnesota)as
County of Ramsey )
r me I `a,1 being first duly sworn, deposes and state that
s the pe ;on who c rculated the within petition consisting of
=gee that the parties described above are the owners respectively the
lots placed immediately following each name: that this petition was signed by
each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures
above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so
4Subscrill0 4e nds before me .r..- ✓
this // day of o" ge
Notary Public, R nn. n"� �"; as to O -2.54
My commission expires Office of the Corporation Counsel look
Notary Public, I Icnn"- !a C curly,Minn.
My Commission Expires Mar.22nd 1960. iNNINA
Duplicate to Printer
ORDINANCE 178515 q
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled:
"An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the
public health, safety, order, convenience, pros-
perity and general welfare by providing for the
classification, regulation and restristion of the
location of trades and industries and of buildings
used for human habitation and for specified purposes,
and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter
erected or altered; and regulating 'anddetermining
the minimum size of lot line courts and other open
spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts
for said purposes,"
approved July 7th, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public
peace, health and safety.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th,
1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to as to rezone
Lots 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Block 27, Balme's Addition to West St.
Paul, situated at the southwest corner of Cherokee and South Smith
Aves. , from "C" Residence to Commercial District.
Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declar d to be an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of
the public peace, health and safety.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council TT 1 9 15-5
Marzitelli n Favor
Peterson Against
Rosen JUL 12 195
Mr.President (Dillon) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
1M 6-56 4W03.8
Contract for Deed. Form No. 54. manic WWII•..a. ru«w«..
2O84Individual Vendor. Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1931).
IJIS agreement, Made and entered into this 2.4111 day of..........M ,',r
19_.4.43.., by and between Ha.risin.e....PM.xax:seza., vci.3.o._11 ,
p ......of the first part, and.. k�rst R. Dickhudt and Lillian F. Dickhudt., his wife art.:
Jame.5,-1 ...... ud.0 ....a d..,La r.a.Q.C:.1.e....L.......,B.Q.;
4:-',Aesivment of Contract for Deed.
By individual Vendor.Vendee or Aee Imre. Form No. 58-M ilinnesobe Dianna all1=1Ctfairallificlir. "r‘ A 1-
WM Sal 51 rkit tb e t tge nt 0, Tha
hris K-. * o t and 1 on r. plowt:mat, husband sad...miff ,
, part:LOS...of the first part, in
oonsidisration of..0.110...P0.1.340r and...othor...sond and Taluablo...00nsidaration....zoxxkox
to Ninon , in hand paid ... and
Wks. ...10.Pantes and not as....ton.ants in...00moon---stritatriC
part.1011091 the second part, do hereby sell, assign and transfer unto said partien.of the second
part, thltalr beikre and assigns, the vendee 's interest in that certain contract,
dated the 24th day of MAY , 9' 48 , made by
Napalms Petersen, a widow.-................ , as vendor,
to Christrit. ,Diokhudt and Lint Dlokhudts husband & wife , as vendeeP
terod.aseimavied in the office of the etiP4 .and for the County of liamsay
State of Minnesota, in Book 1-0 X of ...A.M.A.."' b fAilittinar AA,
, page-A.01
4 4
sale and conveyance of the tract of land in said County and State, described as follows, to-wit: - -
Lot Numbered Nineteen (19), excepting the South Six (S. 6) feet thereof,
and all of Lot Numbered Twenty (20) all in Block Numbered Seventeen (17),
Litman's Re-arrangement of Blocks 17 and 18 olirier's Addition to West
Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record -
in the office of the Register of Deeds of said Ramsey County, Minnesota.
(Said premises being commonly known and described as 526 South Smith Ave.,
St. Paul, Minnesota)
subject to all the covenants of said assignor in said contract contained, which said part...tea of the
second part herby assume and agree to keep and perforin.
Said partaaa of the first part hereby covenant _tly.at there remains unpaid under said contract
the um of Ten Thousand Seventeen and 2w/00. Dollars,
with interesi thereon from the 5th day of November , 19.49
and that he.,.Y ha Vø..good right to sell, transfer and assign said contract.
3111 CtOtitrevii+111;bereof, The said part Jen of the first part ha TO hereunto set their
hand B this day of October , 19 49 .
1 /0 da__Ze/fLe_id;fr
In Presence of / I
• *tate of iiiirtnesiotal
County of Rai:240y } -
• 15th October On this day of er , 1949.., before me,
a Notary_Rublic within and for said County, personally appeared
OhriAt 'N:fgliokhudt and hueband_and ?ire
. ;
to me.knotalta!be Ithe 7;(8. rson a described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument,
andzaoknowtatted that% t he Y executed the same as their free act and deed.
•;". r;
Art/1W E. Thom)
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My commission expires , 19 50.
anuary 31
*!e.TO®1 Ptaddm and Ordeefor New Certificate of Tale Brady 1 arqulie Co St. Paul,Minn
-Mate'of Minnesota, DISTRICT COURT
rILT NO. 274999
In the Matter of the Application of
for zew certificate.f of title to real estate
in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as Lots Two (2) and
three (3) of Block Twenty--seven (27) of Balme's FINDINGS AND ORDER
addition to Vet St. Paul, according to the plat FOR NEW CERTIFICATE
thereof on file and of record in the office of the OF TrILE
Re$„ls'ter of Deeds of said Ramsey County Sub3 eat
to the rights acquired by the City of St. Paul for alley.
Lot Nineteen (19) excepting the South Six (s.6) feet thereof and Lot
Twenty (20) of Block :seventeen (17) Lienau's Rearrangement of Blocks 17 &
is 1S, Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on
file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said Ramsey
Lot Ten (10), Block Forty-nine (49), Banning and Olivier's Addition to
test St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the
Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota;,
in lieu of certificates so. 82448, 62449, 80826
The above entitled matter this day came regularly on for hearing before the court at a special
term thereof. The petitioners appeared and__ eita,___represented
thedi __attorney__; and the Registrar of Titles of said Ramsey County appeared
-by 1t-s-DOpUty and was represented by W. P. Westfall, Examiner
of Titles. And the court having heard the evidence offered in support of the petition, and being
advised in the premises, makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT:
1. That the above described real property is registered in___the_olflce-.4f_ths Regis"
trar of Titles of Ramsey County, Minnesota
in iianaine Petersen, unmarried (a widon.)
by certificate of title No.. 2_ $____in Volume_20& page_256. , Register of Titles,
dated_4u17_26,-19 g,_and by Certificate of Title No. 82449 in Volume 20S
' page 257 Register of Titles, dated July 26, 1939, and by Certificate of
Title No. 80826 in Volume 204 page 23S Register of Titles, dated
November 23, 1938.
2. That said registered owner__ died__ testate on___,ga ch-..20.r39j5Q ; that in
proceedings to probate__ er___estate, the Probate Court of____Razagy.
-County, Minnesota, by its final decree of distribution dated -octobgr_1,6 --19.5O.
assigned said real property to_ .e ter 1111ani_P_etP�Bsf_an&&ArthuL_a lwnrtz.
Petersen in equal shares, •
pursuant to decedent's last will and testament admitted to probate by said probate court on
April 25, 1950
if _ _
*tzf e of Jt C Itturfinta, ss. DISTRICT COURT
I, J. J. FITZGERALD, Clerk of the District Court, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, do hereby
certify that I have compared the foregoing paper writing with the original
01. -X--'32Gee/)';-"ci) 0/(--Cetx--)
f -
in the cilonrl1ierein entitled, now remaining of record in m} office, and that the same is a hue and
corrie t copy transcript of said original and the whole thereof.
VVITNESS m hand and seal of said Court, at St. Paul this _—day pf
/11 i .D. 195_.
J. J. FITZGE .LD, Clerk
By 752 Deputy
X, Hezwine Petersen, a widow, residing in the City of
St. Paul, litiratemeta., being of sotmd mind and memory, do malt*, publish
end declare this to be my eat will and testaments
Mott I order and diereet that Nei' tececutor, herednafter
named, pay all of my funeral expenstse and just debts as soon after
ny decease as conveniently may be done.
Second: After the payriant of such funeral expenses and
debts, I give, devise and bequeath unto my son, Peter WI 1 tam
Petersen, and my son, Arthur Schwartz Petersen, all of the property, .
real, personal and mixed, and effects of every name, nature and kind,
wherever same may be sitaated, which I may awn at the time of .my
death, or in which I may have any right, title or interest, so that
they will have equal interest therein, and that each shall have, and
receive an undivided one-half thereof; to them and their heirs and
assigns, forever.
Third: I do hereby appoint W. U. Allen of St. Paul,
Minnesota, the executor of this my lekg will and testament; and do
hereby revoke each and every former will by me made.
IN Tr=nco.Nr mpatop, I have herernto subscribed my name
and affix ey seal this the !th day of .217.1.cast, -1941.
AISfl] n.
This instrument vras, on the day of the date thereof, signed,
published and declared by the said testatrix, Hansine Petersen, to be
her last will and testament, in our presence, who, at her request,
have subscribed our names thereto, as witnesses, in her presence,
and in the presence of each other.
CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE eeiding at St. Paul, Minnesota
I certify that this instrument has
been proved and admitted to probate SIMON GDISBURG
according to law in the Probate Court of lb:siding at St. Paul, Minnesota
Ramsey County, Minnesota, as the last
Will of the
Testator na ed th rein.
195 Q. ENDORSED, FILED/9,97_C____I__r
H.P. CURRER, Clerk
Pirobase judge By R.T. Deputy
10l Y 1011###11 1 m I rtifi!St/'tnMm1rn 1 t .
Therefore the Court does hereby decree that the above described real and personal estate and all
other estate of said decedent in the State of Minnesota, subject to any lawful disposition heretofore
made, is hereby assigned to and vested in the following named persons in the following proportions or
To her Son, Peter William Petersen, and to her Bon, Arthur
Schwartz Petersen, in Bgnal Shares, the whole thereof.
Dated Ootobez /4 19.50 EDWARD J.Probate
q e T. /6 o Probate Judge.
. (Court Seal) ENDORSED, FILED 1tl
H. P. CURRER„ Clerk
By R.T.R.-� : ..Deputy .
. a
b c o
O E'' A .a
O o A l
el p W 0 .4
UN E.4 w w or % ,m •4,1 m O E.., PQ x $t ';
o E m A R
I, H. P. CURRER, Clerk of Probate Court of said County, do hereby certify that I have compared
the annexed cop ies of Will and Certificate of Probate of Will and
Final. Decree of Distribution in re ,,state of HANSINE PETERSON,
EiM D e c e d e n t,
with the original records and files preserved in said Probate Court, and that the same is a true and
correct transcript therefrom, and the whole of said original records and files.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my
name and affixed the seal of the Probate Court of said
,'� county, at St. Paul, in said County, this 20th
t o e r — A. D. i q__$0
da �s of__- -
4. Clerk o robate Court, Ramsey County, Minn.
s , MG
• .,- ' ew,
•(SIT CLAIM DEED(Statuto ry Short Form) Form No.33.. OSWALD eueLosio/NO CO..New ut.si.mom. d
Hy Individual. Mi*ine.otg Uniform Conveyanclng Blanks(1931).
' 1
Amur all efilett irg *est ,presents; That the Grantor', .
1 ni?
P WILLIAM TETSUO and BELO D. PETERSEN, husband and wife
. ........* Counts of Ramsey
and State of14.11MOTA , for and in consideration
:of the su,m,of..._one_dollar_ami_other_ialuable_coosideration DOLL4RS, 1 -
to—titalt. in hand paid, do hereby Convey and Quitclaim, to
- of Ramsey County, State of Ilinne.eatta.
as Grantee , the Real Estate,situate in the County of Ramsey • , State of Minnesota,
described as follows, to-wit:
Lot fineteenu(19) excepting the south six (S. 6) feet thereof,
and. Lot twenty (20) of Block seventeen (17), Lienauls
Rearrangement of Blocks 17 and 18, Olivierls Addition to
West St. Paul, according to the plat thereof oil file and of
. record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said.
Ramsey County.
Taxes for the year 1952 on the
lands described herein PAID
Li P 2 - 1953 - in-ma"."."-TAXES PAID
ELSA M. OBST, Treasurer SEP 2 - 1953
litliriate.- — ..04:24 .". i 'Jo, ,... ,,,
i 527i E : cljc, ,N11::'t",,P;d,,,itni 'I
L..".;;;- -•-_,--- -•--,,,, -
I -
• . 7k/
Dated at St Pauli Minnesota this /7 • day of June , 19 53
„.--, i---,
i, „,....../".
( In Presence of
,....u...--z , i
..... .24,-64... 4- 4n• 0-44-4-q--e--14,-,-) .
estate of illinttcOota,
ss. .
County of
On this---....._l_T — day of„.........J.Wle. , 19.33- before me,
a____1011117_,Igaira..____........._..- within and for said County, personally appeared ,
insa,:simum....mmisw.and. REM D. PET3RSDN...buemuLand wife _
, to me known to be the person.5..... described in„and-who executed the foregoing instrument,
.I., 1■ ,. ,
4 and poicrtowledied that t heY executed
(See Note) / ')., ''.;-.7 -)))-
. 41
the same as their free act and deed
' ..-^ 's ssArotary•Publio,.„2. CountyiMinn.
Mi C4..,-;;r1:54;,..),, LAd.,.:.. ion. . ),
..)".„\',, , , : i
. Xi atimnitingon frikt;ris , 19.._.
- /1
NOTE: The blank hoes marked"See Note"are for use when the instriment erflay In attorney in tam
. "` t t of Contract for Deed. = Miller•Davis Co. Minneapolis • ,a
By Individual Vendor,vendee or Assignee. Form No. 58-M Minnesota'Uniform Conveyancing Blanks(1931).
knob Mt en by these fireantli, That James W. Boudewyns x also known as
JaM04.... .....B0141ewyxle ate.. joria...L......B.o.0 ewytx*., btue.ban4 en wi
.°°... .... , part../eilof the first part, in
consideration of
0p e.:. 1. ar end' other good pnd 1a4,12an• 001:0141/1441.00.
to theme .in hand paid by Howard �„ Jack and Christine M. Jack, hies a
and .wita,....as joint` taaanta.,:....and...no.t._.,ea:.::tsnauts....i.n....cosana ,
part..iC1bp the second part, do hereby sell,assign and transfer unto said partie8..of the second
part, �.
Lhair...:.he.ix'e and.assigns, the.....Xand.px' a interest in that certain contract,
dated the 24th day of #lay , 19...48 , made by
.....• — - •.r-.r.►--.-..w----r.-..--.-. -r-
Ba,ns.ine...P.et rs.en ...wSdorY Y r ...r . . .. ..t 1.... u all
Christ 11......P .ckhu&t 4...i,.l�i l ien..F. P.10;1 . . ilie Wife.* and
to James IL, ooudewyns and Marjorie i,. aoudewyns , his wife , as vendee, s
and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Re.meey ,
State of Minnesota, in Book of , page , for the
sale and conveyance of the tract of land in said County and State, described as follows, to-wit:
Lot nineteen (19) excepting the South six (S. 6) feet thereof, and Lot
twenty (20) of Block seventeen (17) , Lienau's Rearrangement of Blocks
• 17 and 18, Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul, according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds
of said Ramsey County.
subject to all the covenants of said assignor in said contract contained, which said part 10$ of the
second part hereby assume and agree to keep and perform.
Said part tee of the first part hereby covenant that there e i paid under said contract
the sum of Eighty-three Hundred Seventy-nine and 35f 1 Dollars
with interest thereon from the first day of AUgN$t , 19 53
and that t hey have good right to sell, transfer and assign said contract.
3fn tratimonp Ii ereof, The said part les of the first part ha..Ve...hereunto set their
hand O. this 17th day of Augur , 19 53 .
In Presence of 4 , < < ��'
at-Z14€4, . . .k....1-4-.1e. A, ,
v -4-1-.41‘74r--1---
*tate of inneota,Ramsey ss.
County of
On this 17th day of August 1953 before me,
a ,,,.„.. Netary Public within,and for said County, per na appeared
• Boudew,yne and Marjorie L. Boudewyna, h nand wire
4 i Also known as James It. Soudew ne
nrto me/knouin to be the personal described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument
and acknowtedged�that. t he y executed the same as their free act and dee .
! (Arthur E. Thom)•
� n �'� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
"^ ,e'e° My commission expires January 31st 19 57•
Quit Claim Dead.
Jj 3inbenture, Made this 17th day of AVIMIlt , 19
James M. Boudewyns/and Marjorie L. Boudewyns, husband and wife---
of the County of Rams.ey and State of Minnesota partiee
of the first part, and Ho.warl...P..
husband and wife , of the County of
Ramsey and State of Mi 111108 tie , parties of the second part,
itrtafittb. That the said part 108 of the first part, in consideration of the crum, of
One DollAr....and other good and valuable consideratiOn-
to t WPM in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl-
edged, do hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said parties of the second part as
joint tenants and not as tenants in.common, their assig'ns, the survivor of said parties, and the heirs and
assigns of the survivor, Forever, all the tract • or parcel of land lying and being in. the County of
Ramsey and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit:
Lot nineteen (19) excepting the South six (S. 6) feet thereof, and Lot
twenty (20) of Block seventeen (17) , Lienau's Rearrangement of Blocks •
1? and 18, Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul , according, to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds
of said Ramsey county.
Taxes for the year 1052 on the TAXES PAID
lands described herein PAID
SEP 1 11953 SEP1 4 1953
'ELSA ivi. OBST, Treasurer MOE AlICK editor
( „nitpriztco , IN N.
P r — •
in Mahe anti to 511o1b tbe batne. Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances there-
unto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the said parties of the second part, their assigns, the tar-
Vivor of said parties, and the heirs and assigns of the survivor, Forever, the said parties of the second part
taking as joint tenants and not as tenants in common.
3n trotintonp ertoi, The said part isaof the first part ha ve hereunto set their
hand the day and year first above written.
5kelf, Vi I •
In.Presence of /
. 4p.
—.42angrole4# feCt.24"114,1
, •
-,, '
Amdvmeat of Contract for Deed. Miller-Davis Co.,Minneapolis
By Ladividnal-Vendor,Vendee or Assignee. Form No. 58-M Minnesota Uniform Conn7mming Blanks(1931).
_ _ I
ft0b3 SU Oen 17 Telie Vregen t4, That •
..Ve..........P.A....ge04 en C Ils Vino....11* 4.4.1;.a. hNobeiPd *ad wits
......... , part...1102f the first part, in
consideration of...0m)...Dall8r actfl...attar good....atd...ielneble
to then in hand paid by Ar.thur...E.....nom
part...3......of the second part, do hereby sell, assign and transfer unto said part...Y of the second
part, 1de heir and assigns the Volnd at- 'a interest in that certain contract,
dakd the. 2.4.th day of Niy , 19..4.0.., made •
H4Aktf, Pettrwrx , w4d w by as vendor
is, . .R. D' 9frc ....1,_,a • LIU isaili-Drokbilinrit Ilia wilts mid iiitiwiL......_
mw- orte-..z.. no awyns__, nz ...111.11tA IN **-1 erSIW‘alim)CX
to. •• ••• . Mgrs..- en_ uly....ass.ig ..,16....mma . ..11...&...Chr. stifle... ...., 616Mixtui, Jack,
a , — ,,',-, find office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey
State of Minnesota, in Book of , page , for the
sale and conveyance of the tract of land in said County and State, described as follows, to-wit:
Lot nineteen (19) excepting the South six (S. 6) feet thereof, and Lot
twenty (20) of Block seventeen (17) , Lienauts Rearrangement of Blocks
17 and 18, Olivierls Addition to West St. Paul, according to 'the p1at
thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds
of said Ramsey County.
, •
subject to all the covenants of said assignor in said contract contained, dibl0b7CMCNINICXXXX.XXXXXX1411
Said part.4 VOof the first part hereby covenant that there remains unpaid under said contract
the RCM of Eighty-t.hrea Hundr.ed...Thirty-?.nine.. and_26/1,00- Dollars
with interest thereon from the lat day of 3 OPtellaber , 19 33 ,
and that t he...y haVe good right to sell, transfer and assign said contract.
31n Zestimonp ,A: erect, The said part 100 of the first part ha ye hereunto set their
hands this 18th day of August , 19 534,
In Presence of 74711.0-Wa-17,1) 1 j
Mate of lit4tneota, }
County of Rainey
On this 1 et h day of August , 19 53 , before me,
a -4.'"'-' -— Not ary...Public within and for said County, ,versonally appeared
itoweird P kJack and Christine M. Jack, husband and wife
to nte k4otan ta be the arson 8 described in, and who executed the foregoing instruntent,
anda4itoiv/idgefl th,at ' ,the y executed the same as their free act and deed.
„ . .
. -
.(.1 17 , '. 8 t anton T/
,votar, u,bue, RamseY County, Minn.
.A.,, Sr
'''-- '.4%4 C.C) '
My commission expires October 19th, 19 57.
_ _