178512 • ti •Original to City Clerk 178512 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RE ►LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE / DATP RESOLVED, that, upon appeal of Lynn J. and Mrs. Ruth J. Bauman from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the building line on Lott 22, Block 29, St. Anthony Park Addition, be not less than 14 feet on Doswell Avenue and not less than 27 feet on Keaton Street. - Couneir Tile Imo►. 178611 lam. clieL from brie on Lot id.:�Block g AB et. Paric than 4 f Doswell A not leas not lees than 27 feet on Keeton Street. Adopted lay the Council June 26, 1956. Approved June 2e 1856. (June 30, 1958) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved JUN 6 195- Marzitelli Mortinson in Favor &1n1L Peterson 0 Mayor Rosen Against Mr.President, Dillon 514 0-56 4E02 x78512 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI p RECORDS City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota June 21, 1956 Mr. Marshall . Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Lynn J. and Mrs. Ruth J. Bauman for the establishment of a 14-ft. building 'ine on Doswell Ave. and a 27-ft. building line on Keston St., on Lot 22, Bloc 29, St. Anthony Park Addition, situated at the northwest corner of Doswell Ave. and Keston St. Very truly yours, , / ff •= City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL- MINNESOTA «r..`;..BRD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL ls1-!flap 131$CITY MALI AND COURT NOYSE- SAINT PAUL 1,NINNTNTA June 21, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski _City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Lynn J. & Mrs. Ruth J. Bauman to establish a building line of 14' on Doswell and 27' on Keston as it applies to lot 22, block 29, St. Anthony Park Addition. This property is adjacent to the northwest corner of Doswell and Keston. The zoning is "A" residence. The property under consideration has a frontage of 120' on Doswell and 45' on Keston. It is presently vacant and the applicants propose to use the site for a single-family home. This is an irregular tract of ground: the property slopes to the northwest. At present there is a building line of 31' on Doswell and 5' on Keston. The appli- cants are proposing to stay back 14' on Doswell and 27' on Keston. Adjacent property is developed primarily for single-family homes. Field investi- gation discloses no objection to this proposal providing building constructed is in accordance with the plans submitted by the applicant. Four of the property owners of the five lots west, which are the closest affected adjoining property, have signed this petition. The applicant's letter, under date of April 20, documents the circumstances pertaining to this property. The ,coning Board concludes that clue to the contour of the land and the unusual shape of this lot which does not ?obtaiut with reference to other pieces of pro- perty in the area, that the present building line applying to this property would inhibit and substantially deprive the owner of reasonable use of his property and, therefore, the granting of the relief sought in the applicant's petition would be in keeping with the intent and purpose of the ordinance in preventing an undue hardship. The Zoning Board further finds the specific proposal as outlined by the applicant is in accordance with the interests of the highest and best development of this district. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal be granted. Si er1el/ , C. . Lbek CDL:FS Planning Director Enc. Executive Secretary Board of Zoning PUBLISHED 04/ . ...!/?'/// it April 20, 1956 • • The Honorable City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen s This is an appeal for a change in building line for the lot we own on the northwest corner of Doswell Avenue and Keston in North St. Anthony Park. The legal description iss Lot 22, Block 29, St. Anthony Park North. Our names are Lynn J. Bauman and (Mrs. ) Ruth J. Bauman, husband and wife. The lot is now vacant. We propose to build a 3 bedroom and den, single family home of the "split level" design with the garage under the bedrooms. The entire house would occupy 1550 square feet of the approximately 6000 square feet in the lot. The purose of this appeal is to secure a new building line for the side of the house along Doswell in place of the 30 foot a-ierage depth of the set-backs of the houses in the same block on Doswell built prior to 1922. Since the other three houses on the same corner all fce Keston, and the one other house in the same block and the houses across Keston Street all have Keston numbers, we also plan to face our house on Keston St., with the backyard on the westerly part of the lot. A curve in Doswell beginning at the westerly lot line, gives our lot an irregular shape, tapering from a depth of 97 feet on the west to a depth of 45 feet along Keston. In order to take best advantage of this irregular shape, we have planned an "L" shaped house with a set-back of the front of the house from Keston of 27 feet. (The set-back of the one other house in the block on Keston is 17 feet. ) Due to the curve in Doswell, the set-back of the side of our house along Doswell will be 14 feet for the nearest corner of the house, and going back to 25 feet and. 26 feet for the other two corners along Doswell. Two of the otter three houses on the same corner of the street are within 14 feet of the sidewalk line. This location of our house would place it well behind a str&ight line drawn along the front of the other houses on Doswell, since the actual set-backs there range from 40 feet at the far end of the block to 21 feet for the house hext to our lot. If the mathematical average of "square foot area" of the set-back were considered instead of the average depth mentioned above, a 14 foot set-back on our lot would total 1680 square feet while the average for the other lots would be 1500 square feet, due to the 120 foot length along the curve of our lot compared to the 50 foot widths of the other lots. Unless a change in building line is gr2nted, it will not be possible to build a house that will fill our needs, fit the lot and blend with the existing neighbor- hood. Besides conforming to the shape of the lot, our plan also conforms to the pitch of the lot with the 2 story part of the house being built in the lowest area towards the alley and the one story part on the higher ground towards Doswell. Thus our house would not look out of place with the big two story house next door or the l story houses across the street. By having the garage under the bedrooms, and the driveway coming in from Keston, we will avoid congesting the alley further, like a garae off the alley would do. On the basis of the foregoing information, the accompanying petition and two dia- grams, we respectfully request that our appeal for a 14 foot set-back on Doswell and a 27 foot set-back on Keston., for lot 22, block 29, Anthony Park Korth, be granted. r � CITY CLERK FILE R; !rectful yours, a w na•1 341 •--- .•.-- ------------- i.F N-- - ,, nn J. um ` Ruth Bauman eta rcr►r�T Gw ZL • • Ve ere property ov:ners on the north side of Doswell Avenue between "3rompton end Keston, owning lots ntmbered 12 through 21 in block 29 of St. Anthony Perk rorth. After examining the proposed ple.n of Lynn J. Bauman for building a house on lot 22 of block 29 on the northwest corner of Doswell end Keston (which he owns ), with the proposed set-beck of 14 feet, we feel that the curve in the street at that end of the block will keep the house fer enough behind a line projected along the front of our houses so that it will not be objectionable; and we heve no objection to having a building line of 14 feet estebliled for the construction of e house on lot 22 of block 29. )4e43,104.4( Lot 12 Lot 13 & 1 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 Lot 20 •►� of 21 hafih 0044e15 of )ofs ILA/Dea,lind �� sty,� say�„ rA@j_ (A)oce./I Ito f c /os Apr,+-iy I l UT! CLERK FILE 3 14, 3 AP�dNT �� Z,F.N .� • \l'Q 54 prk _ !, 1 - 1 1 --c-i'. . , I .,\ . C 1 c) 1 1 tr -- cr. v.( ri l.b. . S4. \ . 3 (4)' 4 \ \ ---‹ , _____, -- j c;,... ‘I ..........--- 4,-., I 'ti4te 1 .......( ,, t.•6 b i (-- ''s- --- \\ z-, .1/4. --f,' c, -,,,, .4 i' 4 ---•1 i c-C , c, ------\\ .3)] - - --- cal' -.. 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