178490 - COUNC ILE ;O. ` "A7 90 BY , _;...tom. ���/ mil, FINAL ORDE rro CONDEMNATION PRO CE EDINGS , Jig .' ,-o I..d * ?i r� * yr `l.i In the matter of,,.Fa a _ _ a Rr Illy—, 0 " 4 t. yr. 1 VS.n e! • '�� under Preliminary Order 177769 , approved May 8th, 1956 , Intermediary Order 178©814 , approved Nay 29th, 1956 A public hearing_having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ,'". • -r, n,., "'" z= and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: . k RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council—___.. `2 6 1956 , 9 �: � �. JUN 6 � � I 1 City Clerk. Approved— , 19 ` I• 4--„, — -..- w vr - ./ ' ayor. Councilmen: mum DeCouray lifichnonocx Holland 7'0 Marzitelli 36'61-4°Mortinson PUBLISHED Peterson Mr. Presiders°?ifon 500 9-55 °4ISMO@ • • CITY OF ST. PAUL - • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i78�� (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER '7/k) 81 0 ,� _ .._... 1 4 a t a'. •- �- ,7xe.. � �. '�` tor emissi - gain ahlo gousitog Aimpariaad jorepirtro the City of finis Thou part* et Lets 1 aid to Si* to hart imam Addition to the oar of Stant, below tonnty. deeeribed as fells*s tenesseing on the Este rly line of ihittesswit A 10 arnwtheesterly the most mil` serest of said Let 1i theme swrahhrwrwrtewtr sling the enthesAtarly 1iso of WA ammo 11.15 feats theses ewstileastorly at right angles with isittsrest Owes 110 feats those mining �plwr astir tsllal with attest Avows 33. 1 r sad at right a with lest line feet to ploeo of bogimaina that �e lrll► 10 � of tee Y 163 of es14 Lai 1 and Om pert 'Ovoid Lets 1 award t lying eoutheaater ► of the norkbeesterly 160 feet thereat, Aloe fete 6 and 7,0 Stook tr dirt Avsmio Addition to the Mit r of nasal, d Minnesota Also Lets 8 to 31 inelasivallode 10 wed Lots 6 end T, Week he Ilthearsiite Addition to St. Pauli minn000ta The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Thexstaggibtatthaafigthuneutzgazdavaturboauticizawastlan is - - - $ 7,725.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be 3� itss for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LO BLOCMC ADDITION ASSESSED _ _ _ LSnd . �i i l Ai�g __--• VALUATION Stewart Avenue Addition ITE'ly 10 ft. of NA'ly 120 ft. of 1 2 do � 75. Wily 33.15 ft. of the NE'ly 43.15 f f t. of NW'ly 120 ft. of Lots 1 and do { 225• 700. I i ii j of 3 & SE']jr 40 ft. of NW•ly 60 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 2 j 2 2 do 175• Ii, . NW'ly 160 ft.; Lots 1 and I 2 2 do I 275• 6 2 do 300. 7 2 do i 300. i ji { TOTAL - __ -- 1 - 1' Form B.-L-10 — — _ __ _=— CITY OF ST. PAUL •• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Ids • River Side Addition to S t. Paull ! 1 r ': 6 do 309. ._.: doh . . 8 3 . do • 9 ' 3 do 25. 10 3 do 100. 11 3 do • _ Total X125.' 7o0 P The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated NAY 29 Ate . Alit! Commissioner of Financ . i Form B. B. 12 • /3360 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nsy 18, , 19� To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 177769 approved 141.7 8, 19 , relative to �� Partially opening* v and �tg Shepard Moodie, proposed to be� wI bi 01106118114114 Mg fellosing deseribed proms,_all in the City of .tea li Those ports of Lets 1 and f, Igo* 2# Stewart avenue Addition to the City of At.mil, I Minnesota doseribed as Misses Csind on the aisthssat.rly Un. of A 1 tsr . 4 the ao1 corner of said tot a tie' aau w►ct rly also of 'SOU Ann an 33.13 foot; }. thence south sstorly at right angles with 9rttoraut mrsuaol 120 feet; thanes running nori►tes +` with Mattairsot Anra 33'45 foots thence running north. Orly and at right angles with last nosed line 120 fast to place of ale. t r t ' l of t0 �� t 0 of amid Lott c W a all that w part of said Lets 1 and I lying southeostarly of tao l ,r 160 fist theroof# Alas Lots.8 and to 8todt Sp dtarartAlma. Addition to the City of St•Pael# Manany County Minneiba►ta. Also lets 8 to 111 inal4sive#Mlocit 3, and Lets 6 and 7, >ti 1 *tier a Addition to Its l 1, Wi esota. C 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope y, subject to assessment for said improvement. . Imo..T 1.e•I t 4 'e%" 1 m,,tr:•. , , • •. •, 7 ; ks.�- 2M 7-49 8 AN9/ � /�F j / AO , ca) V I 0 S., • QQ -C;so97 a ...t Ps 09. ., r E ^ �� . dF a3 n,n,�r" ht) y ..,.. S 1 *Mrs 4 .• r F 9k S SK r �" r o . � L _. —.r. •ter, r k ..,,v. -1„-c-,' . '' ' ' ' '''- , ' --‘- ri, IL ii - - • o� . �`� II.Z, ,�°N Mil ' gi p . , ,I Q 2 r` ..e ri. d ;; r 4 Ya Srty N pa �vt.8p.;��„?%N a R '2:.k a v .. NO .,O _ j 0 t f Q — — — -- — r---- �' • k: CS r \, N S.:1/ o i` / 1/ r. o Qr a 1 i ^!'D _y JAi1.MM[.J,,'. a^3 �" L „„,4,.S... ;bp t M % 4,,' > — � . k .,,c. c....q, ,, ,,,,,,,,.., ...,,, _ , , , , , . ' ' .. Q i , P o .� o� Qom.