178396 Original to City Clerk .7H396 CITY OF ST. PAUL iarnsz COUNCiI. Np mar= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a F COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GE E• L FORM `' of s0, r ~'op, Oa ooli adi PRESENTED BY / �. COMMISSIONS' / . ALA—.`� �%- - Aug ATA _ a F„lei w RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Nalt Beverage and Cigarette, Application D 9120, and Neehanf.cal lnasesent Bevies Location, Appl ieation 1) 9121, applied for by Theo r-2, Spears at 266 University Avenue be and the cane are hereby granted. UV Informally approved by Conseil APri1 59 1956 Old Location jut1 19 Wbli COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195. Yeas DeCourcy Nays 191656 zommt iomocmc / Approved 195_ Holland r Marzitelli Tn Favor ,,� A .1 1� Mortinson Mayor Peters /// Against Mr.President,Dillon 5M 6.55 '2 PUBLISHED Co-a ""6-4?