178373 178373 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL CO`E NCI L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - 0 CIL RESOL TIO GENERAL FORM 1783-73—BI ' D• Resolved,.That the`�:. PRESENTED BY / �iG , r f Power Company be 4 COMMISSIONE -/ 1sI DATE t°install approximate y� nrw of gas main on Algonq Sims and York; U r St. . between Lower St. Dennis Road amend t Lower St. Dennis Road; be- tween Arlington and Nebraikar hype between Jenks and La s Point Douglas Road between Ma Johnson Parkway; Righlonig ilOggigiegy and Kenneth, under prp visions of Council File No. 148392, O No 9313, dated dune 24, 1949. • Adopted by the CoubMi June 111, 1958. Approved June 19, 1956. (June 23, 1956) Resolved., that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 845 lineal feet of gas main on Algonquin between Sins and York; Upper St. Dennis Road. between Lower St. Dennis Road. and Lower St. Dennis Road; Rnglish between Arlington and Nebraska; Payne between Jenks and Lawson; Point Douglas Road. between Rnglish and Johnson Parkway; Highland Parkway and Kenneth, under provisions of Council Pile No. 148392. Ordinance No. 9313, dated June 24, 1949. Vs COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council C� 195— Yeas ays JUN i 9 Il 4f1i 1'UC C44.4.,ticj • Hai.,, .:as ; Approved 195_ Holland c Marzitelli _—_In Favor Mortinso Mayor Peterson Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-55 4002 Original to City Clerk _ 178473 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C•UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 COMMISSIONE '� A DATE RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $36.53 be paid to Jennie Murphy while she is totally disabled by reason of injuries she received on May 18, 1956, while employed by the Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, and that $116.90 in final settlement, to and including June 11, 1956, is now payable. i � D. 1 A t , lved,That out a f •g Corr tion AC+a *! )s ploy0ed ' 1 and Et El tee - to and (dueling Setno 11, is novel 1Pai Pt.d br t lone 91.1966 A proved June U. (June L UM) •UNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yea. ' / ;may 2 1 1956 -Mammas Approved 195- . 4414"611-- Marzitelli n Favor I AN A_A Mortinson Mayor Peterson gainst Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6.55 '2