178368 17368 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKe No. 178388.-B, Frank D. OU IL RESO UTIO NERAL FORM ' olve, That the Cornmitislon*r ltubilc Works#rit aOtEs 91# r 11 % _,_�/ I oustre and directed to r tneepu PRESENTED BY / street,' 'id alleys tor the COMMISSIONE _/, / - — r- AL— - ,DATF hi4 ;'1„unft dust PPrrtpeilRn-;- t i ley $r sod'.e 136....:..==:-.-�.- .�...:,:-,;x:' *t Toot* 7:10 Resolved, That the Cauaissioaer of Public Works be aad he is hereto, authorised sad directed to oil the felloniag streets avid alleys for the of public health and dust suppression. grprsss, lreryland to Alley Se. Rose, DsSoto to 131$ East York, Earl to Fraak. Flandrau, Nebraska to lbataaa Germain, Seventh to Stillwater Ivy, Ruth to Winthrop Zeaaard, Comely to Alley Worth Luella, lhantheras to Waage lMateslm Court, ilighlead to Righlead Ileatreal, to Te aeoeOCo. n Aiaba, Cluster to Wyandotte Chester, Alabama to Tennessee Rohertsea, Fillmsre to UV Ely Al 1.y"Coagress.•Isabe 1�etloss•D idoe 11 Fairmount, 2 West of to 120, blast of DMalap Cluierlaad, 3150 Worth of to 355$ Worth of Cook Alley u rersjaiversity•Yirgiaia.Farriagtoa Fair Pines-Asbury to Arleta Griggs, Sealaary to Wnritt AlleyLsag-Hae pdso.RepseadeBradford Dept. of Public Works • Eighth a olive Parking Lot Dept. of Parks - Phalea Park Parking Lot JUN 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays JUN 1 9 1- Ham . Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli _L—In Favor Mortinson n Mayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 2 g-5 C 5M 6-55 . PUBLISHED )368 Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following streets and alleys for the purpose of public health and dust suppression. Cypress, Maryland to Alley So. Rose, DeSoto to 131' East York, Earl to Frank Flandrau, Nebraska to Montana Germain, Seventh to Stillwater Ivy, Ruth to Winthrop Kennard,, Conway to Alley North Luella, Hawthorne to Orange Montcalm Court, Highland to Highland Montreal, Elway to Texaco'Co. Alabama, Chester to Wyandotte wigsLers Niw az11a vo iiCnnesaee Robertson, Fillmore to 100' Nly Woodbury, Curtice to Sidney Alley-Congress-Isabel-Bellows-Bidwell Fairmount, 280' West of to 120' West of Dunlap. Cumberland, 315' North of to 355' North of Cook Alley-Aurora-University-Virginia-Farrington Fair Place-Asbury to Aron* Griggs, Seminary to Hewitt Alley-Long-Hempden-Raymond-Bradford Dept. of Public Works - Eighth & Olive Parking Lot Dept. of Parks - Phalen Park Parking Lot 191956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli Tn Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson = "'" Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 mtin .2