10-520CITY Presented Council �le # 10-520 Green Sheet # 3100196 RESOLUTION 33 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA WI�REAS, as paz[ of the right-of-way acquisi[ion for tlie Phalen Boulevard Roadway ConsWCdon projec4 �t was necessary [o purchase the property at 811 Payne Avenue; and WHEREAS, said property at 811 Payne Avenue was owned by the City and occupieA by [he Bridge Main[enance Division of Public Works; and WHEREAS, the proper[y was appraised at $20Q000 as part of the right-of-way acquisi[ion process and payment for the property was made by S[ate Aid and deposited into ihe Phalrn Boulevaid capital project accoum; and WHEREAS, Public Works pmposes [o use the $200,000 [o finance another si[e for the Eridge Maintenance Division for operations and to s[ore all [he necessary vehicles and equipmenC �eeded for bridge maintenance activi[ies; and WHEREA$ [here is a need to adjus[ the spending and financing budge[s for [he vaeious phases of [he Phalen Boulevard projec[ [o retlect the acNal expendimres and revenues for each of these phases, and WIIEREAS, [he Mayor, pursuant ro Sec[ion 10.07.1 of the Charter of [he City of Sain[ Paul, does certify [hat [here are available for appropria[i0n, Ponds of 5200,000 in excess of [hose estima[eA in the Capi[al Lnprovemen[ Budge[s; so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, Iha[ $200,000 is available for [ransfer &om the PNalen Boulevazd Project in[o a new capital project known as Bridge Maintenance Facili[y Acquisi[ion, u here[ofore adopCed and amended by [his Council, be hereby further amendeA in the Capital Improvemen[ Budget in the Sollowing particulars: Culrent Pwposed Amended Amended Financing Change Financing Spending Phalen Boule�acd-Phase I COl-2S143 Federal $9,350,000.00 -$4,516,304.64 $4,833,695.36 MnDOT $960,000.00 -$248,762.87 $7t1,237.13 MSA $3,745,000.00 $584,155.89 $4,329,155.89 SPRWS $120.000.00 -$?A.910.00 $95.090.00 $14,175,000.00 -$4,205,821.62 $9,969,17838 To adjust financing sou,ces to reflect actu¢l receipfs and close out this phase of the project. Phalen Boulevard - Phase II CO3-2S145 Federal MnDOT MSA Port Au[hodty CIB SPRWS Assessmen[ $5,033,284.00 53,140,000.00 $2,202,099.43 $2,027,400.00 $480,000.00 $68,710.00 35 0.00 $12,986,493.43 $1,455,485.91 $339,928.63 -$784,155.89 -$51,86421 $0.00 -$31,883.87 4 380.80 $931,891.37 $b,48$769.91 $3,479,928.63 $1,417,943.54 $1,975,535.79 $480,000.00 $36,826.13 $39.3&0.80 $13,918,384.80 $4,833,69536 $711,237.13 $4,329,155.89 9$ 5,090.W $9,969,178.38 $6,488,769.91 $3,479,928.63 $1,417,943.54 $t,975,535.79 $480,000.00 336,826.13 39 380.80 $13,918,384.80 Balance $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $O.QO $0.00 $0.00 30 00 $0.00 To adjust finnncing soumes ta reflect actupl receipts to d¢te and to hansfer MSA funding to complete Phase I($584,155.89) ¢nd to firtance the reloc¢tion of the Bridge bltce Division ($200,000). A fallow-up resolukon wi[l be coming to clase out Phase [I. Phalen Boulevazd - Phase III coa-2sias Fede[al $4,595,004.00 �546,912.47 $5,141,916.47 MnDOT $1,794,38&.00 $363,369.85 $2,157,757.85 MSA $2,234,900.57 -$96Q613.32 $1,274,28725 Me[ Council $0.00 $50,331.00 $50,331.00 CIB $520.000.00 �0.00 $520.000.00 $9,144,292 i7 $0.00 $9,1A4,292.57 To odjust futancing sources to ref[ect actual receipk and close out this phase of the project. $5,141,916.47 $2,157,757.&5 $1,274,28725 $50,331.00 $520.000.00 $9,144,292.57 30.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 10-520 Phalen Boulevazd — Phase III COS-2S147 Federnl $5,000,000.00 31,943,97720 $6,943,97720 MnDOT 34,000,000.00 -$1,204,368.55 52,795,631.45 MSA $739,608.65 -$739,603.65 50.00 CIB $387.384.88 SO_00 3387.384.88 $10,126,993.53 $0.00 $10,126,993.53 To adjust fumncing sources to refZect actual recaipts in order ta close out this phase of the projecG Bridge Mtce Faci4ity Acquisition C10.2XX�,'Y MSA 56,943,97720 52,795,631.45 $0.00 3387384.88 510,126,993.53 SO.Oo 50.00 30.00 SO_00 30 00 0�.00 $200.000.00 $200.000.00 $200.OIX1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 3200,000.00 $0.00 To 6ansfer MSA funding from the Phalers B[vd Phase77 project for the relacation of the Bridge Mairsten¢nce Division. The Bridge Maintettaxce Division was located at 8ll Payne Avenue, but this property had to be purchased as part of the ROW acquisition for the conshuction of Phalers Boulevnrd. The $200,000 was the purchasePrice of 8Il Payne Avenue. This $20Q000 wil[ be uted to fenarsce the relacation of the Bridge Mainten¢nce Division. G; D ; �J�`J'� �;3._n_.� L•8DI`ic� Y!^L3SCl�',-�..i?3,::. 8� • � ' 7� �Ls T-v°CC7`?84'� Lill^'8C�?S&5: �ii L�jL� �2i �G:T1Li,` L .' � � / { : /� �..34CI=E�L`CS27li'�A?i`�P =L�.L:..ca-- ' �(�va� , - — � ,� ���, ,___-� Adopdon Certified by Council ecretary BY� / i //oif O Approve b a or:�ate � L7 7iD�p By:' Form Approved by City At[orn . BY� �/c�- J� • O<-�1�� Form Approv ic' ervi s B Form Appf ved Ma � or Su s n t ouncil By: � Page 2 of 2 Adopted by Council: Date �/ �G/ �ap/� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � io-s2o PW _ Public Works 30 APR 2010 Green Sheet NO: 3100196 ConWct Person & Phone: Paul Kurtz 266-6203 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: PUBIIC HEARING (RESOLUTION) E-Document Required: N � Assign Number For Routing Order 0�kublic works 17L/ Y30//6J De artment nceountant KG �f � 3C �i 2�inancial Services � � Y7nancial Services � 3 City Attamey ! � City Attorney � 4� avor's Office i Msvor/Accistant Document Contact: Paul Kur� � Contad Phone: 266-6203 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AI� Locations for Signatur Action Requested: Approval of attached resolurion amending the spending and financing plans of the Phalen Blvd project and establishing a budget for the Bridge Mtce Facility acquisition. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission � CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Euplain all yes answers on separate Sheet and attach to green sheet. Initfating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, As part of the right-of-way acquisition for the Phalen Boulevard Roadway Construction project, it was necessary to take the property at 811 Payne Avenue, which was owned by the City and occupied by the Bridge Maintenance Division of Public Works. The property was appraised at $200,000 as part of the right-of-way acquisition process and payment for the property was made by State Aid and deposited into the Phalen Boulevard capital project account. Public Works proposes to use the $20Q000 to finance another site to relocate the Bridge Maintenance Division operations and to store all the necessary vehicles and equipment needed for bridge maintenance acrivifies AdvantageslfApproved: There will be available financing to relocate the Bridge Mtce Division operations and to store all the necessary equipment. Disadvantages If Approved: None. s - ,: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Financing to relocate the Bridge Mtce Division would have to be idenrified from other funding source. � "' , R Total Amount of $200,000.00 Transaction: Funding Source: MSA Financial information: (Explain) Aoril 29. 2010 2:20 PM CosURevenue Budgeted: Y Activity Number. C01-2S143, CQ3-2S145, C�4-2S146, CO5-2S147 Pana 1