178280 7) . .. _ . ' Original to City Clerk • : 78280 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I ,ice ll i9, i s; k,n •U I IL RESOLUTION —GE,. ERAL FORM ° ? '` a -1"+ r b' i6A/4'a;, PRESENTED BY � r. W / $emti 7c}Tri '12: COMMISSIONS r./.�t- s 46 ..�...z.A a .6, ._ ,.r , dATF '� 4+ t 1 e g WHEREAS, the City Council for t,= City ofrSaint Paul has had presented to its members under date of June 12, 1956, the preliminary plans or program for a workhouse facility, which plan was presented by the County and City Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission; and, EREAS, the members of the City Council have now studied the preliminary plan or program; and, WHEREAS, Section 8, Chapter 353, Laws of Minnesota for 1955, sets forth in part: "When the said Commission has selected and proposed a plan or plans to effectuate the proposals of this act, said plan or plans shall be presented to the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners for their ratification." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby ratify preliminary plan or program and that said plan or program be filed with this resolution. F.,ca 121956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas A ay if Approved 195_ Holland %ALA., r /Marzitelli Tn Favor L 'e I . . . . . Mayor Mortinson Peterson '.. -Against Mr.President, Dillon PUBLISHED 6—/6—'�'� 5M 6-55 creNito2 178280 Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�ENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Saint Paul has had presented to its members under date of June 12, 1956, the preliminary plans or program for a workhouse facility, which plan was presented by the County and City Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission; and, WHEREAS, the members of the City Council have now studied the preliminary plan or program; and, WHEREAS, Section 8, Chapter 353, Laws of Minnesota for 1955, sets forth in part: "When the said Commission has selected and proposed a plan or plans to effectuate the proposals of this act, said plan or plans shall be presented to the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners for their ratification," NOW, THE EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby ratify preliminary- plan or program and that said plan or program be filed with this resolution, • TIJB 1 2 1956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas jn. 1 0 19r °-Gibbons `: tri (:.., so Approved � n 195= Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against • Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 s^„=°•2 I I P COMMISSION MEMBERS • • FRANK D. MARZITELLI, CITY AND COUNTY DETENTION AND Chairman MRS. LUCILLE BLANK WORKHOUSE FACILITY COMMISSION MRS. JANE SHOVE LL F. PETERSON City of St. Paul County of Ramsey HAROLD M.GOODRICH 945 Court House Building fi t 1 RAY J. McMAHON , �7ii McNEIL V. SEYMOUR I JOHN J. TIERNEY RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE BERNARD M. TROJE, Executive Secretary SAINT PAUL 2 MINNESOTA June 8, 1956 •, ,N� X30 Honorable Members of the City Council, Court House, St. Paul 2, Minnesota. Gentlemen and Mrs. DeCourcy: Members of the above Commission submit herewith the preliminary plans or program for the proposed new workhouse facility. Materials contained herein have been approved by all members of the Commission in the regular meeting held on June 1, 1956. In accordance with Section 8, Chapter 353, Minnesota Session Laws, 1955, we submit these plans for your ratification. I am attaching herewith separate copies for all members of the City Council for your study and deliberation before ratification. Respectfully yours, BERNARD M. R Executive Secretary BMT/hk 178280 wawa. it. city 40010442, for tit for t Pot has had prassetsti to its 4, i ' Proatr,0 rty I , !HM ► by Us Om=iv sad Ctir 4dM Sed '41 the '..:i'. 1' j+. the Co ¢,MM:. i := NARF'. ': f i P 4tootiso 6, Chootor 153, dionsooto for 3955, sots forth is tho told ,4411,01 bitta *allot*, *Id propooad * plot Or Otos ofttotooto ���,.y l JUG 12 Jati I 2 1956 178280 liegeidas the ett74-441441,1 OA" the ott;? cf ze.tit pod. hos ,to urt its veder data or VA, the prelialsow pUoe or tar lohleh plea br the tad • betekbaoso ritetzit7 else tt-,i'lleika* the ember* at tho C.Ltir 14t001 eie rev sttetted the plait or sweet oats ItcrettaiS4 sootioe 41. Q * * )53 Atmeeeta tor 25 , *et* Avheo the s44 Catedeetes Iteet - sett preeeeed ortletteate the * eZ Veto at. tote Oa* or p1 ** *belt ho -teat la the GI* eitel tit* *are ot Coostesi fewer retitleatteemit Me* rittraltii4 ts guava) that the city Comati of the vsitor real tteee rettf preUeitserr gees et PrWest ° $41°1 or Plogria tstt tiled otitt *le resobtfaUes. JUN 1 2 1% ithl 1 2 1956 June 8, 2956 Honorable Members of the City Council, Court House, St. Paul 2, Minnesota. Gentlemen and Mrs. DeCourcys Members of the above Commission submit herewith the preliminary plans or program for the proposed new workhouse facility. Materials contained herein have been approved by all members of the Commission in the regular meeting held on June 1, 1956. . In accordance with Section,8, Chapter 353,;Minns .ta Session Laws, 1955, we submit these plans for your ratification.. am attaching here With separate copies for all members of the City Council for your study and deliberation before ratification. Respectfully yours* BERNARD M. TRCJE, Executive Secretary BMT/hk 178280 CITY AND COUNTY DETENTION AND WORKHOUSE FACILITY COMMISSION PROPOSED PLANS OR OBJECTIVES In accordance with Section eight (8), Chapter 353, Minnesota Session Laws 1955, we submit herewith, for your ratification, the plans or objectives of the Commission. The following represents the second phase of our program, namely, that pertaining to the workhouse facility. Briefly stated this act sets forth the following: "Any county and city of the first class in which said city has a population of not less than 300,000 nor more than 450,000 inhabitants within the limits of such county are authorized jointly to erect, equip, furnish, maintain and operate a joint city and county detention facility or facilities and a joint city and county workhouse, work farm, or any combination of the foregoing and to acquire land therefor; to provide for the housing of officials, offices and employees therein; providing for the issuance of bonds to defray the city*s proportion of the cost thereof; creating a commission and prescribing the method of selection of site, erection, equipment, furnishing maintenance and operation of such facilities; providing for a joint city and county committee to maintain and operate such facility or facilities; providing for the disposition of any property no longer needed because of the erection or acquisition of such buildings; providing for the disposition of the proceeds of such property." Members of the Commission were duly appointed by the City Council and County Board of Commissioners according to Sections 6 and 7 of the Act. The first meeting of the Commission was held on November 10, 1955. Subsequent meetings were held on the first Friday of each month thereafter with intervening special meetings. Commissioner Marzitelli was elected chairman and Commissioner Shovell, vice-ehairman. Several meetings were devoted to studying the overall problems of -2- detention and corrections in the city and county. Individuals and groups expressing an interest in these areas appeared before the Commission. Subcommittees were appointed to consider each phase of the entire program. Following are the plans of the Commission concerning its second considera- tion, namely, the workhouse facility, which have been crystallized'from unanimous opinion of its members. Brief explanatory remarks will follow each decision, setting forth the thinking involved in arriving at these solutions. The construction of a new workhouse facility is long overdue for both the city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey. History shows that the present facility built in 1882 was condemned on one occasion as being unsafe for human habitat. Moderate repairs have been made to the building which have improved the physical structure somewhat, but the facilities contained therein, particularly the toilet facilities are entirely inadequate and create a very unhealthy and unsanitary situation. The facility itself doesrnot provide for any satisfactory rehabilitation or recreation both of which are vitally important in reducing repeaters among our adult criminals. • The exact site, size and specific type of facility has not as yet been finally determined. From cursory investigation and talking to individuals concerned with this problem it appears for our purposes that this facility should house between 250 and 300 inmates, including females. This facility should perform many of the functions of the present county jail. It will be an institution for adults only and should provide the maximum of opportunities for a constructive, rehabilitative program, including employment, recreation, education, and religion. The work program should be of a kind that is of value both therapeutically and reducing cost of operation. The structure should be so designed as to provide for segregation of the -3- following types of offenders: 1. Female. 2. Dangerous and serious offenders and escape risks. 3. Offenders between the ages of 18 and. 25 and other types of offenders, such as traffic violators and non-support cases, persons awaiting trial, and witnesses. The structure should also contain conference rooms for attorneys, proba- tion officers, members of Alcoholics Anonymous, the clergy and others where privacy during interviewing periods is essential. Classroom facilities should be provided for drivers training courses for traffic violators, especially the youthful offenders. Medical facilities should be an integral part of the institution for out-patient treatment and necessary physical examination and X-ray prior to the commencement of a sentence. These are just a few of the necessary considerations that should be provided for in this structure. Information obtained from judges and officials in charge of our present institutions estimated that approximately eighty- to eighty-five per cent of the prisoners now sent to the county jail and workhouse are not criminals in the true sense of the meaning but rather in most instances are guilty of misdemeanors not involving violence,. The proposed new structure should provide for housing these prisoners in dormitories and rooms of the minimum and medium security type. However, maximum security cells should be available to house the security risks, such as those awaiting trial on serious offenses, as well as those serving long terms •and those prisoners awaiting transportation to state or federal penitentiaries. The proposed structure should be built horizontally with a minimum of steel cells and other maximum security facilities. In our opinion this is the most economical type to construct and operate. We propose the housing of the female prisoners in a, separate wing from the main building. It is conceivable that • this wing can be built for a maximum capacity of twenty to twenty-five female prisoners. We further propose that this facility also contain a moderate, separate dwelling for the superintendent of the institution. The architectural firm of Ray R. Gauger and Company has been selected by the Commission to provide the services for the construction of the workhouse facility. These plans do not encompass all of the specific details of the new workhouse facility as these can only be worked out by further study and investiga- tion. As the Commission proceeds on its other assignments and arrives at other definite recommendations they will be submitted in supplemental reports. We, the members of the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission, respectfully request the approval of your Honorable Bodies of the above plan and program. • 178280 CITY AND COUNTY DETENTION Air ,011KE0USit FACILITY COPYISbION PRLPOSED PLANS 04 OB4U4TIVE3, In acordance, with Section eight (8), Chapter 353* Einnesota Session Laws 1955* we submit herewith* for your ratifications the plans or objectives of the Cenmission, Tte following repreeents the second phase of our peogram* =rely, that pertainlmg to the workhouse faoiliey. Briefly stated this act sets forth the reneging: Any county and city of the first class in vhich said cite has emulation of not less than 300,000 nor more than 450,000 inhabitants within the limits of such county are authorised jointly to erects equip, furnish* maintain and operate a Joint city and counter detention facilitr or facilities and slant citeemen canner verkhouses work farms or any combination of the foregoing e. to acquire land therefor; to provide for the housing of officials* offices and employees teerein; providing for the issuance of bonds to defray the city's proportion of the cost thereof; creating a comlission prescribing the method of selection of site* erection* equipments furnishing maintenance and operetion of such facilities; providing for a joint clAr and county committee to maintain and operate such facility or facilities; providing for the disposition of any prepertr no longer needed because of the erection or acquisition of such buildings; providing for the disposition of the proceeds of such property." Members of the CCOMiSSUA were duly appointed by the City Council and County Board of Coneissicnere accordie, to sections 6 and 7 of the Act, The first meeting of the CtialtiSiden was held on november 10* 1955. Subsequent m-,tings were held an the first erider of -adh th thereafter with intervening special meetings. Commiseionerklarsitelli was elected chairman and Commissioner Shovel* viceehairmen, beveral meetings were devoted to studying the overall proelems of