178263 .71263 Original to City Clerk . iiuE13E oinmernac CITY OF ST. PAUL F`LNCIL Na OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e=1, :, n:, ,. i f` P 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION— EN 'AL FORM ,'44`--.' a �` ' PRESENTED BY J � COMMISSIONE _J t.` :/,s — —. AV- D J� � ^0,,,;.$' ,,i' P ElSOLYEps That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Ganes applied for by the fallowing organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, hours, and dates indicated on each application, be and the sane are hereby granted. Altar & Rosary Society, Maternbty of platy Church 592 W. Arlington 1 Pd Appel 10303 Renewal 121956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Decourey Nays IMAM JUN 1219N BM= Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli 1n Favor S24 Mortinson I Mayor Pet rson Against Mr.Press en , illon PUBLISHED;i-/6-5Z 5M 6-55 4E94