178259 Original to City Clerk 178259 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C• I R Sr LUTIO 1 GENERAL FORM [ ''yr� '. ! j PRESENTED BY ". !Alfred e COMMISSIONE L wt� DATF ""*` `'' d.. ; 1I WHEREAS, Alfred H. Schroeder, City Architect, has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 205 Eva Street, more particularly described as the East z of Lot 5, Block 22, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owners of the property are Samuel G. Rubenstein, 205 Eva St., St. Paul 1, Minnesota; Royal Realty Co., Endicott on Fourth, St. Paul 1, Minnesota; Nick Ziegan, 205 Ega St., St. Paul 1, Minnesota; Henry Klein, 1670 Clermont St., Denver, Colorado; S. B. Lechtman, Attorney, 148 Endicott Arcade, St. Paul 1, Minnesota; Freda Klein, c/o 1670 Clermont St. , Denver, Colorado; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 27th day of June, 1956, to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect notify by mail the record ownersof the property in question at the last known addresses. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou?c'tl"' 8 1956 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy a 8 1956 Approved 195_ Holland- Marzitelli Tn Favor Cktak■ Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against R sen PUBLISHED 4—/6__sue, Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6.55 AN6D2 Duplicate to Printer 17e. D CITY OF ST. PAUL Firm NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE PAS, Alfred H. Schroeder, City Architect, has reciae,ted the City Council to hold a public earins to consider any com?loints about the ex?ense incurred by 461-..c, City of Saint Paul in reoving a dimerour Aructure at 20v partieul,-)rly described as the Fast of 14)4- 5, no-ok 22, MaehsllTs Addition to West St. Paul; and 1.7 2 3.7 7 1 7 A E„ it :)..)-oecro that the 14, t known record owners or the property are , ;-nurl l'hibenstei „ 205 I'va t., St. Pala 1, annesota; Royal Peaty Co., Endicott on Fourth, St. Paul 1, Ainnerota; Nick Ziegan, Ea Et., St. Prul 1, Minnerota; Henry Klein, 1670 Clermont St., Denver, Color ; F. 3. Lechtman, Attorney, 14 Endicott. Arcade, St. Paul 1, Freda Klein, c/a 1670 Clermont Lt. , Denver, Colorado; therefore he it FFEOLVai, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council ChaMber at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 27th day of June, 1956, to conEider any complaintc about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul ane to confirm the amount thereof; be it FUFTHTT pfsoLvn, that the Cit7 Architect notify by mail the record o7nersof the :-)ro7erty it ;,uestion at the last known addresseo. LD COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays (iiibbantoc reCourcy Approved ilziwarsmx 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson 0 Mayor Ptrn Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 42 -OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI • City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota 1?'() June 7, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution setting a date for hearing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred by the city in the amount of $263.97 in connection with the wrecking and removal of a dangerous structure at 205 Eva St., as more fully described in the attached letter of Alfred H. Schroeder. Very tr yours,( (j, il I , City lerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 4 ROBERT A. LOBDELL W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Director of Public Recreation ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks ERNEST W. JOHNSON City Architect Consultant in Public Recreation • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota • DEPARTMENT OF I PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 4� 445 City Hall, Zone 2 �6 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN. Deputy Commissioner �f R June 4,1956 Hon. Council �l� G. City of St. Paul ;N' Gentlemen: o A statement of expense has been filed with the City Clerk o this date for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 205 Eva Street, located on East 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 22, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul. The property is listed in the names of Samuel G. Rubenstein, 205 Eva St. , St. Paul 1 Royal Realty Co. , Endicott on Fourth, St. Paul 1 Nick Ziegan, 205 Eva St. , St. Paul 1 Henry Klein, 1670 Clermont St. , Denver, Colo. S. B. Lechtman, Atty. , 148 Endicott Arcade, St. Paul 1 Freda Klein, c/o 1670 Clermont St. , Denver, Colo. In this matter, the following resolutions were adopted by the City Council: C. F. 175552, adopted October 27, 1955 (published October 29, 1955) set a public hearing at 10 A. M. in the Council Chambers on November 18, 1955. C. F. 175824, adopted November 22, 1955 (published November 26, 1955) ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and ex- pense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control there- of. C.F. 176095, adopted December 15, 1955 (published December 17, 1955) Directed the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and re- move the frame dwelling and do all things necessary to protect life, limb, and adjoining property. C. F. 176420, adopted January 17, 1956 (published January 21, 1956) approved the specifications prepared by the City Architect for the wrecking and authorized the purchasing agent to advertis for bids. C. F. 176793, adopted February 15, 1956 (published February 18, 1956) approved the award of the contract for wrecking to (2L/ /1j), #2 - Hon. Council Minnesota Lumber & Wrecking Co. for the sum of $224.00 in accordance with the specifications and formal bid no. 5571. C. F. 177191, adopted March 22, 1956 (published March 24, 1956) authorized the Department of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings to do the wrecking and provided that the wrecking expense of $224.00 (lowest bid) and the expenses of the Department of $39.97, making a total of $263.97, be paid out of General Fund Item 31 G 23, and in the event that sum proves collectible from the owner, same is to be credit- ed to 31 G 23. This building was wrecked and Registered Bill No. 4 1468 was mailed to the owners April 30, 1956. We are requesting you to hold a public hearing with ten days' notice to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. The Council resolution confirming the expenses should end with a directive to the City Clerk to file a statement of expense for the purpose of securing a lien on the property. Yours truly, io Alf - d H. Schroeder ARCHITECT A QFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. /lay. 25 195. .6. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Capital. City State Bank, for permit to install customer parking lot at the southeast corner of Lawson and Rice. Property- described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Auditor's Subdivision #17 and that a public hearing will be held in the.Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on June 7, , 195 6, in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. 4650C4 File: 13361; Page 1 mmssi oUne r H f n Yurnscn