178215 Original to City Clerk • ' 9
CITY OF No. 178215---sY �' COUNCIL NO. 1. 21�
OFFICE OF TI-e of On C Vtq,. o` Saint 'Pf
arized Robert r. Peterson{ Ce
COUNCIL RESOLUTi,r of oPtr: safety a
e name of the City O� S
plications. of ids. etc., ,
COMMISSIONER 'n with the epgicatioa of.'
t f Saint Paul for mate'an ? `�
th(e4rectlon of the ne*•i •
tesobzti,>, $. F In-
m CYO, co_'f ∎-
'.st yy,'p..[
WHEREAS, on September I, 1954 the Council of the City of
Saint Paul authorized Robert F. Peterson, Commissioner of Public
Safety, to execute in the name of the City oT Saint Paul all
# applications, -affidavits, etc., in connection with the application
of the City of Saint Paul for State and Federal aid the erection
of the new Health Center, by resolution 'E. F. 170051; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to that authority, Robert F. Peterson,
Commissioner of Public Safety of the City of Saint Raul, filed with
the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
and the State of Minnesota Department of Health, Part I of the
project construction application for the proposed Health,Center; and
WHEREAS, the ultimate construction costs of the proposed
Health Center contemplate payment for the Center on the basis of the
City's paying the sum of $627,081.00 with the Federal government to
supply matching funds,in he amount of $405,891.00; Iand,
WHEREAS, the funds to be supplied by the Federal government
are allocated to the various construction projects Under the
{ ^ , so-called Hill Burton Act, as amended, on a split project basis
r s whereby the Federal government, with the approval of the State
Department of Health, appropriates funds in the Federal budget over
,AA‘‘‘ a period of three fiscal years; and
WHEREAS, there is now available under the HillBurton Act
through the allocation of 1955 and 1956 fiscal funds, the amount of
$201,268, $79,500 of which were allocated under the amendment to the
• Hill-Burton Act for diagnostic and treatment facilities for the
fiscal year of 1955 and 1956, and $121,768.00 under the Hill Burton
Act, leaving abalance of $204,623.00 of matching funds to be
supplied by the Federal govermient from the 1957 Federal allotment
to be divided as follows: $121,767.00 under the Hill Burton Act for
hospital eonstructionprogram and $82,856.00 under the amendment
7 funds for diagnostic and treatment facilities; and
• .
Origins'to City Clerk
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, by resolution, C. F.
172129, adopted March 1, 1955, agreed to underwrite the amount
of $305,891.00 in the event such funds were not allocated by
the Federal Government in the 1956-1957 allocation under the
Hill Burton Act and the amendment to the Hill Burton Act in
order to insure completion of the project; and
WHEREAS, because of the 1956 allocation by the Federal
Govefnment, the amount necessary to be underwritten by the
City in the event the Federal Government does not supply funds
in its 1957 budget, has been reduced from $305,891.00 to
$204,623.00 by virtue of the allocation of Federal funds in its
1956 budget; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Health, in order to
assure the prompt construction of the proposed Health Center,
has asked that the City of Saint Paul underwrite the amount of
$204,623.00, the balance from the 1957 Federal allotments, in
the event that these amounts, or any portion thereof, are not
allocated by the Federal Government; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
assures the Minnesota Department of Health that this City is prepared
to finance- the entire Health Center project by utilizing the Permanent
Improvement Revolving Fund; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that since this is a revolving fund and
any expenditures made from this fund must be financed, the City is
including in the financing $405,891.00 to come from Federal grants
and in the event that any part of this grant is not forthcoming, the
City hereby pledges to finance that amount from other sources of
revenues of said City; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is in lieu of and
substituted for resolution C. F. 176901, approved February 28, 1956.
CO C MEN a 71
Adopted by the Council 195__
Vribbens— 11§§
Halverson.- Approved 195__
Holland 1
Marzitelli `1 ,
h Lin .+� . ,�
Mortinson 0 Mayor
PeterApp . Against PUB
Mr.Preside t, lllllon
5M 6.55 "2
t aNrapliato to Department
the CM or last Past, W ereedisi taaee, C. ?.
17*3p, adopted IWO 1, 1995, to isdervette the *west
It $*S. i.0l is the event mob trade sew set alllsssted bp
*s Fedora deveneest is ilea► 19%.4111, ailsesiias ashy ides
0i11siarMes Mt sawed tie eseedaessl to *s $12 Mr ies dot is
order Is issues ewepla tale st the prejests sod
• UM; beessee wet 7Mse 1'l% elleestisa tor ilee teems/
deveihmst, eseist selessusa ' to be aasiasrittes it the
Clip Ls the the teem' O.nseeeeesaai dies sari stind, hod*
is its 1917 re'� hes tees r.desed ,$1e00 is
212 .Y@ itrp dlae tiee It the aUlsssties e t 1► 1 i'ork, is lie
'42 tj aced
the #ltassista Depostassi of Wealth,, is alder M
te pa pt erleoelo settes of ibo mpe dead aes Sootss
be. said tilt Ile diit at 0stat taelli, vmderex'its llieeae a.sest of
, the below beer the 1957 Pads,
1ie wrest that Iii sas a wets or aye psrtiae tie
wr are set
e1lsesird it to Mersa doverseents Severer*, be it
INIMIXID, tets clue tosseil st The City It deist tad beet
aeeentse the lesseeeta 1leparlearwst of M>edtb that We Cite is prepared
to tissue the satire death Castor melee* it sftliaEisp the Persasest
Isposessest.1Mvetriep bead; be it
l l , that sisa Ste it a revelvisi teed wed ibis toad east be tisaased, the %iv way ospeaditusse
Le tasi s � $405,191.00 to t
sad is the sisal that sat part or Ibis mat is set tierakemft, firs
Clip ' pledges to unawares that saeefest ties seer seeress et
i+rwauass et said Olin be it
IftirrirtTo /09:11M, that this resarlmties is is lies at wad
ssbeittsted to r esre2utlaae C. P. l%901r, approved Pakesatp 211, 19%.
CC MEN Adopted by the Counci 5 6195—
.414149eas._ Jiiti 7195
o Approved 195_
Marzitelli __In Favor _
Peterson Against
Mr.President, Dillon
5M 6-55 4E02
to S t# the sow et et lots% Pal sU
apsUestiesto. attilaettet Ow. l thaseettee 4th the epritsolges
at *Ilk ti* a t ?ma tar State M4 Ireissal 44 to the �+a
at tb, a ► �s ' ► Latta$ 4. #• 1960411 aai-
t to t !. Peter
Gessisetellmw et Wit• of the UV of .tot %Nag trod 4th
the Vatted Mateo Deportrarth of-$s*1*. ties�
s 1i � of*u.s.t* lot the
Nt .NtleSLeS � tar the plopeeed Seel* Cestowi
=ids,the *Mote aosetraeldeo of the prepessedi
Seat* tester awstesplete perass% ter the Moder as the hate at th
eV. � ow et . t the-M
l smitibtast testa;iathe amount of $405,891.00; ,and
the taste to ie t �%
ea t *Ott p lst beets
'� swrieseist. wttis the ospreeol Of the volt e
of iteettli. appropriate" testi to the P
a gerted at throe Mast won aid
MIMS, time to sox .ffettaiaa UMW. the 1itLdidr es
the enseettsm at VW sad time towlei. 'tom► awswth of
$20110610 $19.1100 at Wish +came ellooetat mew td wassasset to *0
$tU• a sad terataot teelltitaa to the
Mara year at t!' end 3$% end 1411•60 slaw the lititAirtas
Mt. teretar of $204042%00 of **WW1 triie to be
addbp the idorat t1911 Po sillitoest
t o M dirt as 9 ,00 wader the 8113,41srtss hat ter
iMee titia as sotru w ut *2,a
tads for dleseeette woe troiktoost timotlittoop mot
Quairapltoote to Department
VIMAN ds Mpt.dior 1, 1134. ilos GoisoLli of the ett! of
Pa1st 1 1 sod lioloort to 10 Orantoolomor at Palillo
Oarriy. to assets la the maw of the 411 of 1.1st Pam, all
i$toollosoil omits !to«, is ossgsotias rtth the �t
of *0 *1, of Ott P.4 !or nato said leMR�sa oil 1a t irootlos
of the EMI► 164* Caster, raslati.s C. P. 1101111 .Nd
10=10/414 paroaost that 1 Worth•C at s , S od with
*Woo 1rpartsort of li 4*, iii sondes, and
and the Stow at 1llao..ots Lerartoratt of UM*. Part 1 at the
iwojoot i W lea appUsattaa told' the p,rpradd 1o4* Castor, mad
INISIORAS. t0 latlasto aarsiornotios coats It tills proposed
Bat* Orator
asoM.4* t for tko a. 1*0 �s of the
Oitpo r aM me �0Rhr00.
with the Moral siotoroseat to
omply astaldai ;Ia 4 aoaaast of 040141110,400, 'sag
MM, the finds to be mod tho Pokey/ /aromas at
ars alloostol to «M r►artoae oomotrootios ringbolts *why *0
saoallod littiAlartoma Mt, se .a..ded, as a malt projoot tools
utmity tho taldar4 gev rnaa:t, with tb. *wood of the State
It 1wltlb, aooropstatoo Nolo is do !.durst helot wow
a portal of thaws flood ; sal
x'110, tUovo lo araar aasilatllo *odor the Ifillo onion lot
tilts alloostioa of 1990 sad 190 its Stailot. the aso at of
► a I1$,%O or rook ro alloostsd ardor the Est MI *0
�21�t for dtpp tte *ad t roa to at faddliiloa tar *0
111.4 fur It wd 19,141 a #1*,9fiil,BCS ustar. ter Stibillortas
mitt tools* olsOlamoo at . • p.00 at *atabbilr to is to
aopoiliol t the tol olorsl lovorar Iat from the WM Mast olloti Nt
is to dtrrldod as *Mom, ,%1•00 *older the Sillollarloo Mt tor
bsi$tal orattnistleoprooroa oat ,1%•+10 ruder ter asasdaest
rimolo tW dlogaootto god troationt tiasilittosj ooh
• 1.78215
tho Clip of C.irrt P . bp st000lotios. C. P.
112129. eatorte4 Ow* 1. 1959. to Ito the esoust
of 009.1191•00 to t0 ave t mob foods von not otheso'tst tiff
Vol F o d o r a l w ai t i n tbis 1 1 7 41seatios the
ltillaorten dot ao d ter emoodoest to the $ I1Aerton tot is
order to limn oroplotten of the ps+rr ond
_ o s or eke olloottioo Iry t*0frr
to be osolorwritteo bl tlw
City is the the rodoral Oover0000t Ow sot
is its 1917 botgot. boo bora roamed boo 0140091.00 is
1 Or the satt*s of foie to Its
fl19246s the Ittiumoote hoportoost of 11040. is order to
sisam tint pi of wroNrtrileieu of the prrspsooC Stealtb ilootto.
boo sow t t the Oil, of lit Pod wits of the %Moss hes the 1 •t hews/ ol3sts•ste, is
tie mot that tip assorts. or say l* themet. sr* sot
ollooatsd by the ?*4.rd 0.11 t motor.. be t
tot Coosoi1 of tb. CIb of P
MIMs tits Iftw000te DoperNesat of Seat% *01 t Cit7 to prepared
to *0 dootor post by siil #og the Porsrt
lopormeat psi it
MOM INISOIXED that m .sto arA ht
rot tars* sods *this l oast to lto o
Hopi is the $405.091400 to on tree hotherol peat.
sad is the moot that tor port of this mot is sot forthooming. the
City bora, *Woos to *at asoort trot Ohs" norm of
reosonso of *44 Min bo it
!MOO IMOOLVIO. that this m lotiss io is lies at sod
olbstitotot for ressistIss C. rev 1169010, approved lst sy 3$0 1P%
jog 71956
AIN 71958