10-513Councii File # 10-513 Green Sheet# 3110957 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CITY RESOLUT�ON C�{�IT PAUL, MINNESOTA �`,:� BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative hearing record and testimony heard at public hearing on May 5, 2010 hereby memorializes its decision to certify and approve the Apri120, 2010 decision of the Legislative Heazing Officer for the following address: ADDRESS 1186 Seventh Street East APELLANT Kevin Menard Decision: Appeal denied and extension granted to October 31, 2010 to turn the water off to the property. Carter Bostrom Harris Requested by Department of: � Adopted by Council Form Approved by City Attomey By: Yeas � Date Sl�v)a�l� Adoption Certified by Counc' Secretary BY —__�Ll�! � /G�/J/! Approved M yo ' Date Z7 ?� � By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 10-51 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Department/Office7Council: Date Initiated: co-�°°°G� t2MAY2010 Green Sheet NO: 3110957 Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person InitiadDate Marcia Moermond � o oon�i� 0 �57� 1 ouncil De artmeutDirector �� 2 i Clerk CihClerk Must Be on Councit Agenda by (Date): Number 3 � For Routing < - Dot.Type:RESOLUTION Order 5 � E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Mai Vang ConWCt Phone: 6-8563 Total # oFSignature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolution memorializing Ciry Council action taken May 5, 2010 denying the appeal and ex[ension granted for property at 1186 Seventh Street East. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Following questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personifirm ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? CIB Commitlee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cUrrent City employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separdte sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating P�oblem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Adva�Wges If Approved: Uisadvantages If Appruved: Disativantages If Not Approved: Total Amouni of Transaction: CosURevenue Bud9eted: Funding Source: Activity Num6er: Pinancial )nformatlon: (Explain) May 12, 2010 9:51 AM Page 1 10-513 *`� �i �.f. : I � �f�4�1��' APPLICA.TI�N FOR APPE.AL � SaintPaul City Clerk 15 W. KeIIogg Bivd., 91� C�ty Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephane: (b5I) 2fi6-8688 R�� U � zo�� 1. Addsess of Property beFng Appeale3: 2. Number of pwelligg Units: ( 3. Date of r. ! � �r� � � �= s � - I mAn�u , � 4. Name of Owner. K t �/ �✓ �E�/�� � Address: �v l � l.% � `1 f�Y �2 5 �City: Y� �P. �—S State: �`l/' Zip: -S �/ � 3 Phone Numbers; Business 5• Appe11an2' / Agpiieaut (if tither than owner}: Residence �� �3��8 �y r�ddtess: Cit3': 5tate: Phone Nuuzbers: Business Residence _ CeIlular 6 State specifiCally wha# is being appealed'and wd�y (Use aFi attachment if necessary): C2SS 7-Ic�J �-,� CY�V G Ln �o. ff�!7 J- NOTE: A$25.00 filing fe� made payable Yo the City of SainT Paui must accompany {his apglication as a necessary condition for. fiIing, you must attach a copy of the ariginai orders and any other cAUe�ondencere3apve to this appeal. Any person �nsatisfed by the final decision of the City Councii may obtain judiciat review by rime2y filing of an actian as provided by law in I?istrici Court. . ` For O€fice Use Oniy r ' Date Received: Fee Received: Receipt Number Da#e of Heaang: �f/ ��/e� ,, Revised 9125I1007 �' 1��i j_t v I l• �� e�w� CITY OF SAII�1T PAUL DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 SUMMARY ABAT�MENT ORDER Mazch 30, 2�10 10-513 Yog hais tias koj hais ]us Hmoob ttnab koj tsis to taub tsab ntawv no, hu rau tus t�ais lus ntawm (651) 266-8989. h�ws yog pab dawb zwb.Sr necessrta un traductor, por favor ]lamanos al (651)266-8989. No costo. KEVIN L MENARD 617 NE TAYLOR ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55413-2423 I As owner or person(s) responsible for: 1186 7TH ST E you are hereby ordered to eliminate all nuisance -- i -- CL`+ ^ .� 3 t:. ^ . 9 &!i'+'.iC. - r - :YL' -, P.�V36i.4#367t'3€^�'`jlNwrl. * �ePti�vi iu7i3'f : :vii�'i E"a75iu'i'I�E'l°,D-IIt;.-��-' __... _, Shut off fhe gas and water services at the above referenced property ox install an excess gas flow valve (BFV) after each gas meter serving the building(s) in order to decrease the risk of fire, explosion or related dangerous conditions. { If you do not conect the nuisance or file an appeal before April 9, 2010, the City will correct ffie nuisance and charge all costs,` iiicluding boarding costs, aga?nst the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as pi=operty taxes. ; } � 1 If the City coirecfs the nuisance, Yhe charges will inGlude the cosY of correction, inspeetion, travel time, equipment, etc. Th�rate will be approximately $2(i�.00 per hour, plus expenses £or abatement and a minimum of $375.0� per excess flow valve installed. _ m:::.�� FAILURE�T�;��`t�MPLY MAY RESULT IN A CRIMINAL CITATIOl�' �,. .v, . __.�SSXCtJBiYa.."— �nil • 27��"_`F-LTjnnp�_ ftT_�k/y�9!pR3-.�.._.�...---....z....--�.-�-.-. .. If you have any questions about this order, the requirements or the deadline, you shoald contact the Inspector ]isted above, Monday through Friday. Anoeals You may appeal Uvs o��der xnd obtain a hearmg before the City Couned by complet�ng an appeal appl�canon w�th the Crty Clerk before the appeal deadline noted above or seven (7) days after the date mailed, whichever comes firsL No apneals mav he filed fter th t d te You mav obta n n an�al applica[ion Gom Yhe CiN Clerk's Office Roo�n 310 Ciri Hall St Paul NIN SS 102 The telephooe nwnber �s (651) 266 8688 You st subm t a coov of Correcuon Order w�th vo aone 1 an 1 catio $OCIpI011TS: I<evm L Menard 6 U Ne Taylor St � . Q Mmneapol�sMN5541 3-24 2 3 s � � _ /��� �j�� X !( a �� <<� � . �' O saefv 03/t� 10-513 Apri120, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page I 1 7. Appeal of Kevin Menard to a Summary Abatement Order for property at 1186 Seventh Street East. Kevin Menazd, property owner, appeared. Jeff Hawkins, DSI — Vacant Buildings, appeared on behalf of the department. Mr. Hawkins read into the record the ordinance concerning the requirement to install an excess flow valve at vacant buildings: Sea 43.03. (d) In order to decrease the risk of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions, the owner shall install an excess flow automatic gas shut-off valve ("excess flow valve") on the building's gas piping immediately downstream of the gas meter outlet within sixty (60) days after the designation of any building or portions thereof classified under Saint Paul Leg. Code § 43.02 (7) as a category II or a category III vacant building. If the owner fails to install an excess flow valve, the enforcement officer, under the authority of Saint Paul Leg. Code § 45, may install the excess flow valve on the building and enter the building if necessary. The costs incurred by the city for installation of the excess flow valve shall be assessed against the property as a summary nuisance abatement under the provisions of Saint Paul Leg. Code § 45. Owners of category II or III vacant buiidings with active water and gas service on the effective date of this ordinance shall have sixty (60) days following the effective date of this ordinance to install an excess flow valve. Prior to installation oPthe excess flow valve, the owner, or another who can demonstrate a secured interest in the property must obtain the required permits from the Department of Safety and Inspections. Any excess flow valve model must be approved and installed as required by the DeparCment of Safety and Inspections. Mr. Menard stated that the gas had been shut off at the meter and since there wasn't any copper piping in the building, thexe would be no danger of pipes being stolen and gas leaking. He said he didn't understand why there was a requirement to hun off the water too. Mr. Hawkins explained that the requirement to shut off the water was so that pipes did not freeze and burst during the winter months. Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal and granting an extension to October 31, 2010 to turn the water off to the property.