178199 178199
Council File No
areas, A written Propose far:!`r
and ing of the following imprvvemen
yen, w14ex}
re'a1. to den,,fig a and
PRELIMINARY ORDER. , 21'1 `' �t the '
5..1 1 as.
The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement b :4 3 of Bait. ill. di,
*LAO*and. erten* S all ng-Avenue `M' 4400 -* $ *
for a Attars underpass of the porter Nett a taw*"
and a sine ectian to utter. nsian of relets Aid. has
Gibbs,Avenue by esatdeaming and taking. the .fei3 awrii !I erib_rd parcel of
lands 41 in the City of $tj*
That part of the TN 1/1 ot. thirt U . of ►
p ferabdp North, 'mod Xdste bouts', the to 2 x
described lines, $ alt at the intersection of the ,
northerly right.efe era, � the Northern Neifis Railway
Oemparty(14011/14 line) with the present wist line of Sling
Avenue; thenec le er ' 'Points,l erg .ri gh f-way line a
distance of ft, ► s thin nce northerly on a straight
pasall.el to.tlho Asti irest.Luto the st.Atue litai Avenue •
distant of 1425 ft. to a point; thence easterly on a straight
line parallel to the a foresaid rightsef-eray line a distaW
pS M -Ur,s ;Mat- **.west:li w r1i i drefin .
_ ' On the- tom:Liss'-ails:
tO ' bur yerlFaait-+ettegiu aais fir, 1 x e r
..F i� 1 l'ti pug•
Itl cC Or itz5 z . Tao a pviati; valuta. opatilipar.4 *s . Iripreaftili
line Paralluil eta the et f avesiaD rightsketilearline a distance
of 125 ft• to a point on the crest line of Snelling Avenue;
thence southerly on the said neat line a distance of 425 ft.
to the point of beginning.
.aay ur.
3000 7-54