178160 Original to City Clerk 171160 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE CCIELTIZE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f / + .r COMNITSD OBN ■ ., - s-./- - --i Nay 31, 1956 R83OLVEDs That licenses applied for by the Miming persons at the addresses stated, be and the sane are hereby granted. James Weiner 787 Selby Gen, Auto Rep Gar. App. 9685 1ex Weir Lee, Robert Regoboom 440-42 Selby Gas Sta 31' " 9747 " Old " • " T. M. Loc. N N N N N • Earl E. Priebe 180 Thomas T. V. Master • 9929 • Now • Rail lathed 1561 St. Paul llerist-Nursery " 9937 " Old " Jos. A. Bilski 395 A. Snelling N " 9938 N N N Adolph & Theodore Sehuh erk 1128 Honer • N 9947 N N N N N Vehicle (l) N 7"T a R. V. Woolworth Co. 1088 University Floriste•Jursery " 9959 " N N Zeklen Radio Co., Inc. - 114 Lyndale Ave. 1. Mpls, T. V. Waster " 9966 " Weir " N N Serviceman (1) 11 N N Land & Lange, Inc. Lobby, 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Florist lrsery • 9970 • • N Council File No 178188-By Bernard T. Holland -Severn A.. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That 1 eeMies applied for by the persons named on tiie lilt at- tached to lution be a the same, areereb granted, and the City Clerk is in acted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City the requiteed fees.1956. Adopted b the Council June 8, Approved une 8, 1956. (June 9, 1988) JUN 61 C C MEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas I 61956 MeiverseTr Approved 195__ :::lli Favor \'\*.ti\j.......? ataflAr• Mortinson Mayor Pe so 41Against Mr. Pre n , Ilion 5M 6-55 2