10-509Council File # 10-509 Green Sheet # 31 I J 057 OF Presented by RE50LUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA /(o 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for 2 property located at 1198 Blair Avenue to the Saint Paul Council for review and recommendation; and 4 WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed police records for illegal activity, property code, 5 and health violations wiYhin the past four years and did not find any substantial activity at the property. 6 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council recommends that the Board of 8 Ramsey County Commissioners approve the repurchase application for the property of 1198 Blair Avenue; 9 and 10 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council 12 resolution to the Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Land Office, 90 Plato Boulevard West, for final 13 14 15 16 17 processing;and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council requests the entire packet of materials reviewed by the Council be included in the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners' meeting materials on this subject. Bostrom Requested by Department of: � Stark Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adopted by Council: Date �) l�/ �,�1)/!� Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � Appro d M y r Date ` L� ��U By: � Approved by the Office of Financial Services � 10-509 May 11, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 6 5. Application of Joel J. Leonazd to repurchase tax-forfeited property at 1198 Blair Avenue. Mr. Magner stated that DSI staff had a lot of involvement with this property and he had been briefed fairly well concern the history. The owner had lost the property to tax forfeiture as he did not comprehend that he was responsible for paying the property taxes. Kay Wittgenstein, House Calls, became involved with Mr. Leonard and a social worker from Lutheran Social Services was appointed as a receiver to assist Mr. Leonard in bringing the property back up to code and to ensure that he pays his bills. He said DSI would recommend approving the repurchase application. Ms. Moermond responded given these facts, she would recommend approving the repurchase application. � 10-5� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet DepartmenU�ce/Council: Date Initiated: co- 12MAY2010 Green Sheet NO: 3111057 ContaM Person 8 Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person I�itiall�ate Marcia Moermond y o ounca �� 1 ounN De artment D'vector Assign 2 i Clerk C� Clerk Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number �� For 3 Routing 4 �� Doc.Type:RESOLUTION Order 5 O E�DocumentRequiretl: Y Document ConWCt: . Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolution recommending the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners approve the repurchase application of Joe17. Leonard for property at 1198 Blair Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department7 CIB Commitlee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfrm ever been a ciiy employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: DisadvanWges If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activrty Number. Financial Information: - (Ezplain) May 12, 2010 12:16 PM Page 1 10-509 Ramsey County Property Records and Revenue Taxpayer Services — Tax ForFeited Lands • PO Box 64097 � Saint Paul, MN 55164-0097 April 15, 2010 City of Saint Paul, City Council Research Attn: Marcia Moermond 15 Kellogg Blvd W Suite 310 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to a tax-forfeited property at 1198 Blair Ave Dear Marcia Moermond: Enclosed please find a repurchase application received from Joel J. Leonard for the property located at 1198 Blair Avenue. The property forfeited to the State of Minnesota on August 1, 2009 and is a single- family dwelling. Kay Wittgenstein from House Calls has been involved with this case and would be happy to talk with you, as would i, about Mr. Leonard's situation. After you have had a chance to review the documentation, would you let me know so I can schedule a time for Kay and me to meet with you. County Board policy, No. 99-507, adopted on December 21, 1999, alfows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shaii recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations:' The following documents are enclosed to assist you: • Code violation report • Police history summary • Copy of Application to Repurchase after Forfeiture • Map of the parcel Once the City Council has made a recommendation on the repurchase, please send a certified copy of the resolution and supporting documentation by interoffice mail to: Ramsey County Property Records and Revenue Attn: Kristine Kujala 90 West Plato Since ely, �)� � �"� ��_ Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands (651) 266-2081 Kristine.kujala @co.ramsey.mn. us 10-509 � �I ,�t c� �- (�l o. v � G�v� SaiJ�S —t LUa � ��, n-P� S-QA . J— I O S� S� S �, �- �-�. x �s , s �� � ��; 1� . � e after Forfeiture Pin: 34-29-23-11-0169 Legal Description: Lot 10. Block 6, Livin¢ston (Ruthl2nd Addition. Address: 1198 Blair Ave Forfeiture Date: Ausust 1. 2009 I hereby make application to repurchase the above described parcel of land, located in Ramsey County, from the State of Minnesota, and understand that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 282.241: • The owner at the time of forfeiture, or the owner's heirs, devisees, or representatives, or any person to whom the right to pay taxes was given by statute, mortgage, or other agreement, may file an application to repurchase any parcef of land cfaimed by the state to be forFeited to the state for unpaid property taxes, unless soid or conveyed to a third party. • The property may be repurchased for the sum of all: o Cancelled taxes, including all delinquent real property taxes, plus penalties, accrued interest and costs attributable to the taxes. o All property taxes plus penalties, interest and costs on those taxes for the taxes payable year foilowing the year of the forfeiture and all subsequent years through the year of repurchase. o AI4 delinquent specia{ assessments cancelled at the time of forfeiture, plus penalties, accrued interest and costs attributable to those assessments. o Special assessments not levied between the date of forfeiture and the date of repurchase. o Any additional costs and interest relating to taxes or assessments accrued between the date of forfeiture and the date of repurchase. o Extra costs related to repurchase and recording of deed. • A$250.00 administrative service (repurchase) fee, in certified funds, is due at the time the application is submitted. • All maintenance costs accrued on the property while under the management of Ramsey County, Tax Forfeited Land, from the date of forfeiture until the adoption of a resolution by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, are to be paid by the applicant. • Applicant will take possession of the property and be responsible for its maintenance and security upon approval of the repurchase by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. The reason or circumstances that led to the forfeiture of the property is (describe hardship): �iJ,�, �tv� Return �� ��A cation to v� C o v� P.-1— Scc�7�N�-S 0 i� ipplication to: Department of Property Records and Reveriue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Section, �' PO Box 64097, St. Paul, MN 55164-0097 f ' �� 10-509 Application to Repurchase after Forfeiture Applicant Name:_ � ��' � � 2 p.� a�C' � ApplicanYs relationship to the property: }� r� �� �(/�3 � 2�' MailingAddress � �� � `� Ia�� �� City, State, Zip 1 5 S /� Date "t —� ` �� The foregoing instrument was acknowiedged before me this � day of ��Y i 1 � bY �E�{�� � �_�C5 V��.{�`Cl— Given under my hand and official seal of this u�nnni�✓�'^'� COI�'1"'�'� � ��TEL � � Notary Pub�icMinnssota � � �I�,�g� 37. 2QI5 � day of [,� � �� � �,--'�"L Signature of Notary Public Notary Commissioner Expires �6 3� c�� 1� Return application to: Department of Property Records and Revenue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Section, PO Box 64097, St. Paul, MN 55164-0097 CD 3 1198 Blair Ave 34-29-23-11-0169 ��. ^�;, r�+� OPEl4NG �NF.6P.W. q • 9 n� ;, � �m � 3 ' �`�= ' s �v (aa� (er) ' q �� m � N �' „ I L yy R F3 n L � � I S av � ao H ', 2 _ � P IV �.. � e � �� .. xoal (f3P1 lfv� � � � sa [� �o• 8 4tl 40' 8 �7 � � � d0' <0 /0' <0' 40 4P a0 CO' � .n s � � c d � � �, �. .a,�.� � (t'AJ R)1 '�J w^s) (dq (�) �ez� te� Nc� � x.._ tt = g Y f �10' t0' 0,� a 6p' + yu ��0. wu' i� � � � h. 1 � v. 4 t,� ���`r' f � s��"a 3� �" 1 mm �, ro. r ron �, 'i; � Ht �v rtx ry,o) 8 0 € ��� zg a 8 k:��,�? �B c �� L. - '�'r - .. z I � ', . �" � � +$' Pi:, � �. I . . � �- � �nr cv,u� L � � % _ a I '�fS! 17 1 S � _. _ 1' 'w �.�r 'TC (N) � � 00' 40' s 6 :5 �s� .'in ZS 26 DISCLAIMER: This map is neitf�ec a legally recorded map nor a suNey and is not intended to be used as oue. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, cou¢ty, state aud fedeml o�ces aad other sources regarding the area s6own, and is to be used for ceFere�ce purposes only. STAMP - Activities New Search ST.4P+�P - �►ctivities Helo using this reRort Page 1 of 1 10-509 E-mail Service Desk Run Date: 04/19/10 01:42 PM Sort by Most Recent Date Starting Date: House#: 119 Folder Type: All Folder Types _ Ending Date: Street blair Folder Count: 5 Name: Gick on address link to access Ciick on ID# link below to view detail GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Address In Date ID # Status Type Description 1198 Blair..Ave 04/15/10 10 230744 Open 10/O1/07 07 155223 Finaled 10/O1/07 07 155224 Closed 10/OS/07 _07,,,1_5__5222 Resolved 08/24/04 04 136961 Resolved RE - Real Estate Assessments VB - Vacant Building - Vacant Building Monitoring Category 1 - Single Family Residential VF - Vacant Building Fee - Owner: Joel J Leonard - VB Fee Category 1 - Single Family Residential CS - CSO Complaint - VacaM Vacant Building Monitoring Building Monitoring - Complaint CS - C50 Complaint - Foundation inder the porch is Exterior - Complaint cracked, garage needs paint, painr around the fron[ windows, roof needs repair. Never seen a tresh pick-up-recycling picked up 8/8/07 - Gas/Electric Shut Off per Xcel Energy Xcel Shut Off list 06-27-OS Gas and/or Electnc http://sparacistpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseN... 4/19/2010 STAMP - Activity Detail �STAMP - Ac#ivity Detaii New Search Helo using this report 1198 Blair Ave E-mail Service Desk Ciick here to access other applications usi�g this address - GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Run Date: 04/19/30 01:43 PM In Date: 08/24/04 Statu5: Resolved Folder 04 136961 Entered By: Mitch, Maureen Closed: 03/31/SO ID#: CS - CSO Complaint - Exterior - Page 1 of 4 10-509 Description: Foundation inder the porch is cracked, garage needs paint, painr around the front windows, roof needs repair. Never seen a trash pick-up-recycling picked up S/S/07 - Gas/Eledric Shut Off per Xcel Energy Xcel Shut Off List 06-27-08 Gas and/or Electric CommenC: 08/25/2004 : Code Printed: OS/25/2004 11/29/2004 quan Dang: EC 30 days email sent 11/29/04 04/04/2005 : OFS Payment on 04-04-OS 04/04/2005 : OFS Payment on 04-04-OS 09/13/2005 : OFS Payment on 13-09-OS 10/11/2005 : OFS PaymenY on 11-10-OS 08/18/2008 : OFS Payment on 18-08-OS OS/31/2009 : OFS Payment on 08-31-09 10/12/2009 : OFS Payment on 10-12-09 Document: Batch PDF: Comolaint Document - Genereted: 12/30/2009 - Sent: 12/30/2009 CE EC Letter and Bill: - Generated: 06/16J2D09 - Sent: 06J16JZ009 CE EC Letter and Bill: - Generated: OS/12/2009 - Sent: OS/12/Z009 CE Correction Notice: - Generated: 06/25/2008 - Sent: 06/25/2008 CE Tag Letter - Generated: OS/13/2008 - Sent: OS/13/2008 CE Photo Document: - Generated: OS/13/2008 - Sent: OS/13/2008 CE Condemnation letter: - Generated: OS/15/2007 - Sent: OS/15/2007 CE AppoinCment Letter• - Generated: 08/10/2007 - Sent: 08/10/2007 CE Correction Notice: - Generated: 08/10/2007 - Sent: OS/10/2007 CE Tag Letter� - Generated: 08/01/2007 - Sent: O8/O1/2007 CE Photo Document: - Generated: 08/Ol/2007 - Sent: 08/Ol/2007 CE Apoointment Letter: - Generated: 04/24/2006 - Sent: 04/24/2006 CE EC Letter and Bill: - Generated: 10/14/2005 - Sent: 10/14/2005 CE Tao Letter: - Generated: 07/OS/2005 - Sent: 07/OS/2005 CE EC Letter and Bill: - Generated: 07/OS/2005 - Sent: 07/OS/2005 CE EC Letter and Bill: - Genereted: OS/13/2005 - Sent: OS/13/2005 CE EC Letter and Bill: - Generated: 12/02/2004 - Sent: 12/02/2004 CE EC Letter and Bill: - Generated: SO/28/2004 - Sent: SO/28/2004 CE Correction Notice: - Generated: OS/26/2004 - Sent: 08/26/2004 * Note: Clicking on above document links may not reFlect the exact formatting of the original document. People: Owner: State Of Mn Trust Exempt/Ramsey Co Tax Forf Land PO Box 64097 St Paul MN 55164-0097 Homesteader: State Of Mn Trust Exempt PO Box 64097 St Paul MN 55164-0097 651-266-2080 Previous Owner: JoelJ Leonard 1198 Blair Ave St Paul MN 55104-2003 http://sparaci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Proj ectV iewer?devDatabase=n&folderRSN=... 4/ 19/2010 STAMP - Activity Detail Previous Owner: StaYe Of Mn Trust Exempt PO Box 64097 St Paul MN 55164-0097 651-266-2080 Info Vaiue: Ward: 4 District Counal: 11 Field Find?: No Rental Registration?: No Fee: Excessive Consumption $50 Fee: $50.00 - Paid in Full: Payment DaCe: 04/04/2005 Excesslve Consumption $75 Fee: $75.00 - Paid in Full: Payment Date: 04/04/2005 Yes - Payment Type: ASSE55 - Yes - Payment Type: ASSESS - Excessive Consumption $150 Fee: $150.00 - Paid in Full: Cancel Excessive Consumption $150 Fee: $150.00 - Paid in Full: Cancel Excessive Consumption $150 Fee: $150.00 - Paid in Full: Cancel Excessive Consumption $150 Fee: $150,00 - Paid in Full: Cancel Excessive Consumption $150 Fee: $550,00 - Paid in Full: Cancel Excessive Consumption $150 Fee: $150,00 - Paid in Full: Yes - Payment Type: ASSESS - Payment Date: 08/18/2008 Excessive Consumption Multiple $50 Fee: $50.00 - Paid in Full: Yes - Payment Type: ASSESS - Payment Date: OS/31/2009 Excessive Consumption $75 Fee: $75.00 - Paid in Full: Yes - Payment Type: ASSESS - Payment Date: 10/12/2009 DSI CS Complaint Admin Assigned To: CSO Complaint Analyst Pool 651-266-8989 08/08/2007: Resend to Depts OSJp8J2007: Emaif Sent - To: Seeley, Paufa 06/28/2008: Resend to Depts DST Code Eaforcement Response Assigned To: Yannarelly, Joe 651-266-1920 08/25/2004: *Compliance Recheck - Foundation has huge crack in front of house. Garage paint is deteriorating as well as trim paint. Send Order Accessory Structure (Orders) Maintenance - Exterior (Orders) DSI Code Enforcement Reinspection 10/27/2004: *Recheck - No change pictures taken Send EC-$SOnon Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) 12/01/2004: *Recheck - No change picture taken Send EC-$75 Non comply Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) OS/12/Z005:*Recheck- No change.Send EC-N$150 Accessory Strudure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) 06/30/2005: *Recheck - No change pfctures taken Send EC-N$150 and TAG Accessory Structure (Violation Tag) Maintenance - Exterior (Violation Tag) SO/13/2005: *Recheck - No change TAG is in warrant. Send EC-N5150 Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) 12/08lZ005: *Recheck - No change w�lf hold over til spring Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenan�e - Exterior (Recheck) 04/17/2006: *Recheck - I spoke w/neighbor Becky Smith (636-3343 work) who said thinks Page 2 of 4 10-509 http://sparacistpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/ProjectV iewer?devDatabase=n&folderRSN=... 4/19/2010 STAMP - Activity Detail PO has mental issues and that she has checked and no taxes paid for years. I left Kay W. message to contact me. Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) 04/21/2006: *Compliance Recheck - I spoke w/Kay and we will meet out at property on thursaday at 9:30. Send Appt letter for April 27th at 9:30 Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Appointment Scheduled) 04/27/2006: *Recheck - Met w/Kay W. at property with no luck getting in. Kay is going to send a letter and check on taxes. Accessory Structure (No Entry) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) OS/04/2006: *Recheck - Kay sent letter to PO offerring assistance. We are meeting out there at l0am w/police o�cer Weigel to see if we can get his attention. Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) OSJ�8/2�06: *Recheck - With Weigel and Kay, �o luck getting PO to come to door, Neigh6or says he is at home but will not come to door. Officer Weigel says he will continue to stop by late akernoon in hopes of catching PO outside (neighbor says he is often doing yard work late afternoon. Cannot condemn for foundation crack under porch. Rest of yard house looks OK. Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) 06/10/2006: *Recheck - I thought a Saturday might bring better luck, no dice. Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) 07/14JZ006: *Recheck - Offlcer Weigel coMacted PO outside of his house and connected PO to Kay W. who is now working w/him. Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) 10/31/2006: *Recheck - Kay W. is working with PO on getting him to get up to date on his taxes and other Pinancial responsibilities as Mr. Leonard has personal issues to be dealt with. I told her that the repairs to foundation under porch could be put off til sprin9. Accessory Structure (Extension) Maintenance - Exterior (Extension) 06/29/2007: *Recheck Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) Assigned To: Seeley, Paula 651-266-1916 OS/Ol/2007: *Comphance Recheck Accessory Structure {Violation Tag) Maintenance - Exterior (Violation Tag) OS/10/2007: *Compliance Recheck Basic Facilitie5/Utilities (Orders) Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) 08/14/2007: *Compliance Recheck Basic Facilities/Utilities (Condemnation) Accessory Structure (Condemnation) Maintenance - Exterior (Condemnation) OS/20/2007: *Recheck Basic Faalities/Utilities (Recheck) Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - E�erior (Recheck) 10/25/2007: *Recheck Basic Facilities/Utilities (Abated) Accessory Strudure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) OS/Ol/2008: *Compliance Recheck Accessory Structure (Recheck) Maintenance - Exterior (Recheck) OS/13/2008: *Compliance Recheck Accessory Structure (Violation Tag) Maintenance - Exterior (Violation Tag) 06J25J2008: *Compliance Recheck Basic Facilities/Utilities (Orders) Page 3 of 4 10-509 http://sparaci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/ProjectV iewer?devDatabase=n&folderRSN=... 4/19/2010 va;oti!'zo10 oa'24 FAX 651 555 4545 ST PkUL POLIGE �EPT. I� 003l003 10-509 Saint P�ul Police Department AddressAntersection Report Address Search: 1198 BLAIR AV (Sector 1, Grid 86) Total Records: 2 Comp # OccU Data & Tim Ff No Inc Typ Di9po 4pt# 08�21413 OW25/2008 2223:55 1198 ASS-ASSIST CITI2EN CALLS, ALL ADV 07189299 09/20/200715:16:1s 7198 CHECK WELFAFE DUP Informaiion requested by: (220000) 1 Printed at:04/07/2010 17:57:34 10-509 DEPAATMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Steve Magr+eq Manager of Code Enforcement CITY OF SE1IN"I' PAUL Chrisiopher B Coleman, Mayor April 21, 2010 375JacksonStree[,Suace220 Telephorze.651-266-8989 SaintPaul,MN55/01-l806 Facsrmde.651-266-19l9 Web www smaul ¢ov{dsr Yog hais tias ko� hvs lus Hmoob [hiab ko� tsis to taub [sab n[awv nq hu rau [us IXhais lus ntawm (65 Q 266-8989. Nws yog pab dawb zwb Si necess�ta un traductor, por favor Ilarnanos al (651)266- 8989 No costo CORRECTION NOTICE RE: 1198 BLAIR AVE File #: 10-309104 Dear Sir ot Madam: The City of Saint Pau1, Department of Safety and Tnspections has inspected the above referenced property on Apri120, 2010 and has determined that the following deficiencies exist in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Code� 2. 3. :! GAS VALVE: The kitchen stove lacks the required shut off valve for the gas supply. Install an approved shut off valve. Permit required. BOILER: Have a licensed contractor service/clean the boiler as needed including an Orsat test. SPACE HEATER: Have a licensed contractor service/clean the basement space heater as needed. WATER HEATER: Have a licensed contractor check/servicelclean the water heater as needed. 5. INCEINERATOR: Remove and properly dispose of incinerator in basement. Cement vent opening in chimney and properly cap gas line. Remove plug valve from gas line if applicable. 6. HANDRAIL: The stairs have missing or defective handrails. Provide all interior and exterior stairways and steps of more that three (3) risers with handrails which aze grippable and installed 34" to 38" above the nose of the stair treads. 7. SETTLEMENT CRACK: There is a settlement crack on the west side between the house and the front porch. Patch, seal or caulk as needed to prevent moisture intrusion. PAINT HOUSElGARAGE: The exterior walls and/or trim of the house and/or gazage has defective, peeled, flaked, scaled or chalking paint or has unpainted wood surfaces. Scrape and repaint to effect a sound condition in a professional manner. 9. ROOF HOUSE/GARAGE: The roof is deteriorated, defective, or in a state of disrepair. Repair or replace the roof covering to a sound, tight and water impervious condition. Permit may be required. Apri121, ZO10 1198 BLAIR AVE Page 2 10-509 You are hezeby notified to correct these deficiencies in accordance with the appropriaYe codes. The Enforcement Officer will reinspect these premises on or after May 03, 2010, For items 1-6 October 04, 2010 For items 7-9 by which date the violations noted must be corrected. Failure to correct these deficiencies may result in the issuance of criminal charges andlor a civil lawsuit, and possible abatemenUassessment by the City. All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits may be obtained by calling 651-266-9090. You may file an appeal to this notice by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 6� 1-266-8688. Any appeal must be made in writing within 10 days of this notice. (You must submit a copy of this Notice when you appeal, and pay a filing fee.) If you have any questions or request additional information, please contact me. To arrange an appointment or request an extension of time to complete repairs, you will need to speak directly to me at 651-266-1904. Sincerely, Joel Essling Badge # 322 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Foomotes: � To see the Legislative Code go to www.stpaul.EOV on the internet, click on "Departments", then click on "Department of Safety and Inspections", scroll down the page for the "Codes". Most Conection Notices derive from Chapter 34. Z Criminal chazges can be brought on the day the violation is observed, but generally we allow time to correct unless this is a repeat violation. je WARNING Code mspec[ion and enforcement tnps cost [he [aepayers money. Ifthe violahons aze not wrtec[ed wrthm the t�me period required m Ihis mtice, [he ary's cosu m conducting a remspection after the due date for compiiance will be collec[ed from the owner ra[her [han being pa�d by Ihe taepayers of [he city lf additional new viola[�ons aze discovered wrthin the nex[ followmg I? months, the c�ry's cosu m conducnng add�tional inspections at Ih�s same location w�thm such 12 months will be collected &om [he owner ra[her [han being pa�d by the tacpayers of the ciTy. My such fu[ure costs will be collec[ed by asse5sment agains[ the reaI property and are �n addinon to any other fine5 or azsessmen� which may be levied apains[ you and your properTy cn60I00 2/10 10-509 DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Steve Magner, Manager ofGode Enforcement CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Chrrstopher B Coleman, Mayor Apri121, 2010 Joe] Leonard 1198 Blair Ave 5t Paul MN 55104-2003 Dear Sir or Madam: 375JacksonStree4,Su�ie220 Telephone 651-266-8989 S¢tn7Pau1,MN55101-1806 Facsimrle Web wwwstpaulgw/dsr The City of Saint Paul; Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement has reinspected the property located at 1198 BLAIR AVE and has determined that the conditions causing the Notice Of Condemnation and Order to Vacate have been corrected and this property may now be reoccupied. This is your written authorization to remove the placards of condemnation and reoccupy the property. The Mayor, the City Council and Enforcement staff thank you for conecting this condition. Maintenance and improvement by the owners of property in 5aint Paul will continue to assure a high quality of life for all citizens of Saint Paul. If you have any questions about this letter, or if you require additional information, Qlease contact fhe Inspector, Joel Essling at 651-266-1404. Sincerely, Steve Magner Manager of Code Enforcement je cc: Ramsey County Assessor's Office Public Housing Agency, Attn: Vera Johnson CommuniTy Stabilization Project pr1b0106 2110