178130 Original to City Clerk 178130 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK glka C 40/- CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF AV l! �1 RESOLVED, That � -,�, • I;,i,, ,, J having been duly elected City Clerk of the ,ity of Saint Paul by the City Council, said election is hereby in all things confirmed, for the term commencing dune 5, 1956. Council File No. 178130--By Joseph =, Ai1Ion, M r— h vint b . That Jveet R. pk i � ��.'been duly elected City Clerk 1 oouneii.. Saaid eleeccttiion io hereby all tB co7ned, for the term Corn<. me June b, 1968 ldoo b une the 5,Councli June 5, 1968: 1968. F(June 9, 1958) All 51 C I ILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas ,#, ys All 5 1956 Approved _ 195_ Holland `/ / I i Marzitelli in Favor AI u r- A v Mortinson � Mayor Pe n ! ✓ ".Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-55 2