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Duplicate to Printer 5655 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE No. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that Raymond Colosimo be permitted to install and operate a public parking lot at the northwest corner of Olive and East Fifth th Streets in accordance with plan dated August 17, 1953, subject to compliance with all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and subject further to the condition that that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. EP 181953 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson S P 18105 Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli • Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 73 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota May 25, 1956 ",?.8 eV Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution transferring a permit granted to Raymond Colosimo by a resolution, Council File No. 165655, adopted September 18, 1953, to install and operate a parking lot on property at the northwest corner of Olive artiE. Fifth Sts. to Rayette, Inc., the permit to be in accordance with plans dated August 17, 1953. Very truly yours, 1 , t�l r City Clerk �'� ti CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 1 May 24, 1956 The City of St. Paul Office of the City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Re: Council File 165655 September 18, 1953 Dear Sirs: The City Council approved the installation and operation of a public parking lot at the northwest corner of Fifth and. Olive Streets according to my plan submitted August 17, 1953. My interest in this has been turned over to Rayette, Inc. and. I have no further concern with this project. Sincerely yours, v Raymond Colosimo RC:aw .24 ,. /4 eet., _e_2_,t______2< -4,/ Z ilel irh.,, -I &-eti-a )i' d i4 . f oirpr. p, 1.0 6 • 114► !i►, 196 She nip/ apt' St. P e1 *Mee il[t that ett ant It. lott, ltinneeeta : voeernii pile 365655 Septexiber 3$, 1953 Sear dam: The City itemail approve& the instatlatiea and eperatica art a public parking lot at the northwest corner et ?Li'th end alive Street* aoaariing i� plea eettaitte& !host 1'4 1953. Sy tarsi is this barn been turned over to it y Otto, rec. and 1 have a* with this pre,jeet. Sincerely yours, S iblesiae Seim _. • ... . . .,. f elleRilitiNCORPORATED J 261 EAST FIFTH • SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA June 6, 1956 City of St. Paul . Office of the City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Re: Council File No.178O56 Dear Sirs: Will you please file the enclosed with Council File No. 178056. `Thank you. Sincerely, RAYETTE . / J• 11(.jPaineCIA rsonnel Director JWP:aw Enc. SUBSIDIARIES • RAYMOND LABORATORIES, INC., ST. PAUL • RAYETTE, LTD., TORONTO • RAYETTE, MISSOURI DIVISION, INC., ST. LOUIS I . \ • 1 1 -•, T ,,. ! . I. ..., I . .e , 3i , , ga. kit . I 't s . .N. 24, "4111, t. . . —:----'-tt---::: S., :L-7-------- ---N,- ''• - I ' Gas -------- -__ ..„....:„.......,_ ...=.__ ..._.-_ _ii 1AvAi _ , 1.7. 7.... s 1, t) K - _ -43. z..., rti it II ;.. ... . s 4 I it' . ' . .43 4 ,-s 4 . ''..— -1 4' 1 - I -- , . r 1 , ' 1 0 vs itSi IS i i _ Ik c. t. 1 4 ..,....,.... ' . 4 ll :61 il ..1 r* I 1 • IN.M.4 I IS L9101 ill stil-L-L 14%.‘.44 WO V -- Ill — .1. AI 441/4 411°13 6444114N il glia itit6id 11 f ' 1 H 1 Ci V' 6 • ....,4.•ll b* ---- • IN • 4,,, •--..---- -....i -"-'— 14T171-'4.*- 1175 1 • t I , , 711 k (9 . r, .,.‘ cs. . .,, s I PIA tli07. •It : I iamoutti) FYI —,1 , , , rd. . 1 s FYI CA >4 . i _—____ _ 0 1■11 :ill °)...4111k1 ' ""4 C• 1 L i o \ -- 9 . * i ..", i' : : 1 ,,,, m a ..- ..r. 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I ,' - - - A I i ‘,.... r• V . . s - •' '.„: - i I s't- • I 1 ' ' 1 1 :4A; 1 --1 . . r , i , .1 -: 1 '' . 1 - .i ' . . . - ._. city of Ittnaeseta ANIMATION .PO s .jAl COUI1CIL ZS PESUT (PI We or print) TOTEM 193NOMARLI MANE AND CITY COMMA • c/o the City Clerk • City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross out one) 0 FILLING STATION No, of islands and pumps : No, of tanks and capacity: C4 PARKING LOT for (customers) enployes�l (private use) (public use) (other) ,.., indicate type ) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: f��/ 7T ,��* ,-"1# vv ct r/ &21. 0 MISCELLANEOUS: indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc,). Capacity of parking area: Located at (address) : AiArfiir ,t / '. .� ��i 3 < ,ki,„/tic Legal Description :Let i'� c Block Add'n Applicant;s Name 7i t C Hone er Office Address: ,?‘,/ 6, $`4 j>` „Sr / Phone No of C e6A,-7-ye 04 PA/A/ o a<d 4.ts r a /+t roitAir THE APPLICANT, a` , (signature (date) Address : ��, ;; /+ic Wig/ E.. ! s7- *-= / Phone No: e/ii / hen completed, file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the hoard of Zoning, Room 1315, City Sail and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota° Z-3 7/2/54 z�-a r/i/at' i O1 w A l � � 4.4 • � � ,/ St Leo a Q \ t't (1-.,.- L__. -- -z ( h Q Q N u °o N °' (1) ` i ' . i {a y ., I. t.k, • kg ti • 4 w 1 w IN h w OF ,(jf 2�c-(pa f.v7a^) /✓�Sa'.�70�d 4i Qe � �� ocZ ...... ,f,,..;,-).. -kil:'•-:. -h''' ..-''''-a..',..,..j-',',..•",.74.t.::::;4' '',,,...,..,........'i,. .-.::.„..:;.•...:..i.,::',..... ,:. •at: ",..•- i:•-..'-.... , ,,,---...,..,-;k4 „LA-,-. 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