178025 Original to City Clerk 17825 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.LL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A C• •� IL R 1,OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY tom/ - C s,,Ea IONS ` DATF RESOLVED, that Lieberg-Peterson Construction Company be permitted to install a 6-ft. tight board fence to enclose the back yard of their property and a 30-ft. long, 6-ft. high cyclone fence along the front line of their property at 1396 Rice St., to be constructed under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Council File No 1711025—By Bernard T. Holland— Resolved.That Idebe rg-Petenaon Con- on Cto m tYbboe ap rnitSteed to n- close aud, t yard of their pWOyee)I fence along t 'front ior g property at 18116 Rice St..'-ip be mei- structed under the dir n and to-the satisfaction of Contassioner of Playgrounds and Public Build Adopted by the Council May ffi. 1966: Approved'May 76, + (June 2.'1966) { COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Colthc`ii 2 5 1 195_ Yeas Nays l,>,VUA MAY 2 5 12 6 .- Approved 195_ \Holl:11i ► In Favor _ .a , iIortinson AC I1V Mayor Against 5M 60. V .s dent (Pederson) • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota ?, May 23rd, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Citx Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Lieberg-Peterson Construction Co. for permit to install a 6-ft. tight board fence to enclose the back yard of their property and a 30-ft. long, 6-ft. high cyclone fence along the front line of their property at 1396 Rice St. V truly yam' , /7 7- City Clerk A c L rd f { t' h.... CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA . • ROBERT A. LOBDELL W. EA MONT KAUFMAN Director of Public Recreation ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks ERNEST W. JOHNSON City Architect Consultant in Public Recreation • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner ® May 23, 1956 Honorable Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: We have received a request from the Lieberg-Peterson Construction Company of 2605 Western Avenue North, St. Paul 13, Minnesota, that they be permitted to install a six foot tightboard fence to enclose the back yard of their property and also a 30 foot long six foot high cyclone fence along the front line of their property located at 1396 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. An examination has been made relative to this matter, and we see no objection to granting the permission as requested. It is therefore recommended that permission be granted to the Lieberg-Peterson Construction Company for this fence in accordance with their request. Very truly yours, Al --ed H. Schroeder '-ty Architect AHS :al c) :‘ (///9////