178007 1778007 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. Ltd COW= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL •ESOLUTION E/ • • • L F M 4111 PRESENTED BY `-,`_ 'r��= 2 COMMISSIONE' rir// � � ��' / �_ter_ ! 1756 WHEREAS s Public Safety Pest lam• kV. American Legion holders of License 10. 801, expiring June 22, 1956, permitting then to conduct Bingo Genes at 127 West Seventh Street, sash Thursday evening frost 705 to 11:45 Pis :"! and WHIMS* The Public Safety Post Ho. 449, American Legion has made application for the transfer of this license to a different day and hours: therefore, be it RESOIAEDs That the day and hours en license ]Ie'• 801 issued to the Public Safety Post Ii X49, American Legion be and the sane is hereby amended to read "Sundae "from 2:30 to 6s30 p.I.5 for the remaining periods of said lic nse Council File No. 178007—By Bernard T. Holland—Severin A. Mortinson-- Robert F. Peterap Whereas, Public Safety Post No. 449, American holders of• license No. 801, es June 1966 per- them to•ounduct a names at 127 West 8pgtb Street,each'Thurs- day evening f roar 7:46 to 11:45 p.m.,and Whereas,The Public Safety Post No. 449.American l:aza=has made applica- tion for the,taoafer pf this license to a different day. and urn, therefore, N be iReeolved. That the day end hours on (Days and Hours) S >os can Le hoe to and d he u,n. da 2:80 ame nd8e0d Orig. App p m"for the r4ihfl =periods of said 11 1i Adopted by the Hawaii May 24,1958. Approved(May. 1+ MAY 2 41956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays ibbons Mitt 2 46 n Approved 195_ olland arzi elli Tn Favor _ f or • son ming Mayor Against SIMMUMIEMINO 5M M#• Vic fear (Peocreon)