177074 • Original to City Clerk 1 177074 CITY OF ST.-PAUL Form NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O I RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM raw 5 PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER DATE } RESOLVED, that Socony Mobil Oil Co. , Inc. be per- mitted to install and operate a gasoline filling station on Lot 3, Block 1, Roger and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2 except the northerly 160 feet thereof along Barclay Street, situated at Barclay Street and Prosperity Avenue, in accordance with plans submitted February 24, 1956, the installation to be under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Whenever the Council may determine that said station constitutes a traffic or fire hazard, this permit may be revoked; subject also to the provision that sidewalks abutting said premises shall be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. OR 19" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays M AR 1955 Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitel li In Favor �1n 0 Mortinson Mayor Peterson gainst �-� Mr.President, Dillon PUBLISHED 3 —17 5M 6-55 OOP,2 1 0 c - City of Saint Paul, Minnesota / , ti4 r)P -1 ' APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT / 7 0-7L-1 , \r1/ (Please type or print) • \ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL • , , ` c/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: 1. Application is hereby made to install and operate a new g (cross out one) FILLING STATION • No. of islands and pumps :-6 70-1-". No of tanks and capacity: 0(4— — it G%�� QPARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) ( indicate type ) • Capacity of parking lot . To be used in connection with: 0 MISCELLANEOUS: ( indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: Located at (address) : ed 7 M04 i4 Legal �I e�rsciption :Lot Atli .h- Z3 Block / d' ea e)) 544-7--- 413.4tAvel. 044-e. . Applicant:a Name r- 6L f' 'L�d j� y Home or Office Address: G.0 41.41444.44c- /'%�%' �/ r-4.4c.rt. Phone No.. ; ':71 S7 . FOR/BY J2 4 ' t / //.,S'S� (signatu re) (date/ Address : ‘e,6 � -o-4 ,if,-•-,, -e� . / K./ Phone No: 7ffs When compl ; file three co ies of this application form and three prints of the prelimi ry lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the Board of Zoning, Room 1315, ity Hall and Cou House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Z-3 7/2/54 JOSEPH.R. OKONESKI HAROLD J. RIORDAN City Clerk Council Recorder CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1774 E7 I BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE 2 Mr. Mars Corporat Building Dear Si] The Cit; attache and ope Hendric along B with pl ° i 4 7,16r/ F!' �kr !'/k7 1 t c it J ,,, , , r (, ________ pm- �4 . • D OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL % to i &Os 211212 21$ 131$CITY MAIL AND COURT NOM LAIN!PAW I.MINNIDDfA March 7, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of the Socony Mobile Oil Company for a permit to install a new filling station on a triangular tract located between Prosperity and Barclay. This property is described as all of lot 3 Block 1, Roger & Hendrick's Acre Lots 2 except the northerly 160' thereof along Barclay. The zoning has been "Commercial" since 1922 when the Zoning Ordinance was adopted. The site is now vacant and has a frontage of 174' along Barclay and approximately 200' along Prosperity. The applicant's plans dated January 13, 1956 meet existing standards and have been approved by other municipal departments affected by this proposal. There are single-family homes immediately to the north which face on Prosperity which have their rear yards facing Barclay. There is a mixture of single-family homes and vacant land in the surrounding area. Prosperity Heights School is approximately 200' to the south on the southwest corner of Ivy and Prosperity. Because of the single-family homes to the north there is a question as to whether the residential building line applying to the property to the north also applies to the filling station site. Because of the ambiguity of the situation, the Building Department suggested that the Council establish a building line for the property under consideration pursuant to the applicant's appeal. The applicant's appeal to establish the necessary building lines incident to this proposal is treated in a separate letter which accompanies this, report. In consideration of the fact that the land has been zoned `commercial" since 1922 and the property immediately to the north is zoned "commercial" , the Zon- ing Board recommends that this permit to establish a filling station be granted contingent upon the Council acting favorably on the necessary appeals to establish the building line incident to the applicant's proposal and in accordance with plans received in the Planning Board office February 26, 1956. into ly, C. D. Looks Planning Director CDL:FS Enc. Executive Secretary Board of Zoning . 1 f' ."'nlit''' , . Lull • • • apaseessas i /..;6 . /Bee I li [ II I I. ♦382 /987 :19°on 41364 /3X4 490 N i L a ' 4369 0, m'* z F• /570 gai c /s.�/ Q, '31/ i,Icy .0 es' /3 b ah i3S /:.-;:-.3.6". /357 V 3So /3.27 4344° 1,/ ! ...... ..._.... h . >(' e t\ , \4, th t 1V ? AYBXUS ,d a \ a 11 /Sog O ta /�OSPE,2/ry I� 4 GTs ' ° 04 kFCNOOO 4 114 /5/0 a a eil IC A 0 ' N a V x .1 as ca • APp'L1 CAifr: Socony h abito Co. 71LS NO. 3102 PISPOSS: To install • tilliag station and or • &hangs is building 11ne (see Z.,. 3409) DIt7Y: Marc* 5, 1856 SCALE: 1" = SOA' PSSPASffiD St 11 CITt PLANICUIS BOARD, ST. PAS., '•iII EaOTA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota GM att:eat a c 11 g c ca et Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 DIVISION OF BUREAU OF FIRE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner FIRE PREVENTION Wm. H. Mattocks, Chief R. W. Carey, JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner Chief Inspnector December 28, 1955 Honorable Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application made by the Socony Oil Co., for permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the corner of Prosperity Avenue and Barclay Street. This department has inspected the site and report that no fire hazard would be created in this neighborhood if permission for this gas station were granted. epe fu y yours, vy R. k. Ca ey,lirgi Di. sion of Fire Preven o. RYC/am - City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please type or print) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: r• Y Y aY- _ _ Yg Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross out one) FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : -1i*"444,. �,.. �..✓ No. of tanks and capacity: /( 041 QPARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) ( indicate type ) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: 0 MISCELLANEOUS: ( indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: Located at (address) / c"7. .•y MV-4 Legal ,Description :Lot'; �{ '� Block f Ln I `'' - Applicant:s Name . �* Y,-, ►►,. y, lof Home or Office Address: ! t /, A Phone No. "he'/ ,. �r.: , • FOR/BY THE APPLICANT ! Y/ e sr t *� ..., r .r / / DEC 1 4 1 9 5 5 si atu jt. "�r�t`eil� ( gn re) (date) CII� Saint Paul, Minnesota Address : Phone No: .../A 1 tf 7,'S 7 When comp a ed; file three c pies of this application form and three prints of the preli ary lay-out plan of the proposed facility with the Board of Zoning, Room 1315, ity Hall and Cou House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Z-3 7/2/54 1618 East Arlington Saint Paul 17, Minn. March 3, 1956 The Council, City of Saint Paul • Saint Paul, Minnesota Re: File 13252 Gentlemen: As chairman of the Safety Committee of the Prosperity Heights P.T.A. , I am writing you concerning the application for a permit to erect and operate a filling station on the northern intersection of Barclay Street and Prosperity Avenue. This matter will come before the Council for consideration on Thursday, March 8, 1956. The proposed filling station would be located across the street from our school, at the intersection of three streets-- Barclay, Prosperity and Ivy. At best it is a dangerous inter- section, or series of intersections, to cross. The addition of in and out traffic from a filling station can only add to the hazards of a triple intersection with a grade school on one corner. Cars entering or leaving, no matter how carefully driven, will mask the school police from the view of drivers on Prosperity or Barclay until they are right on top of the rOd flags. As there are no traffic lights on Prosperity, it is generally traveled at the 30 mile limit. Children going to school will, twice a day, accumulate right at the filling station waiting for the school police to escort them across the street. Thus they will be involved in driveway traffic. The fear has also been expressed that the necessary filling of the gasoline tanks by tank trucks containing several hundred to well over a thousand gallons of gasoline much of it high test, presents a situation that could be frightful in case of a flare-up. Those things do happen. It is felt that such an operation, even with the best of safeguards, should not be done where lines of small children are waiting to cross the street or are, by necessity, always in the near vicinity. With the installation of sidewalks on Prosperity Avenue and other approaches to our school, very serious safety hazards will be eliminated. We are all very appreciative of the far- si 1ted _.action of the Council in ordering these improvements. r^= We .beliee this filling station, no matter how well operated, is U. itself a hazard. We respectfully urge that the permit be abnied. Very truly yours, Howard . to`n, Chairman t' s Safety Committee - PROSPERITY HEIGHTS PARENT-TEACHER ASS-OCIATION rvrwr 1305 Prosperity Ave., St. Paul 6, Minnesota March 4, 1956 The Council, City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: On March 8, 1956 an application for a permit to erect a filling station on the northern intersection of Barclay and Prosperity Avenues (File 13252) will come before the Council for action. The proposed structure will be across the street from the new Prosperity Heights grade school, in an area almost entirely composed of new residences. The P.T.A. and the residents of this area are justly proud of our new school. Prosperity Avenue is now being graded into a fine street. The surroundings of the school are now in keeping with the building and grounds, as well as with the area of well kept new homes that the school serves. Our P.T.A. has discussed this matter at its' meeting and feels strongly that the construction of a filling station at the proposed location interferes with the movement of children going to and from school, that it detracts from the fine appearance of the school, and that it detracts from the efficiency of operation of the school by creating noise, turmoil and activity in the immediate vicinity of the classrooms and play- ground. We feel that this location is very inappro- priate for a filling station. We strongly urge that this permit be denied. c Yours very truly, PROSPERITY HEIGHTS P.T.A. Mrs. Arvid Jokanso `'" Vice President 1397 Birmingham St. Paul 17, Minn. March 6, 1956 The Honorable Joseph E. Dillon 4.48 7 1 Mayor of the City of Saint Paul l6 Court House 19 Ab Saint Paul, Minnesota , ,* My dear Mr. Mayor: It was brought to the attention of the Parent-Teacher Association of the Prosperity Heights Elementary School that the Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc. has petitioned for permission to construct a gasoline filling station on the corner of Prosperity and Barclay. As you probably know, ,../, this station would be directly across the street from the new Prosperity 4/ :.-eh,s.t Heights Elementary School. , " You probably also know that this is a corner where three streets intersect - Prosperity, Barclay and Ivy - and is an extremely hazardous j/i4s-s 0 intersection. Crossing streets at this intersection will be complicated s'` further and become even more dangerous when Prosperity Avenue has been (( i-3 repaired and the usual heavy flow of traffic is increased even more. j For several years now, the Prosperity Heights PTA has been striv- , ing to obtain sidewalks on these streets so the school children may safely ( '' e'^4' '`, go to and from school. Before sidewalks could be installed it was necessary � ` A man pro. e.• to lower the grade on Prosperity Avenue,and a considerable part of this / 6.i work has been completed. It would appear that the installation of side- /1 walks will probably take place within the next year. The building of a i" .4 i's, service station at this intersection which hundreds of small children must wl/ ' '/ / cross daily would show a callous disregard for their safety. The situation Na would be somewhat comparable to constructing a new school on Seven Corners in Saint Paul and then being surprised after it was completed that the school children would have difficulty going to and from school. I urge you, the Councilmen of Saint Paul, and others directly and indirectly related to this matter to vote against any action which would result in the construction of a service station at this intersection. The officials of Saint Paul, along with the school board, have done a tremendous job with the funds available in providing educational facilities for the children of Saint Paul. It would be ridiculous to jeopardize / this program by willfully and intentionally placing traffic hazards, such as the service station in this case, at the doorstep of one of our new � �'�° schools. Many of the problems confronting you and the Council frequently are there because somebody failed to plan properly, and you men are un- fairly criticized. In this instance you have an opportunity to plan and \bfr 0 The Honorable Joseph E. Dillon March 6,. 1956 Page 2 is use wise foresight in preventing the construction of this service station-15,40—' 4." practically in the classrooms of Prosperity Heights School. You are in / d 1/ a position to prevent the creation of a serious and dangerous traffic hazard to hundreds of school children in the city which you govern. Very truly yours, 0C/AA.,we-el r. 64"1 Donald L. Doyon DLD:sm cc: Mr. Robert T. Gibbons Mr. Norris 0. Halvorson Mr. Bernard T. Holland Mr. Frank D. Marzitelli Mr. Severin A. Mortinson Mr. Robert Peterson • We, the undersigned property owners and residents of the City of St. Paul submit to the zoning authority of the City of St. Paul this petition in objection to the proposed installation of a service station on the corners of Barclay and Prosperty Ave. and where Ivy St. intersects. Further, we request that if along both sides of Proerty Ave. from Maryland • to Arlington Sts. as well as the intersection of Ivy and Barclay Sts. is not "A" Residential that the above be made "A" Residential excepting those lots where a business has been previously established. • • Finally, we resolve to impose a primary boycott on any new business should it succeed in establishing in this zone. We feel that the encroachment of in- dustry and business in residential districts is too readily permitted by the zoning authority and the City Counci of St. Paul. )97A )41 i, , , I /O a4- _i., , , - 4 'L- ' ,--) ,) ,, \ 4,/,,,,.., ,,, i L 1/1A____ • 4 f /..3 ).- P/rtill'‘'"(2.-./ - , �/ 4/ i, ., / i / / ' 7I, ty /,';:ii 61, , t-6" V i //)/ , ‘, rky14/4 91/111.1 44C k.ik-n.i--5,-,,,,, •)/ c-O [ -- # l3 'o A-� . fiAiw ..4 A,,,,,te 1 2.. 1/ef, (1,-u, i., _. , a � �J / i/ . ��•-,---'-.,I�.fit �-�tt. /y.� A. c., , I / i �. LL,L.x. .. 5 /r 6 , ,4. .... . , .. --e,/ i /• ,, 9-t/te,7 ' v- - - /cote az_ - 7/ , r� �� ) ,)/, ,,,.,, , )P14---), a:1....-7,_er-e-e( "Yr..-4.-/"L'' .4.....„'....e /-z !l 111.1.4 7 Pi,,.. . ' Ac.,,a(viA-,?/-_e' --,-,-/_----- /2,..„6 0 0-.) 0.--,..A.___- , - htt, , > ' . //� /A 6 d- _ L`^" 6 . 43, 1 �C it C - �';�. - C / -./i41) 0-1-r-/ --,1,(,e)A r-el t'7 i 'ci)zre—t-ca-7-----, ,k,, . . )22,,,, id )3,,a,, 42,44,-1) - ) '7/ iji) 'tA6'1A1 • We, the undersigned property owners and residents of the City of St. Paul, ' submit to the Zoning Authority of the City of St. Paul thiks petition in objection to the proposed installation of a service station on the corners of Barclay and . Prosperty Ave. and where Ivy St. intersects. Further, we request that if along both sides of Prosperty Ave. from Maryland to Arlington Sts. as well as the intersection of Ivy and Barclay Sts. is not "A" Residential that t he above be made "A" Residential excepting those lots where a business has been previously established. Finally, we resolve to impose a primary boycott on any new business should it succeed in establishing in this zone. We feel that the encroachment of in- dustry and business in residential districts is too readily permitted by the zoning authority and the City Council of St. Paul. 9,-j,f- 94-erriu- , d _,&.,- ,-erriutJ ,,,Li,cfy _ . . ,420-7,-10,49.,‘_otLe-4, .,..... .e. r --)-7,24 ,..".._..._,..a,c_ „4".....c....., ,/__.7,0A-0 :3.....,--)__._-7.._._---.- -x--.k--------, lika . L . ieedt;‘, itro.. er.;;...,_11„,vi,vs,tvot,vvy c4 . Vii,, . L .J,= -fa-€ is _ / V'y _'°�z *,.,. 1...-y,., s `' , ,02et-,4 i'41-<-4L / 4-7,)- 0 613.-L-1..1.-yLA....7.4-,-4- ti-j- �h% iif y -71'1,1-.0 S., =,./c---4.eide/z1„ 1126 All'n-14;1-1e. 711"1/42., . 0 t.ite.A./ s4,44.-c2.....e_r A5 71 czg...4....",,-7-,* ' ,/....4_,_:,7 ..,..51. • Vr J.5 I r ` l �1/� r :e, l 1 z- lb - M v �3 C ( 4- ,) ,*2/yrA44,, GU ,1( /345- I ft" ?m /dill � /3 ?/ / -4 '7144-o . )42hi. l 3 8 7 , , / / • We, the undersigned property owners and residents of the City of St. Paul, ' submit to the zoning authority of the City of St. Paul this petition in objection to the proposed installation of a service station on the corners of Barclay and prosperty Ave. and where Ivy St. intersects. Further, we request that if along both sides of Prosperty Ave. from Maryland to Arlington Ste. as well as the intersection of Ivy and Barclay Sts. is not "A" • Residential that the above be made "A" Residential excepting those lots where a business has been previously established. Finally, we resolve to impose a primary boycott on aay new business should it succeed in establishing in this zone. We feel that the encroachment of in- dustry and business in residential districts is too readily permitted by the zoning authority and the City Council of St. Paul. 3Li, cLe&i,..., (7,44„...i...%) ,(A)-:-.0 ' , - ' - ..---, .„, ...it / R. . .8.....esztv . tr. - f,......„, a.4.-- , . tate..„, 8 :/ o o / a.�.e.2 1731 Ave- --S}/c)...k. . :Q. - .440 - 1 g ,� pry, 4 . , ()?Ajt„4.0,, f, 0,6' S.t&„.4e a-,-uJV 1 .. -- 0 a ,,,t-o---=,'- , ' „ if Sil-e-1144.-ET T �!r tj7J,, a /-/C 7 ZS . 711•V ,,rai.,. „,ip,,,i d 4-7„ (, ve-- . ,,, /...,,,2_..) 4-i7. ,, / ./ 6104.4%.4K, I 1 / / 0,,,:c. - C /er, s ViaitAmRa , - ; , / - ....f..:}._ • iv4f,v-e,e /cs - , or _ ', -it— ok20 a r CA...W -7.4.” . taczat'") 46-e--/-2-1,- a, ,a & 44(3 97 0,--W_- 4* /91‘ 66'4).14 itad Val.1.1Nedte-e a ,,,,, , . Ai....1.,....,..4. a......6........., 6et3 g 4 • .r3 . . 41„,v_ i',, fLeel-.4.- , -.) ,.... ,,, .7 I I , G`��c/Yu--- .LC-cx :r (0 -1. 165' 1 3 J ,v✓u- '.' J/� ofet-c..e.-- 1 ),,e.,,,,, fr/1 7 ,Ve_y(644/-2 0 . ( (//( 4/I 6&.a- -' c--6-7/ ' • ) le* the undessisped flileporteAsisibps ad : Su ',. �t to the . su m of Vie M Mira • this•pe ttimi 3s< ebel a to teuk pro to lobo* of a serricw station as the .ors.rs of Barely and fereepinrey ,t rse and where Ivy St. interseoth„ i we 'request that if slag both sides of y ere. fray ► Maryland to eri kellee . 4, , „sa vela as the "Aforesaid** OJT* and Barclay Sts.. is net "At be side ail Rely ential ***opting those lots where * busies*, ;hsd hem .4. established. , 'r 'tom.:, to a :Pei boycott on any new business should it $L �. Barb in tills 900B.- I that the enoroaoheset of in+- . Amefty and bedinsee in residentila toe readily permitted by the semen astimieli, said the 014 °often' ' • Paul. , . t 4 /Ad . A/1. .0' / / ' / fr „I.< ✓i"u - /, / 9,� ` --- - —7-A,t,„, :;,,, ,,.:-,.:_ful.... ,/A--- , . ij, ,.? , -4, ------ it G fit? j 4 7 l , , 111/7. r 2� "`- i . �� I-" ilk} /w. .'L.i 7 i r f L r y /:217 Ea..-�. yt. 4,,L 4,-m./ /!✓1 . j, ors }• { f f '� l 2.-- --7,0. ?frilk-i,2,/ ,,,r.a4-. 1,.., t- 1,,,,, z...e.A4,,,,,i __ „4 „ ,L ,- _ yi,ill_ 0, 3 :.. r • ? `' � ��:-r rte..tr.` • 1 )7 i , 7 14771. .,,Y1/, r f 2)1A i .7' 7114-0, '�'4, l j io S `� , M., IL . `" _ ' try , / c'3...te t=i/777 / g.. '7 0 A-44 /it i t l !/�/L_•„..- .I e y{, )7 'f�f' ( 1 d ,L Z / 4.3 7 BL &JA) .7''�"'�✓� _,0&---4,„1,,,,,b1,4 ! �',... i 4:_-?_ ,::,_ r '/...........----- , : J (0, - 0 ' , '-' ili / 33-4/13/9A67 / ' -`J A W s the noterrigned property owners and residents 4..1,tiwe City of St. Paul, submit to the zoning authority of the City of St. Pell 124001petition in abjection to the,proposed installation of a service station on the :mss of Barclay and r'rospew y Ave. and where Ivy St. intersects. Further, we request that if along both sides of Proms' Ave. firo* Maryland to Arlington Sts. as well as the intersection of Ivy and Barclay Sts. is not 'As Residential that the above be made "Ax Residential ompopting those lots where a business has been previously established. FirA»y, we resolve to impose a primary baysptt on any new. businees should it summed in establishing in this so . We feel,that the`-encroachment or in.. dustry and business in residential dUstriats is tee readily permitted by the Boning authority and the City Council of St. Paul. PgSW Q. , ,t. K , , /v ei Abit /5-7s-- (6° Pr.y. 0N .3 f, 6;%. $4, / ,7(17.44A,_ 76- e