177016 Council File No. 177016 y RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL 'APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING - TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES Ian the matter.of. _ ,... ..».,,.»»r..»».,.... ..._... .�» eaft raei sit _ in y test is Axe the ._ . .; � purpose of owwatl�nng �. �" c . dX I .a - er Sim.ems, + Leta 11, li, 13, Lk ieut.-13, Rook 4, idle litigate Villas, fray Marion Street to the alley in hook t, Use Street Villas, the center line of said easement being described as follows • Beginning at a point on the it line of Marion Street 56.3 fact north of Idaho Avenue; theses nnartheestesly on a straight line to a point an the east lint of the alley in Slack t, Ries Street Villas, said point being 153.9 feet north of Idaho Avenue. Also academia' and taking a temporary eSwat for cesitruatien purposes as a strip of land 20 fest in width across Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, Zosk nos Street Villas,q - hY o a�• so'ts saiMuaiserat. Amt lea a takintik-iiistpermy -slitter vrrrsstsei 'puneyolie-` as.a ',trip, of land 20 fast in width a -late 11, 12, 13 Gard IA, kN is S Villas, ydjrtliipiameay. ,.be ly- f hiidr` # .ssi#` -pearrumlunt.eassemet.0.4011.10030 filft Also erg. t o ` t h a .. 'Aiii ii � r.'1�S toillO trim t„ a Ste' j Ilia' frW 50 Alt 1111440At ;110rilla bisinnin$ ate a tb best 11na $� in 1104k. i, l ee �C+Mt Villas, 113.9 fI Vsi till i t e : t :$fi lliktk Iwo 23 Most; ly on a straight line to a point en a lint that is 50 fast Nast of csnd lam torla tlur itiosit,iesskt Dm Wier $E son roe tM amrtb ltxw , .:-oJ?��r��t . 0 . -., �' �','. ;' i t F of lands feet in width across Lots 'la it.a. strip.... gl t � and ?,9, Block i►, Riee Street Villas, said tomonirrolisomist being aorthsaatairlrot mad,iedijaleatt.1o't 'ptr+ hoens-,eaenurrrt. Also *hit olai Y liar ' taling , � ' �'ar',f �M1Mirr aor<istrae�iaar �l�s an • strip of land 20 foot in Vidth aerosol Lies St, 27 and 26, nook i►, lies Steen Villas, said tesparar r,dg soutborstor17 or and adjacent to the how eaeae't. fast Rth across Lots 19 thro ► Pair t*alueive, Also cwt land t maroury-easemat being on the easterly.10 # 26 Also el ingen p on a strip a t+a4� easNrnt !+�' �rastaru�c�oa of last*S' , is across Lots through 11 inrtlasive, 4, lice Street VilSasy' tS easeernt being al the vesterly$ fist of LotS through 11 ineluaPlbi Meek h, lies Stmt Villas. (Trout book bet neien - nee Street to liejl