176944 Original to tits clerk 171i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO . 944 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C• CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n 4m-- PRESENTED BY I' tit"' COMMISSION COMMISSION t DATF IV • , Kaa1i go. LEO WHEREAS, the co e �r now existing between the Saint Paul-Mercury Indemnity Company and th e City of Saint Pa' k . .er which City officials and employees purchase insurance from said Company by payroll dedu ion, provides that no change in rates for such coverage can be made by the Company except upon 30 days notice prior to the anniversary date of such contract and such change shall become effective on the said anniversary date; and WHEREAS, the anniversary date of said contract is XpriI 1 and the Coppagy has notified the City prior to 30 days before Merbh 1, 1956, that it proposes certain changes in the said con- tract in relation to increased rates for the insurance so provided; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that effective Mprhh 1, 1956, said contract,be and the same is hereby amended in regard to the increase in premium rates chargeable bfeaid Company in the following par- ticulars and at monthly premium rates chargeable by the Company as follows: $2.50 per month for $60.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Employee only); $3.10 per month for $80.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Employee only); $3.70 per month for $100.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Employee only); $2.60 per month for Hospital and Registered Gradute Nurses) Expense Benefits (Employee only); $ .24 per month for Hospital Medical Expense Benefit (Employee only); $5.25 per month for Hospital and Registered.Graduate Nurse(s) Expense Benefits (Employee and Dependent(s)); $1.75 per month for Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Dependent(s) only); $ .60 per month for Hospital Medical Expense Benefit (Employee and Dependent(s)); ane?' be it FURTHER. RESOLVED, that said action is hereby taken under and pursuant to that certain report of the Technical Committee on file and dated February 21, 1956, in regard to said request for increase in rates; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council advise the City insurers, the Saint Paul Mercury Indemnity Company and Blue Cross, that it is the desire of the Council that said Companies work with the local hospitals in attempting to ascertain and accomplish a reasonable stabilization of insurance rates in connection with hospital expenses and that the Technical Committee is instructed to make itself available to the insurers with this express purpose in mind to the end that the insurance premium rates chargeable by the Companies to the City employees be stabilized and not in a constant annual upward curve. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FEB 195_ j 5 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons FEB 2 9 1956 Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor 1 Mortinson Mayor Peterson d Against Mr.President, Dillon PUBLISHEII_3c36-6 5M 6.55 404 Duplicate to Printer COUNCIL t 7 i$. OUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL CLE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSTEIONER DATF Group ftsurauee Poi1 NO. erbi VBZREAS, the contract/now existing between the Saint Paul4lercury Indemnity Company and the City of Saint Paul, under which City officials and employees purchase insurance from said Company by payroll deduction, provides that no change in rates for such coverage can be made by the Company except upon 30 days notice prior to the eeelvereary date of such contract and such cherge shall become effective on the said agnivere date; and VHERE;AS,, the annivesarY date of said contract is March 1 and the Company has notified the City prior to 30 days before !arbb 1, 1956, that it proposes certain changes in the said con- tract in relation to increased rates for the insurance SO provided; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that effective I4arch 1, 1956, said contract be and the same is hereby amended in regard to the increase in premium rates chargeable by s.it Company in the following par- ticulars and at monthly premium rates chargeable by the Company as followst .50 O � �d ►urgical Procedure Expense Benefit,Ambulance Service ( n P l y ee ); _ $3.10 per month for ;T80.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Employee only); $3.70 per month for 1100.00 Monthly Bene 'it and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Employee only); $2.60 per month for Hospital and Registered Gradute Nurses) Expense Benefits. (fteloyee only) .24 per month for Hospital Medical Expense Benefit (Ihployee` only); $5.25 per month for Hospital and Registered Graduate :urse(s) Expense Benefits (F nployee and Dependent(s)); $1.75 per month for Surgical Procedure dense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Dependent(s) only); .60 per month for Hospital Medical Expense Benefit (Employee and Dependent(s)); an! beit ?MIFF RESOLVED, that said action is hereby taken under and pursuant to that certain report of the Technical Committee on file and dated February 21, 1956, in regard to said request for increase in rate?; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council advise the City insurers, the Saint Paul-Mercury Indemnity Company and Blue Cross, t et it i s the desire of the Council tl a: said Companies work with the local hospitals in attempting to ascertain and accomplish A remonable stabilization of insurance rates in co section r ti• hospital expenses and that the Technical Committee is instructed to make itself available to the insurers with this express purpose in mind to the end that the insurance premium rates chargeable by the Companies to the City employees be stabilized and not in a constant amine) upward curve. FEB 2 9 .a96 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Gibbons FEB 2 9 1956 N. Halvorson Approved 19'5— Holland Marzitelli 7 In Favor Mortinson Mayor f Peterson gainst }` Mx. President, Dillon 5M 655 t 2 • • • . 1 erI Grou Insurance Policy No. CFO 501 e i. i .mda np bottom the mat P ol y Xada0ilt Company and *s City !a►>Ile rwwsr %blab City offielals as d onployoos p.' sa. loaorando Cron said Styr by p troll dodnoiles, provides that no Amp in votes for sash so srs . *an be ssds by the Conpapy omoopt *on 9d days mottos prier to the ustrorot r dote of ompli cssle+of and dumb *b a shell Immo effaotire en the said aaaliversarf dais; sod iSSISAS, the sonivmmagr data of said *entrust is Web 1 sad tb. Cower has mstif *d the City prior to IC days before notch 1s 1936, that It earmete ehaa pas is the said ass.• trust-in relation in iseress rate* for tho lissom** s proeid.di thersfere, be it !r r' . that effeelive March it 1996, said aentrai be sod the moo Is hereby sasedod ias retard to " i Isereese In premium rate. obargoablo by acid compai r is the following par• tis ars ems! at .sotb1f premium rates ss+gasblo 4 the Company* a* OM/Lose $2.90 per moth for 060.00 Nontklr Benefit ant forgisal t Sumo it inolndieg Anholanoo bribe (Implore* moll 11,20 per math for 00403 Monthly bssttt and 9iarttea2 rroaradsoe Suposse 'bsesflt,, tss .*diaj imbilamoo tin* (Imployoa ate)i 40.10 per uomtb for 0,100.00 1ontbbt Some*1t and deal Proaedurs inponse bs.flt, !Wallas( Ambulance 1or.ie. (fie* e 7)1 $214per asth lira xesptial dad begisterod G tale;* lure (s) lapses* alias (Soplayee mar); .24 per, mouth ter Alts Modleal ltt (p1eyo. T)t $9,21 per sasth for ih iitml sad Iegistored Gr dmate * r e(s) Inputs* 1.a .fits mod (s))p plea prat smith for gwr*tesi ?poeedtee. Sumo* Sonsfitip loolraadisf nebulae* * Sortie. (Copf t(e) ar47)t t .60 per month for dpit M#ical impose. Cooefit (Implores +ad Coodomiont(s))1 -, be it IreSTSIe ISS011116 that odd s,ettas Si bsr*by taken air and por*awatant is that vertais v.pstt of the 1:wdsisal Committee on file aid dated lObru ar7 let, 19%, is rele to *aid request for inoroaso In rotor' sod be it PP MOMS. that the City Commoll adds* the City isssretss the Banat fesl+lrerarry tad mmiir Chmemir end 1ls Otos!*, that It is the +airs of the Connell the sal0 Compwti.a verb with the dal hospitals in attempting to ase.rta lm end Alist a ree esbls stabilisation of Immaremoo rat. in Dios with bee $tel oapras*s sod Rat the leohmteel Committee is isoirooted to make itself awalloblo to the boaters with this sores* pupae, is siaawd fo the end that the iupperumso premium rats. aba►rdswblo by the anapa ails to the Cl tp emPlereee he stabilised added set is a osstst eramaal Viand ge e. • C / SAINT PAUL-MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY St. Paul 2, Minnesota January 23, 1956 Mayor and Council City of St. Paul City Hall - Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: Re: Non-Occupational Group Insurance Policy No. CEO 501 insuring certain employees and officials of City of St. Paul, Minnesota The next Anniversary,Date of the Group Policy numbered in caption will be March 1, 1956. The provision of said Group Policy contained in the paragraph entitled "PREMIUM CALCULATION" reserves for the Company the right to establish upon any Anniversary Date new premium rates at which subsequent premiums shall be computed. The experience during the first 10 months of the current policy year, March 1, 1955 to January 1, 1956, shows a loss of $4,564.11, indicated by the following: Premiums Collected . . . . $35,281.34 Losses and Expenses . . . 39.845.45 Loss $ 4,564.11 Because of the adverse experience, we find it necessary to increase the monthly premiums, effective on the renewal date, March 1, 1956, the new premiums to be ix12.4. as follows: 0` . $2.50 per month for $60.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Employee only) ; 2,Q-- $3.10 per month for $80.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Employee only); j;t 'SD $3.70 per month for $100.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit,- including Ambulance Service (Employee only); 2,00 $2.60 per month for Hospital and Registered Graduate Nurse(s) Expense Benefits (Employee only) ; ��� .14 .24 per month for Hospital Medical Expense Benefit (Employee only) ; �/ `fis`o 5.25 per month for Hospital and Registered Graduate Nurse(s) 1, (cc Expense Benefits (Employee and Dependent(s)) ; 1.75 per month for Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Dependent(s) only); .60 per month for Hospital Medical Expense Benefit (Employee and Dependent(s)). We will appreciate being furnished with a copy of your resolution acknowledging change in premium rates at an early date. Sincerely, (Signed) C. H. Stevenson CHS:es Secretary C 0 P I SAINT PAUL-M1 t,CURY INDEMNITY COMPANY St. Paul 2, Minnesota January 23, 1956 Mayor and Council City of St. Paul City Hall - Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: Re; Non-Occupational Group Insurance Policy No. CEO 902 insuring certain employees and officials of City of St. Paul, Minnesota The next Anniversary Date of the Group Policy nunbered in caption will be March 1, 1956. The provision of said Group Policy contained in the paragraph entitled "PREMIUM CAICULATION" reserves for the Company the right to establish upon any Anniversary Dat© new premium rates at Ne l ich subsequent premiums shall be canputed. The experience during the first 10 months of the current policy year, March 1, 1955 to January 1, 1956, shows a loss of $2,495.98, indicated by the following: Premiums Collected . . . . $48,887.9', Losses and Expenses . . • 51.383.95' Loss $ 2,495.98 Because of the adverse experience, we find it necessary to increase the monthly preaitus, effective can the renewal date, March 1, 1956, the new premiums to be as follows: $1.88 per month for $60.00 Monthly Benefit (employee only); 2.48 per month for $80.00 Monthlay Benefit (employee only); 3.08 per month for $100.00 Monthly Benefit (employee only) ; ' 3.68 per month for $120.00 Monthly Benefit (employee only); 4 4.28 per month for $140.00 Monthly Benefit (employee only); 1.30 per month for Surgical Procedure and In-Hospital Medical 1"Ex p.ns a Benefits (employee only} �°` 3.70 per month for Surgical Procedure and In-Hospital Medical Expense Benefits (employee and dependent(s)) We will appreciate being furnished with a copy of your resolution acknowledging change in premium rates at an early date. Sincerely, (Signed) C. H. Stevenson Secretary CBS:es • M.D.PRICE,PRESIDENT C.F.CODERE.CHAIRMAN AA 011 • 't �• 1 INDENITY ti‘ 'ANY ST. PAUL 2, MINNESOTA February 24, 1956 Hon. Joseph J. Mitchell , Comptroller City of St. Paul City Hall - Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: Re: Non-Occupational Group Insurance Policy No. CEO 501 Insuring Certain Btployees and Officials of City of St. Paul, Minnesota Policyholder - City of St. Paul We enclose rider effective March 1, 1956, establishing new rates of monthly premiums for benefits afforded employees insured under Group Policy CEO 501, which we shall thank you to attach to said Group Policy which is held in your office. Since - y, rte% ' • _ ��/ Se retary CNS:es RIDER ESTABLISHING NEW RATES FOR USE IN CALCULATING / 7 6 r MONTHLY PREMIUM FOR THE BENEFITS AFFORDED AN EMPLOYEE UNDER NON_ OCCUPATIONAL GROUP INSURANCE POLICY, FORM 24102E, No. CEO 501 Effective March 1, 1956, monthly premiums for the insurance provided an employee insured under the undermentioned Group Policy shall be calculated at the follow- ing rates: $2.50 per month for $60.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Fleployee only); 3.10 per month for $80.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Employee only); 3.70 per month for $100.00 Monthly Benefit and Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (- ployee only); 2.60 per month for Hospital and Registered Graduate Nurse(s) Expense Benefit (employee only); .24 per month for Hospital Medical Expense Benefit (Employee only); 5.25 per month for Hospital and Registered Graduate Nurse(s) Expense Benefits (Eloyee and Dependent(s)); 1.75 per month for Surgical Procedure Expense Benefit, including Ambulance Service (Dependent(s) only); .60 per month for Hospital Medical dense Benefit (Employee and Dependent(s)). Nothing herein contained shall be held to vary,alter,waive or extend any of the terms,conditions,provisions, agreements or limitations of the undermentioned Policy,other than as above stated. This rider shall take effect at 12:00 o'clock NSZA •---of the 1St. .day of March. , 195 6 Group Attached to and forming part of Policy No CEO 501 issued by the SAINT PAUL-MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY, St. Paul,Minn., to City:_a Saint Paul of Sant Pai 1. State of Minnesota but the same shall not be binding unless countersigned by a licensed resident Agent of the Company Secretary. President. Countersigned at St. Paul, Minnesota this 24th day of February , 195 6 _aa407∎+41.406. - Licensed Resident Agent Form No. 25074 Rev. 2-56 31, 1956 m. John J. Varier:* Chief, hoo t t Office ce the i ' Otaptroller 109 Oil a `it. Poll 2# ginnosoto r Jahn, i oo* .041to%Ationol 0roop Insurartea Policies CEO 501 and = 902 Insuring 1 Officials of the Ct Paul vessiell , Vico Preeidant# Ham Otho Agents* mo., hao atOtad es to wit. you and elaborate on rte. on tho group inourano. our Company hos prided for Um orrtottlo slid employ. or it,' of St. Paul frost incaption of the *go* October is 1945.. to JtontrIV 1, 1956. A. dicey of premium written* looses sod low ettpenees InolwreS0 protam taxes* aoquittitions adadnistrations prtnti osponseta attd profit daring that peril state is attaohed. The inforwation contained is oottrideott4 to the polioyhoUter and iced °trio:Lau and takploysoo. h r, it is net for tcati or diatom► uttsn to others. tie do not have available this Sher of-Oalsto proser4ted. bettioon October 1, 1941 and 4p 1, sjo. toworoor. tint numbir Oft pra.tad beto. April Is 1950 sod Joastery 1, 1956 total 11 of ie and 61 wort to *Was rooson of this Insured eaplOroe not having the . of overages it being a ' o c4130, or sonething of the likes The display shave a loos our ' bet., October t a, 1943 a 1, 9 • $500871.01, it al overact, for that part of 85#93% average ,prealirs tax ratio of e1. average rift ratio o. 2.5% and,wirerao + ratio (a jai c n, adoinistration. anti petal& of 17080-4#='« feel oars that fully agree the e Bose ratios axe v ie into amount the i set ioc r t insured * I addition* our isteedisto availability ttie insured soployess a o o ors locatoi right* down tom lust short .distance frogs •i,t * Hang is an isportant fa tor in that It io hr ; for both. Wort and us to oats ono another* Thor* Mos b4soc. but 'cu inoreases it stont4 prestos rotas since inolotion of he comuiiim actober i,, 1 % . The first vas appiied Alma 10 19P to tle moot ",, iri doanity for that i the hospital .`or the expkt, ;as dt4. Ideate) and to tho surgical for (a) the Sadorvi vas applied April 1, 1953 to t? hotAttl t a u t ihn-hoopits1 Baal ,:.. ao for the esq,loyeaS and to t h e tlospital 'and in.hsspital asatool 0147.-0151,50 for t :t '; the thief was flied to the c itall; for the 144, two 4r., John J, Farley, sgsPlalses stv4 .boapital for the dependant(*) o ay'erch 10 1955 and new on niartfe Is 1956 rate increase la 'to apply to 41 the coverugos pr id ter pct1L a7 C44) 501 sod to all theco,,ferages provided der policy. 0g0 902, , „..,. teinereauctis *Plaited &n previous you ware definitely meded according to the over. tome unich Aso clearly. &slaves*, tat that is likswise so with rompeot to the in. crease to ta applied'Sarah le 19560 Strt 201 insured fa* $600 nonthly indessity. 156 insured for C60. spontbll, indaan. Ittio 355 irourod for $1014 isontibly id** , 21 insured for 0120. luorithly irldeseity and 321 'insured for $14e:., zonth37 ifdsartity; 145 slopleress only are insured for hospital benefits and 391 auplsysta with dopondent(s) are insured for hospital berefits; ,5q4 soti- plwaas only are insured fur surgical benefits and 792 anakvess "aft dePer4ocitt*, ire insured tar surgical, benefits; 62 styloysse ,only' ors insured for in.hospital stedioal peas !benstits and 92 asplawees with depoodient(s) ore ineared for in.ttospital Modica Immense benefits. In other words, a total of 1054. estoloyesi ars bleared for sontialy I:Meant*_of ore =aunt or another; 53 *splay's* are insured fee hospital avian**, bone. tits; 13166 exployeas are insured for eurgioal wows* bonen* and 1 eslattress 4its'e • insured for in.hospitai medical expense benefits. Ve fog sure that you will. find fittie intonation wholly justifies tbs used far the prseiust ircreese to be spplied ear:el 1, 1956 of ar.),..doh 'we have previously /mitten you* 31,,noorO,V,,,' ■0119 AtivOr / Aoli tottr.tari. Paul-ftrotry- Indsanitt Company cntes ,1144.,1,47 .1t/S o 5 it- • (yam' et • • w • • • • •• . lot i * N N . • ali I. .,• • .43 1 . . . • • • • 44. Istt. t4 ult, . • 0 • • set Irt • • * • „ d 0 .-.. 110 S +:+ « , . f `MI oi gi IN yam, • Y • 014 X 4 • OCNI lt - j } fyIM F . 000 9�IY do a so do 10 0 bit XII * o *bC. + got 4g.4 3 .rte '',,,,0,..1 k3""\‘144 S\2\,,,,,,,\:z..",,, 1 t .... e4 w'« T J. 4a. • • .f1 •+M or4 wt Of In 04 18 RI A t i at 'SI t i 4 Ci A et . . ct. . . -- -..... _\ -- jiz is . •sv . el la 1 o .. Si r► - 'w1 s'1 w�' •••••••