10-466Council File # �Q ' � � Green Sheet # 3102896 1 2 � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1$ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION CITY PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Z� WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department has received a grant of �76� from the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant Proa am to purchase extrication equipment, turnout �ear, tumout gear washers, wacenc�e rescue equipment, emecgency medical equipment, vehicle eatrication haining, and watedsurfece ice trainin�. and WHEREAS, the Sai�t Paul Fire Aepartme�t was granted authority in Cou�cil Kesolutio� 08-1110 to accept this grant from FEMA, and WHEREAS, the original budget was approved in Couc�cil Resolution 08-]222, a�d W HEREAS, there is a remaining balance of $125,489.77 to spend on this grant, and WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriatio� fitnds of $125,489.77 in excess of those estimated in the 2010 budget and recommends that the followiog addition be made to the 2010 budget; FINANCING PLAN: 510-Fire Responsive Services 35213 -2007 Assistance fo Fireftghters Gra�t 3199 - Other Fed Dir Gra�ts - State Tota] SPENAING PLAN: 510 - Fire Responsive Services 35213 - 2007 Assista�ce to Firefighters Grant 0219 - Fees Other ProfessionaL Services 0356 - Safety Supplies 0386 - Clothing Unifotms 0848 - Capitalized Equipment Total 52.179.00 52.179 00 52,179.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52 179 00 Chanee Budeet 73310.77 125.489.77 73310 77 125_489 77 iQ,221.00 38,607.51 2,887.69 21,594.57 73 310 77 62,400.00 38,607.51 2,887.69 21,594.57 12�8� NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, thaC the Saint Paul City Conncil approves the changes to the 2010 budget. Requested by Department of. Fire By: - Approved by t O By: � Thune � Approv y ityAttomey � By: Adopted by Counal: Date ��(/�� Appro ed yo or Submis �o to Council Adoption Certified by Cout eil Secretary gy_ BY ` � Approved bv yor. Date S l� 7i0 (O B Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom % Carter ,/ Harzis y Helgen � Lantry �/ Stazk � Adopted Budeet ` . `� r�- 4�o�v � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet FR _ Fire � Co�ct Person & Phone: , Fire Chief Tim Butler zz2-oan ' Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): i �,' s � s � ' �'' p� T� RESOLUTION W/$ � , TRANSACTION I � E-DocumeM Required: Y i DocumeM CoMact: Jill LaCasse i Co�ctPhone: 228-6257 „M,�2o,0 ! Green Sheet NO: 3102896 � au�y� Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _ IC{ip All Loeatio� for Signature) 0 i z 3 4 5 6 � � �; Approvai of the attached Council Resolution authorizing the Saint Paul FIre Department to establish a spending and financing budget for the 2007 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Pianning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aii yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, issues, Oppoftunity �Who, What, When, Where,lNhy): The Fire Department needs to establish the spending and financing plans for the $125,489.78 remaining in the 2007 Assistance to Fuefighters Grant. The original spending and financing plans were approved in Council Resolution 08-1222. AWanWges If Approved: Tfie Saint Paul Fue Depacnnent will be abie to purchase exhicarion equipment and hzining, turnout geaz, tumout gear washeis, water/ice rescue equipment and training, and emergency medical equipment. DisadvanFages If Approved: None. Disadvantages H Not Approved: Lost opportunity to purchase needed equipment and trzinivg. ToWlAmouMof $125,489.77 Transadion: Funding Source: GP20t Flnancial lnformation: (F�cplain) � CosVRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. 35213 F�F � G 4' ��+� il.P C i � ', March 17, 2010 10:56 AM Page 1 � ' , � , � �,� !� r ,, � , , ,,,i , � � , ,� �� , � , ' �, , , , � � , � �, � � � . � , � � � , , � ', � ' �„ � .�� ' � ' ' , � , i ' ' , ' , �� � �, , � ' � , � , , ,�,� � � . � . � _ �, . �. , �, . ' 6. � .. , � . ,� � e, . �� .� Council File � [`��-1�2 GreenSheet# 3060980 Presenfed By' Referted To: Committee: Date t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tt 12 73 �a is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 32 33 3k 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 W:-��S. the Depxmnent of Frce aritl Sa;ety Services has received a grant of 5765,656.00 from the FeGeral Eme+gency Mzrtagemerrt Agencys Assisfa�e .b Fuefi9h�5 GYarit P+oSram � pvrthase eztrication eqtupmert. inmaut Sear. llunot� gear washeis, wdierl�ce rescue equipmerrt, emergency me�cal eqvipmem, vehiUe e#ricaffon training, and waterlswiace ice training. and WM��REAS. ttie Ciry of SaiM Pacil is �e9uEred by FedecaV taw � gay a 26% ma[chug Eur�6 contrS4ution of 5191.454.00, a� WtiEEREAS, the DepartmeM of Fre and Safety Services was given approval in Counal Resolution 08-7110 to apply {or this grant and confibute matching fuMS, a� WHEREAS, the finarrcing arM spending pians have not been establishetl far tlie gcant received, antl - WHEREAS, the Maya pu�su2nt to Secton t0.0?.'1 oS the Chas�r of the (,1ty ot Saint PaW, dces certiTy tfiat these afe avaitabte for appropfi2tion fuCMS ot $765,656.0o in exr,ess M tlwse esttmatea in the 2(108 6udgeK ana WHEREAS, the Mayor tecommends that ihe following atldNOn be made to the 2908 budgeY. FII3AIJCING PLAAI: 735 Fae Figh6ng Equipment 55007 - Fire Fighfrng Equipment 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 510 Fire Responsve Services 352�3 - 2007 Assistanw to Faefighters Grant 3199 - Oiher Fed Dir G2nts - State SPENQING PLAN: 735 Fire Fighting Equipmeni 55001 - 5re RgFtGng Equipment 0356-SafetY SuPPfies Curtent Sudqet Cham�e 791.474.00 791,4t4.Q0 765,656.00 765 656.00 187,4�4.00 '19'1.4'14 Ob 510 Fi2 Responsive Sefvices 35213 - Z007 Assistance to Frefighters GraM U2�9 - �ee5 - Other Profsrtl ServiCes - 0346 - Accessories tor Ve.hicles - 0356 - Safety Supp6es _ 0842 - Medical & Dental Equipment _ OSdB - Ofller CaP'rfa(¢ed EquiPmeni � 7$OOQ_00 n,s�o.00 219.786.00 95,OOQ.00 295,000.00 �ss,sss o0 Budget '197,4'14.00 191,4t4.OQ 765.656.00 765,656 00 191,4t4.00 i91.474.00 78.000.00 n.s�o.00 219.786.00 95,000.00 295,000.00 is5.sss o0 NOW THEREFORE BE R RESOLVED, Nat ihe City Cour�cil accepts this grant and approves the changes W Ne 2008 budget. Rdopted by Council: Daie ���/f'���f� Adoption Certifred by Council Secretary: sy; � Approved b � ate t( J7 � l� BY: Y e �� L 1 �✓t/wl/?/L'�� RESOLUTfON SAINTj}AUl„ tiAtNNESOTA Requested by Departr�ni of: Fre & Safe Services ,� !' � �: ' Approval Recommended by Dire tor of Fi ncial S rvices: BY. �� Fom By: Appi � �o - 4t� � ,, , Piese[ried By: Re£ecred Fo: �����_�f��Q�� PAf1L, M}WT3ESOTA Councl File � Green Sheet � Cortemittee: Daie 1� - `tto co c�8—I lro 3659344 � WHEI2EAS, the Departrttenf of Fire and Sa#ety Sesvices applied fa and received the FY 2007 Assistance to 2 Frefighters Granf to purcFrase extrication equipment, tumo�t gear, tumout gear washers, waterfice rescue 3 equipmenf, amergency medicat equipment, vehide e�rication training, and watar/surface ice training, an8 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required fo pay a 20°� matching Pund contribu5on of $181,414_00, and 6 7 WHEREAS, upon receipt of this granf the City is obligated to appropriate ftte grarit amount of $765,856.00, and 9 NOW 7HEREFORE iT BE RESOLVED, that the City Counci! accepts the FY 2007 Assistance to Firefighters to Grant; a copy of said appiication is to be kept on fi1e and of record in the Offrce ot Financial Services. 11 t2 73 14 15 76 i7 I8 !9 20 21 � 23 24 2S 26 27 � 29 30 Adopfed by Councii: Dafe_ ��1/a��liX Adoption Certified by Co ncl5ecretary: sY= ;: riS�.ri Approved 6y Ma or. �ate ! /Z� 6� s � Requested by Departmeni of: F'sre & Safet Services BY: 7//- ` Appmva4 mended by ice oF Financial Services: By: � Approved by Ci ey: BY_ ��� Approved b a or r Submission to Council: gy: �