176848 Orlsiml to City Clerk 176848 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COII[TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ fi ; : COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM y"�_ :44 PRESENTED BY February 16, 1956 °" COMMISSIONE a.‘/-s.— 'L' A RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Arthur W. Bohn, Jr. 546 N. Robert Pkg Lot App. 2356 New New Loc. Joseph Gitis & Samuel Z. Hechter 147 W. 6th " " 2603 " " " Crest IceCream Co. Corp. 1929 S. 5th St. HpliiIcecream Mfg-Distr. " 3583 " " I " " Vehicles (2) MI * Joseph R. John 217 Charles Window Cleaning " 6967 " Old " Fine Food, Inc. 1278 Grand Grocery " 8393 " " IN " Frozen Meats " " " " " It It Off Sale M a l t to " "' w " " " Cigarette " " " w " Joseph Gitis & Samuel Z. Hechter 147 W. 6th Gas Sta 3 P " 8486 " " " John Remackel 541 St.Lawrence Junk Gatherer " 8507 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 2 1 1956 195— Yeas Nays Gibbons FED 2 1 1956 Halvorson Z Approved teimA 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson / ! Mayor Peterson t ' Against Mr.President,Dillon PUisLISHED. 2 <-----.5" 5M 6-55 42