176843 Original to City Clerk 1_��)}`i /'3 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. 1A J2 LICENSE CO}2 TTEK OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ," COUNCI RESOLUTION E ERAL ORM rt a t f " > . t i / duk .d-"a 4 n as PRESENTED BY �Ar� �Lyl February COMMISSIONE� ��-�! � �L:�, , ii.� �� RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated., be and the same are hereby granted. - Milton Cohen& Morris Halpern 2165 Ford Pky. Grocery App. 755 Renewal • " Butcher " " '' " " Off Sale Malt • • " " " Cigarette " " "' National Tea Co. 1074 Grand Grocery " 806 " II " Butcher " • " • " Off Sale Malt • • " " " Cigarette " " " Karl J. B rown & Gertrude Brugenziger 169 Marshall Restaurant " 2920 " " " Cigarette " " " " Morris Horwitz 624 Canada Butcher " 2951 " Robert V. Montgomery 793 Sherwood Window Cleaning " 6249 " John Frederich & Alden Glum 200 K. 13th " " 6650 " Louis Riehle 1160 Sines Fuel Dir " 4701 " Don T. Peterson 1630 University 2nd lid Auto Dir • 7287 " Jerome Kelley 176 University " " 7530 " Geo; B. Leitner 945 Randolph Fuel Dlr " 7693 " IICXDCINi>mdI The Gustafson Oil Co. 308 N. Concord, So.St.Paul Fuel Dlr " 8467 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 8.55 -2 � Original to City Clerk 176 i84 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER DATF February 16, 1956 PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) James & Fred R. Coates 617 Come Trailer Rental App. 8477 Renewal St. Joseph Hospital Auxiliary 69 W. Exchange Cigarette " 8478 " Elwood E. Lee 569 Ottawa Mtr Veh Dr. " 8495 " Fred A. Reiter 754 Rice 2nd Ed Auto Pts. " 8500 " Ver Keljik 600 Pleasant Photographer " 8504 " Richard P. Stone 1465 Klainert, Apt. CMtr Veh Dr. " 8526 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FEB 2 1 1956195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons • 1956 Halvorson ' . . .ved 195_ Holland /0111 ___. _._ Marzitelli _In Favor =`, =��\1 Mortinson ayor Peterson Against PUBL1SHEDo2—o2--.S=s� Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 404