176828 ,• Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL ;°E NCI` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No x741896- 3y' fre C. NCIL RESOy' TION—GENERAL FORM T. so>i ►d— PRESENTED BY Milne* 'oar,n 1 COMMISSIONE ' DATF r e3K arv��r anru^"'^ uda RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Arthur K. Tiedman from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, a twenty foot building line is hereby established on Simpson Street, and a thirteen foot building line of Bison Street, on property described as Lot 8, except the northerly 100 feet thereof, Block 19, Franksonls Como Park Addition, situated at the northeast corner of Midway Parkway and Simpson Street. FEB 1 71956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays Gibbons FEB 1 "' 1nx-c 4, Halvorson •proved 195 Holland Marzitelli in Favor �� V __ Mortinson /1 acting Mayor Pe w- ( � Against PUBLISI-IEDd2— 2 MrrfS ei , BM 6-55 4002 LAW OFFICES OF BOUTHILET, DAUBNEY Sc SWENSON 1100 PIONEER BUILDING ST. PAUL I, MINNESOTA JOHN G.BOUTHILET JOHN E.DAUBNEY (�G CARL A_SWENSON February 13, 1956 Planning Board City of St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Attention: John W. Connelly Gentlemen: I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr. Arthur Tiedman, the owner of Lot 8, except the N. 100' thereof, Block 19, Frankson's Como Park Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota. This property is in the form of an inverted right triangle fronting on Midway Parkway and between Simpson Street and Bison Avenue; the property is presently vacant and the only possible usage would be for the construction of a residence. However, the present 30' set back requirement from Simpson would require a small and irregular shaped house to conform to side yard and rear yard set back re- quirements. The owner has petitioned to have the set back from Simpson decreased from 30' to 20' and none of the neighbors have voiced any objections to this proposal, as a matter of fact, several have signed a petition in favor of it, as the vacant lot is unsightly in its present condition and some neighbors fear it may become a breeding ground for rats. Mr. Tiedman wishes to construct an attractive single residence on this lot in accordance with plans h refore filed with your body and makes this appeal pursuant &or` toai!agraph -lb'of the Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with his petitiol filed December 20, 1955. Very truly yours, BOUTHILET, DAUBNEY & SWENSON � 1 By /l, hn E; Daubney JED: lmd CITY CLERK FILE 32- 0z- APOLlCANT -..__ Z.F N RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL •••" ?:i tHokw 231-3!3.333 1313 CITY NALL AND COURT NOUSS SAINT PAUL 2 MINNISOTA February 14, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Arthur E. Tiedman to establish a 20' building line on Simpson and a 13' building line on Bison as it pertains to lot 8, except the northerly 100' thereof of block 19, Frankson's Como Park Addition. This property is adjacent to the northeast corner of Midway Parkway and Simpson. The zoning is "A" residence. This is a generally triangularly shaped tract which, has a front- age of 137.44' on Simpson and 32' on Midway Parkway and approxi- mately 153.5' on Bison. The present building line is 30' on Simpson: 18' on Bison. The applicant proposes to establish a 20' building line for the north 60' of the applicant's property on Simpson and a 13' build- ing line for the north 60' of the applicant's property on Bison. This proposal is occasioned by the desire of the applicant to construct a single-family home on the premises as described in his letter dated February 13, 1956 and his plan received December 20, 1955. Field investigation discloses no objection to this proposal and four of the adjacent property owners to the north along Simpson have signed a petition in favor of this change in the building line. The applicant's request stems from the fact that the pro- perty narrows down to a frontage of 32' along Midway Parkway which necessitates an encroachment on the existing building line. In consideration of the acceptability of the applicant's proposal and the fact that the existing building lines would produce a hard- ship in consideration of the peculiar shpae of this site, the Zoning Board r ommends that this appeal be granted. Since ly C „ ,e6, (ittit,.--4. I) ( f, ' C. D. oeks //v u Planning Director CDL:FS Executive Secretary Enc. ASS Board of Zoning 4' ' JOSEPH R. OKONESKI HAROLD J. RIORDAN City Clerk Council Recorder CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ,� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ° w" BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE 2 February 16, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Arthur K. Tiedman for the establishment of a 20-ft. building line on Simpson St. and a 13-ft. building line on Bison St., on property described as Lot 8, except the northerly 100 ft. thereof of Block 19, Frankson's Como Park Addition, situated at the northeast corner of Midway Parkway and Simpson St. Very truly yours, Notice b l p�,�von that a public hearing will be held before the City Ci'ty Clerk Cringe at 10 AN, ni isCin the CityCoi n the City $ell and Court House, in the Matter of the appeal of Arthur K. rfedman. under Sec. 30 of Ordinance No. 51140b=oning Ordinance), for line on part of Lot of 3,Block 19, Frank- eon's Como Park Addition, situated ea the east side of Simpson St. north. of Midway Parkway. Dated February 1, MN. JOIMPR R.0190NRINCI, City Clerk. (February 4, iNS) C 3 LAW OFFICES OF BOUTHILET, DAUBNEY & SWENSON 1100 PIONEER BUILDING ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA JOHN O.BOUTHILET JOHN R.DAUBNEY CARL A. SWENSON l• May 27, 1955 Honorable City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are filing an appeal on behalf of Mr. Arthur K. Tiedman to establish a new building line on Lot 8, except the North 100 feet thereof, Block 19, Frankson's Como Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, so as to establish new set banks on the said property. Mr. Tiedman wishes to erect a single family residence on this property and if all existing set back regulations were complied with, j would be virtually impossible to erect a residence on this property due to its peculiar shape being in the form of an inverted right triangle as shown by the attached blueprint and proposed lay-out. This appeal is made pursuant to Sections 16 I and 20 of the Building Zoning Ordinance of the City of St. Paul as amended being Ordinance No. 5840. In accordance with Section 20 it is requested that this matter be submitted to the Board of Zoning'.for recommendation and a time set for a public hearing. Very truly yours, BOUTHILET, DAUBNEY & SWENSON/ By i� e 1ohn I. Daubney Nt1111 AltO JAD:ab VAS:INN I NIVS 83 Nd LI Nnr 5k1 CITY CLERK FILE ft- rA 3 2 9 k30ca,NT ��'°Nat fijel- PETITION TO ESTABLISH A NEW BUILDING LINE We, the undersigned, being the owners of the property appearing opposite our names do hereby join in a petition to establish a new building line on Lot 8, except the North 100 feet thereof, Block 19, Franksonts Como Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, so as to permit the construction of a single family residence as shown on the attached blueprint. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1.atr7 . ."7....6„....4.4 I sm!—'��rt r l r1 414 f °"rz,,.a---- 4 et° at°t-Ide,t4eY-1... /`f 17 f,, 7,2_ 1 / Lc,...F ft,.......... ,,,,,,,, ,,,. 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