176827 Original to City Clerk • ���1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL COU$CI` NO.176827 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU CIL RESO- TION—GENERAL FORM r `�1 f.r PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONS — .1/A■Lo DATF RESOLVED, that the Texas Company be permitted to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Wheeler Street, on property described as the south 129 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, Elmer and Morrisonts Rearrangementef part of Macalester Park, in accordance with applicantts plans dated February 9, 1956, the installation to be under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Whenever the Council may determine that said station con- stitutes a traffic or fire hazard, this permit may be revoked. Such permit is granted subject to the further condition that all sidewalks abutting the premises shall be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. FES 1 7 195G COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons FEB 1 71956 Halvorson proved 195_ Holland V ,� hi Marzitelli Tn Favor "��, _ _ _ , _ Mortinson Acting Mayor PetersvW Against PUBLISHED BM 6.55 04P02 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL • Capital of Minnesota i j? / • c.., eiratiliteat c Patfic Satety Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM A. R.ANDERSON, License Inspector February 6, 1956 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk Saint Pan', Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of The Texas Company for permission to install and operate a gaso- line filling station at the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Wheeler Street. Attached is report covering inspection made by the Fire Prevention Division. You will note that the proposed installation would not create e fire hazard. Very truly yours, )0(1 Commissioner of Public Safety • THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 3, 1956 Honorable Robert F. Peterson Commissioner, Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Texas Company for permission to erect and operate a gasoline service station at the Northwest corner of Grand Avenue and ',heeler Street. This department has inspected the site and report that no fire hazard would be created if the Company were permitted to erect this station. pe tfully yours, ii = 4r.. A P i("- .T.h W. Carney Oh ef -Fire Inspector R',C/am 'Sty of hint Paul, SInaeMta • ~OAT=.PIS.SlMI MMES. On MKT (Please type or print) • TO TA snafttita mos Al{! CIrr I1+ c/o the City Clerk City. of Saint Paul, Minnesota - Gentlemen: - Applicatias is hereby cads t remodel or reconstruct an existing (cross out one) �] FILLllsl STATION • No. of islands and pumps Wo. of tanks sad capacity: •1.• 16410. sei• Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) indicate type ) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with.: • D MISCSLLANSOU$: ( indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.). Capacity of parking area: Located at (address) Legal Description ;Let Bl•eck Ad'n la Ss 111 30 new SaNprisesta r• Applicants Name The ifellel *Nip* Some er Office Address: C nammets Ine Phone No. • RE P'OR/D7t T>; APpLieurr, . i /1 V JAN ,,(signatures Paul, Mir -`ARC) ra Address a MS ninon • Phone No: /When oempleted; filo three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-Out plans of the proposed facility with the fird of Zoning, Robin 131$, City Hall and Court Heave, Saint Paul, .Ninnesotae • Z-3 7/2/54" • • • city of Saint Paul, I innesota APPLICATION DOR SOCIAL COUNCIL MX 'NNW 1 (Plisse type or print) r TO THE HONEMAILE MAYOR AND CITY COMM • • c/o the City Clerk City. of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: "IeS eisee.wseoss4mwk.en.i ng Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross out one) FILLING STATION • No, of islands and punps : 2 Tslandj & 4 Pumps No, of tanks and capacity: 1.6000 gal. i-1.Opo gal., 1-550 gal. Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) ,.�;• ( indicate type ) Capacity of parking lot : To be used in connection with: 0 S ISCBLLANSOus s indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-tap Station, Ice Vendor, ets.). Capacity of parking area: Located at (address) : N.W. Corner of Wheeler & Grand Ave. St. Paul, Minn. Legal Description :Lot South 129' Sleek 3 Add'n Elmer & Morrison' s of lots 1,2 & 3 Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park Applicant,s Name The Texas Company Hone or Office Address: 1730 Clifton Place, Minneapolis, Minnesota Phone No, Federal 2-8486 • a FOR/pY TIM APPLICANT. RECHWEEI _ 2-3-56 (signature) Idate) FEE ,. v' Address : 1730 Clifton Place, Minneapolis 111 I'L ,aul,Min t Vk tan"... Paul, Minnesota Phone No: Federal 2-84.86 When completed,, file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the bard of Zoning, Room 1311, City flail and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Z-3 7/2/34 JOSEPH R..OKONESKI HAROLD J. RIORDAN City Clerk Council Recorder . • CITY OF SAINT PAUL • Capital of Minnesota �%"y OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OO BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE oicP02 February 16, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of the Texas Company for permit to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the northwest corner of Grand Ave. and Wheeler St., on property described as the south 129 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, Elmer and Morrison's Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park, in accordance with applicant's plans dated February 9, 1956. Very tFFuly yours, T7 l r / 4'7',-* City Clerk �. • jfl'tlY:.N l{:: r t ......................... :ti::::> < < > RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ••••• ::::::OfiNtok 251.212 252 1711 CITT NAIL AND COURT NOM SAINT PAIL 2.MINNRNTA February 14, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of the Texas Company for permit to install and operate a new filling station on the property located adjacent to the Northwest corner of Grand and Wheeler. This property is described as the south 129' of lots 1, 2 and. 3 - block 3 - ..< Elmier and Morrison's Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park, The property has a frontage of 136' on Grand and 129' on Wheeler. The zoning is "Commercial." A permit for a filling station was granted by the Council on lots land 2 of this tract, December 20, 1955. A re-zoning petition which would have the effect of re-classifying this property suspended the right to initiate this permit while the petition was being considered by the Council. The re-zoning petition was denied and the applicants are now asking for a new permit to include lot 3 which substantially increases their frontage on Grand Avenue, The applicant's plans received in the Zoning Board office, February 9, 1956, are according to existing standards. In view of the existing commercial zoning in this area, the Zoning Board feels that the appli- cant's plans are proper from the standpoint of reasonable protection of adjacent land use and traffic. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board recommends that this permit to establish a filling station on the property under con- sideration be granted in accordance with the applicant's plans received in the Zoning Board office February 9, 1956. Sincerely 0., C. D. oeks (fr(j-J9,)Planning Director CDL:FS Enc. Executive Secretar Board of Zoning Vliji , fr./ •Pity of Paint P u l, I innereta / /itr 3 (0 AlmoatrI ( .101 OX CI'AL COMM 00 PEWIT (!!misso type-or print) T O THE HOUMA= MAYi0P AR! C TY COMM /• ') 6 . c/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: masminfixinucsmiWattMEIDEMOSIZIKKRIK Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross out one) ® FILLING STATION • • No, of islands and pumps : 2 Island & 4 Pumps No, of tanks and capacity: 1-6000 sal. 1-4000 gal. , 1-550 gal. 0 PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) ,. ;• ( indicate type ) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: 0 MISCELLANEOUS: indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stead, Used • Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, eta.). Capacity of parking are*: ` Leoated at (address) : 27 South feeler Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota Legal Description :Lot 1, 2, & 3. Klock 3 Add'n Elmer & Morrison's Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park • Applicant,s Name : The Texas Company UMW, i r Office Address: 1730 Clifton Place, Minneapolis, Minnesota Phone No : Fe. 2-8486 FOR/IT THE APPLICANT, • 20-56 (signature) (date) Address : 1730 Clifton Place, Minneapolis, Minnesota Phone No: Federal 2-8486 /When completed, file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-oat plans of the proposed facility with the Board of Zoning, Room 1311, city Hall and Court Hoarse, Saint Paul, Minnesota* Z-3 7/2/54