176498 • 0 O i_gina l to City Clerk ! s k � 176498 CITY OF ST. PAUL ze'"+r; OFFICE OF THE CITY C '' tr fnU a COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENE e :" PRESENTED BY g%, ■ Aft COMMISSIONE .//A ■ - - giAli_ zehoift!r RESOLVED, that the proposed project of Board of Water Com- missioners of the City of Saint Paul for the enlargement and exten- sion of the public waterworks system of said City, as the same involves the acquisition by purchase at private sale by City of Saint Paul of the following described real estate situate in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: All that certain portion of the south 242.87 feet of the north half (N!) of the south two-thirds (S 2/3) of the southwest quarter (SW%) of Section 18 in Township 29 North of Range 22 West in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, which is bounded as follows, to-wit: on the east by a line 166.2 feet west of and arallel to the east line of the southwest quarter (SW4) of said Section 18 and on the west by the extended easterly line of Block 3 of St. Aubin and Dionts Rice Street Addition to the . City of St. Paul, according to the plat of said addition of record in Book 5 of Plats at page 1 in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey, this parcel comprising a tract of land measuring approximately 528.6 feet east-west by 242.87 feet north-south and containing 2 96/100 acres of land, more or less, be and the same hereby is in all things approved; that the Report of the Committee on Lands in the premises, consisting of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent, and Commissioner of Public Utilities, evidencing the institution, conduct and completion of the requisite negotiations therefor and the procurement by said Committee on Lands of an option for the purchase of said real estate at private sale 'from owner of the same for the purchase price of $3000.00, be and the same hereby is approved and that said option be and the same hereby is directed to be exercised, it appearing and the Council so finds that said price is not in excess of the fair market value of said real estate and that the best interests of the City of Saint Paul J N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli in Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6.55 2 original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF would be served by the purchase of said property at private sale, pursuant to said option, rather than by the institution of condemnation proceedings for its acquisition under the power of eminent domain; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the purphase price of said real estate be .paid from Water Department Fund 23. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays• alvor on Approve. 195- /� ( i Tolland �' � )� 1 \ arz'telli _In Favor `A41,1i,f �,� �Li .016rtinson 0 Mayor eterson Against r. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 2 PUBLISHED/ /-��i, f r 4. • WATER DEPARTMENT SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LEONARD N. ON COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GIBBONS, President ROY W. HOLZER General Manager anger Sr. Civil Engineer C. A. FLACK NORRIS O. HALVORSON FRANK D. MARZITELLI F. W. GALLAGHER Registrar Supt. of Water Supply ROSS A.THUMA Walter J. Moran, Deputy Commissioner Supt. Filtration O January 19, 1956 The Honorable Mayor and Council City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Some part of the necessary improvement and extension of the rater Department's filter plant at McCarron Station is now being constructed on lands acquired for such purpose in 1950. Only a narrow strip of the lands contiguous to the depart- ment's properties at this location and deemed desirable for future extension and improvement of the water plant remain unimproved; and the Water Board at its meet- ing held November 30, 1955 directed its General Manager to negotiate with the owners for the sale of these lands to the Board at reasonable prices acceptable to the Board and your Land Committee. The particular tract of land here referred to is more particularly described as follows: All that certain portion of the south 242.87 feet of the north half (ND) of the south two-thirds (S 2/3) of the southwest quarter (SPIN) of Sec- tion 18 in Township 29 North of Range 22 West in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, which is bounded as follows, to-wit: on the east by a line 166.2 feet west of and parallel to the east line of the south- west quarter (SW1) of said Section 18 and on the west by the extended easterly line of Block 3 of St. Aubin and Dion's Rice Street Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat of said addition of record in Book 5 of Plats at page 1, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey, this parcel comprising a tract of land measuring approximately 528.6 feet east-west by 242.87 feet north-south and containing 2 96/100 acres of land, more or less. , Such negotiation has been had with the owner of a tract comprising approximately 2.96 acres of such lands and an option given the Board to purchase that land for consideration of $3000.00, the same as the fair present market value fixed for same by Asst. Valuation Engineer Eltor.. A. Dehn and so reported by him in letter dated January !t, 1956. The funds for this purchase being now available in theWater Department fund 23, I deem it desirable that the purchase of this tract of land be consumated at this time for the consideration named above, and I therefore recommend to your honorable body that the purchase be accordingly approved. �Y•; s very truly, iron- • ompson General Manager FWG:eal WATER IS THE LIFE BLOOD OF A CITY • • • • The Honors is Mayor and Council _ -2- January 19, 1956 Approved o ert T. Gibbons, President Board of Water Commissioners Funds are available to cover the amount of this purchase as stated above. Xer:ctels..& -2-t-/-e-1■4-e-C Jos= =. late 4, Co„. roller r • CITY OF ST. PAUL No. . - OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__. sassier___ _ DATE-__ ... -.-1SS iS, the furnishing Of an shwas supply if pare water to the inhabitaalrs of the City of St. spinal rewires extensions of the rate. larks systole oat* sad far tha(tt reason the aerprliiition of amain lends below described* we therefore be it ISSOLTAD. that steps be taken at ewe to acquire for the Heard, by son donation or otherwise as haasinbelaw ` all those certain t'r'usts or paresis of land situate is the southwest swo rtarr ( ) of ltsetiat 18 (8 l8) la for hip 29 North (TM) of Hasp it Test (2221), in the qty of leasoy, State of Manssstan "Meth oars eases peertieulsrrly ass- aoribed as falls., to sits Tarsal 1. All the. hat soretain parties of the swath 21*2.1? fist if the earth half (1f}) of the M i ff' h i r d e (1 2/3) at t h e onitheast carts, ( } of sold Sootiest 18 utdaeh is bounded as follows. to rrit* es the east by a has 166.2 fist west of and parallel to the east lies of the southwest stow ( ) of said aeon 31 acrd, et the west le r the extended easterly line of Meek 3 of St. Atha sal Dienes list Street Addition to the City of e.. Peal* as- sew to the plat of said oddities of resort is Seek 5 of Plata St pep 1 in the offise of the Register of Heeds in aid tee acid 0ounty of q this s ei a treat of land oa ring approxiar ► 58.6 teat .wat" t by $h2.$7 feet nertlaiotth good sear- taming 2 96/100 sor'os of lead, sore of least also and t.gs er abb. Pared 2. The north 80 feet of the south W8T fleet of the north half (14)--,enf the south tiffiffile (s 2/3) of that awili or the southwest Irt a WO of said .ostien 18 *IA is eeorgrised between the extended easterly line of Bleak 3 of St. Pale and Dieats let Street Addition to the City of St. Paul secording to the plat of said addition of sal is boos 5 of Pletar at purge 1 is the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Coney of Itansen card the extended westerly Ilse and ally in Sleek It of St. Ruble and Dios * lift St. Addition to the City of St. Paul, aforesaid.d, also and together oaks The north 92.87 feet of the south 142.87 Cast of the north halt ) of the swath tole- thirds (S 2/3) of that =eh of the senth Bost quarter ( } of said section 18 sons Is sea. prised beta's* the extended onraete ly Us of alloy in Mask dew , and the easterly line of that sorted* strip of land 100 feet in Width deearibed in deed dated 5 Deenther 1883 and of m rd in leek 115 of Deeds at page 668 is the office of the logister of Deedir, aforesaid* this said parcel I sonpr sing sae sentlaso s strip of lied the essaily part of which nessures 80 fest earth and south by approximately 513.3 feet east and meat sad the re eesindorr as westerly pert of wlriah aagaaes 92.87 fact by Mesa 1332 feet, the entire wrest eoateladag 1 *3/280 Mores of load, sere or lest' alas sand another with,. Persil That somas of that portion at the south 21t.1? feet of theater*or half ( ) of the (8 2/3) of the southeast tarter of said motion 18 thigh is sanprfasd batman the orte aded easterly line of nook 3 of St. Lubin and Dienes Moo Street addition Water Commissioners - Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays 194 In favor Opposed .®a® ASST.SECY. To the Council of the City of Saint Paul and to the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON LANDS The undersigned, constituting the Committee on Lands in the premises, pursuant to Sections 302 and 303 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Saint Paul, have instituted, conducted and completed all requisite negotiations therefor and have procured an option from the owner of the same, namely, James T. Dean, for the purchase by City of Saint Paul of the following described lands: All that certain portion of the south 242.87 feet of the north half (N'/2) of the south two-thirds (S 2/3) of the southwest quarter (SW4) of Section 18 in Township 29 North of Range 22 West in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, which is bounded as follows, to-wit: on the east by a line 166.2 feet west of and parallel to theeast line of the southwest quarter (SW ) of said Section 18 and on the west by the extended easterly line of Block 3 of St. Aubin and Dion' s Rice Street Addition to the City of St.Paul, according to the plat of said addition of record in Book 5 of Plats at page 1, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey, this parcel com- prising a tract of land measuring approx- imately 528.6 feet east-west by 242.87 feet north-south and auntaining 2 96/100 acres of land, more or less, which lands are needed, as evidenced by the resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners, dated November 30, 1955, for the enlargement and extension of the public waterworks system of the City of Saint Paul; that said option is hereto attached and herewith exhibited and contemplates the purchase of the subject real estate at private sale for the purchase price therein stated, to-wit, Three Thousand Dollars ($3000.00) , which is not in excess of the fair market value of said real estate, and it is deemed in the best interests of the City of Saint Paul that said option be exercised and that said real estate be purchased by City of Saint Paul pursuant thereto for said purchase price of Three Thousand Dollars ($3000. 0' . (il;k00 Aft Mayor Purchasing A nt Commissioner of Public Utilities Dated January 20 1956 To the Council of the City of Saint Paul and to the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON LANDS The undersigned, constituting the Committee on Lands in the premises, pursuant to Sections 302 and 303 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Saint Paul, have instituted, conducted and completed all requisite negotiations therefor and have procured an option from the owner of the same, namely, James T. Dean, for the purchase by City of Saint Paul of the following described lands : All that certain portion of the south 242.87 feet of the north half (W of the south two-thirds (S 2/3) of the southwest quarter (SW4) of Section 18 in Township 29 North of Range 22 West in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, which is bounded as follows, to-wit: on the east by a line 166.2 feet west of and parallel to theeast line of the southwest quarter (SW%) of sad Section 18 and on the west by the extended easterly line of Block 3 of St. Aubin and Dion' s Rice Street Addition to the City of St.Paul, according to the plat of said addition of record in Book 5 of Plats at page 1, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey, this parcel com- prising a tract of land measuring approx- imately 528.6 feet east-west by 242.87 feet north-south and attaining 2 96/100 acres of land, more or less, which lands are needed, as evidenced by the resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners, dated November 30, 1955, for the enlargement and extension of the public waterworks system of the City of Saint Paul; that said option is hereto attached and herewith exhibited and contemplates the purchase of the subject real estate at private sale for the purchase price therein stated, to-wit, Three Thousand Dollars ($3000.00) , which is not in excess of the fair market value of said real estate, and it is deemed in the best interests of the City of Saint Paul that said option be exercised and that said real estate be purchased by City of Saint Paul pursuant thereto for said purchase price of Three Thousand Dollars ($3000. 04 . r, lit Mayor cd ‘ --) \-N ,,<A/v‘./,h Purchasing A nt A Commissioner of Public Utilities Dated January 20 1956