10-455Suspension 4/28/2010 Council File # 10-455
Green Sheet# 3108696
Presznted by � u ��
WHEREAS, Kane McWatt was bom Kathleen Curry on February 8, 1931 m MinneapOhs, Minneso[a; and
WHEREAS, She majored in speech at the UniversiN of Minnesota, where she me[ her husband, Arthur McWatt, now a re[ired Samt Paul schoolreacher and
author of "Cmsader5 for Just�ce," a book chromchng the h�s[ory of Sa�nt Paul's civii nghts movement, and
WHEREAS, Mrs McWatt wu a iifelong advoca[e for civil and human rights, communiTy empowermen[ and development, a meani�sfui education sys[em, and
a le�al �usnce system, and embodied commrtment [o community service and volunteerism having served as a grea[ role modei within her community and [he
communiry at-large, and
WHEREAS, Mrs McWatt worked tirelessly [hroughwt her career in commumty and supponive services includmg eighteen years wrth the Samt Paul Urban
League and seven[een years in her role as a CoordinaCOr for the CenVal H�gh School MuIhwlNral Excellence Program shepherdmg a generation of young
s[udents who still speak w�th fondness of her potluck meals [hat fea[ured �nspira[�onal diswssions with Afncan-American professionals, and
WHEREAS, Mrs McWatt gave of herself unselfishly [hough counUess hours of volunteensm, whde serving as chair person wrth a vanety of community-bazed
organ�zaCions, mcluding, but not limited to service as Cha�ryerson of [he Council on Black Mmnesotans, a state agency, Cha�r of the Minnemta/Dakota
Conference of the NAACP Educahon Committee, member of [he Equal Access Commrttee, and the Saint Paui NAACP/Pohce Community Relanons
Comm�ttee, and
WHEREAS, Mrs. McWatt spen[ her I�fe on the forefront of the affordable housing �ss�e, she advoca[ed and actively demonstrated for change, aligmng herself
wrth a mul[itude of �ssues [ha[ have adversely affected our commumTy Her efforts have resulted m[angible systemanc changes m[hose issues for which she has
advocated for, and
WHEREAS, Such °causes" and "mi[iahves" spurted Mrs McWatt's mterest m becoming an elected officiai, plac�ng herself m a posmon [o craft and deba[e
ordmances and s[a[utes [hat impac[ quality of hfe issues for all. Thus, m 19GI, Mrs McWatt ran for a sea[ on [he Samt PaW City Council. She became [he firs[
Afncan Amerman to win a city-wide pnmary, and her name was subsequenily ptaced on the ballol for the General Elecllon; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. McWatt has bee� inducted mto [he DFL Women's Hall of Fame, won an NAACP Life[ime Achievemen[ award and was named a 2007
Volunteer of the Year by [he Lawyers Pmfessional Responsibihry Board, and
WHEREAS, Mayor Chnstopher B Coleman, m honor of Mrs McWatt's longstandmg dedicahon and serv�ce, proclaimed Saturday, Sep[ember 19, 200Q to be
"Kahe MeWatt Day" �n [he City of Sain[ Paui; and
WHEREAS, Katie McW att passed away on Monday Apnl IQ 201Q aRer maintaining her ac[ivism and service to community [hrough a 2'/z year battle with
cancer, she is survived by her husband, Arthur, fo�r children - Tim, Stacy, Chns and Lynn - and six grandchildreq
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City CouncJ does hereby proclaim Monday, April 26, 2010 to be ° Katie McWatt Day" in [he City of
Samt Paul, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, tha[ Day[on Avenue, benveen Dale Stree[ and Lexington Avenue, is hereby co-named Katie McWatt Avenue, and [ha[ appropna[e
s[reet signage be placed by the Department of Publ�c Works
Requested by Department of
Approved by the Office of Financial Services
Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council
Adoption Certified by Cou ci] Secretary g
B Y� � 4 ��/ ` � L�/%/l
Approv by a Dat 5 � �{ Ld ( u
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
Departmentl�ce/Council: Date Initiated:
co-�°°���� 28APR2010 Green Sheet NO: 3108696
I Contact Person 8 Phone: Department Sent To Person InitiaUDate
Councilmember Carter � 0 ouncu 0
� 26Fr8610 1 ouncil De artment Director
Assign Z ��---'
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 0
RoUting 4 ouncil GS Cooncil
Doa Order 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk
E-Document Required: Y
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Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Prclaiming Monday, April 16, 2010 to be "Katie McWatt Day" in [he City of St. Paul, and co-naming Day[on Avenue between Dale
and Lexington as "Ka[ie McWatt Avenue" with signage placed at the intersection of Kent and Mackubin.
Recommendaiions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1 Has this personlfirm ever worked under a coniracl for this departmeni?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/frtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Mitiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Total Amount of
Transaction: GosURevenue Budgeted:
Funtling Source: Activity Number:
Fi nancial Information:
` (Explainj
April 30, 2010 2:45 PM Page 1