176459 a'iof3: rile 4lot L B 020 Mattei.of en :C" 1 ic iFFJegr,11on iupoo •ox,. 1.76459 COTCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement 30 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Rice Street Villas, from Marion Street to the alley in Block 4, Rice Street Villas, the center line of said easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of Marion Street 56.3 feet north of Idaho Avenue; thence northwesterly on a straight line to a point on the east line of the alley in Block 4, Rice Street Villas, said point being 153.9 feet north of Idaho Avenue. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land ao .feet in`width across Lots-12, 13, :14 and 2.35, 1Sloek:4, .R .0 Street sad tempporar;y easement :being southwesterly. cbf afid ad:jacent to'said permanent easement. Also 'condemning nd ta.king.,a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 1a.nd"2O Feet In width across hots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 4, Rice Street Villas, said :-temp ary. easement being. nortihe ster y of and,exijaeent'to -said permanent easement. Also condemning and taking an easement 30 feet in width for the purpose of constructing az 4, k11,taaiy'5,P€1, a- publac r::c3n, wader and `t. 69 ions:26, 7 ;"28:-anti 29: °°.13 ©k 4, _.ice.:Strwet4_,Vil1as-, r a3 y`.art.,i1P3 . 4s.$ '-Street. Ua; 1as, to a, 10.4e: thate;; s ', -5p. fc.P21tr ea#si :of and ;pa sa e3;teo lta er_eS t " :the .Per r;e.line kuk. a amen' e . 4444F40 . nt:`on the fast line ,-cif; alter } + 04:1(4 . .t,. 4±11e0 : * n ` 3 PI a lip to a P tOb'�4 4' east of - and parallel to Galtier Street, said point being 118.3 feet south of the north line . c ,a k: TR 44.4,-29 Nor }x;-1 ge. 23;West. 20 'fa-t- . ,.` iii LL,vi. -.-. _... _ .._ .. ... %..� 4fi<' ? ; Wil5FarY.easeraant for -construe ;ion ;p!urpQSgs: on a. rrBa of land-20 feet in width across Lots 27, 28 and 29, Block 4, Rice Street Villas, said to p a C a na rti s, s;terly o ::'414: d jacent ',tQ,4ha,Fe e t easeme Li V V . " ?4: ng•_a id, trait;traitirig temppraU ee,semi.t, ;PS:oonstrugtio, :, gose.s;,on; of land 20 feet in width across Lots 26, 27 and 28, Block 4, Rice Street Villas, said ha, porary,.ea,sement being,southt 1y .of and ad jaoent~ to the permanent easewont. eo fipndemning and takinfua..temporary easement _for:construction purposes on a strip of ;land 25; feet ip, widtn ,aoross I.ote L9 through 26 inclusive, Block 4, Rice Street I41.as, said -temporary easement being on the easterly 25 feet of Lots 19 through 26 inclusive, Block 4, Rice Street Villas. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 25 feet in width across Lots It through 11 inclusive, Block 4, Rice Street Villas, said temporary easement being on the westerly 25 feet of Lots It through 11 inclusive, Block 4, Rice Street Villas. (Trout Brook Extension - Rice Street to Mackubin Street) TAA* $* cud �g$ 1 WV VG-1112. g0.0/31151, 611 allg ism; bVC-31;513 1.1,3 s, 7 rt4catq � $ 3q DES ., ,r,nsr1 _- 1 /011017- ... w,..•. 'z7�.r yr.