176450 original to city clerk 176410 CITY ,OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LIORISE CONKETTEE OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOl1TION—GEN RA FORM e� COMM SSIIONE �/ � .4- . /�.1. ar �a sr DA '/ 'January 1/1 1956 WHEREAS: Virgil 0. Zabel dba Radio Cab Co. has made Application D 7092 for license to operate one (l) automobile as Taxicab No. 106, upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as a 1955 Plymouth Sedan, Serial go. 1560, insured by the Exchange Insurance Association an Inter Insurance Exchange, Policy No. XP-11088, expiring 12:01 A.N. ST March 21, 1956, and WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy faith the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to formand execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the sane is hereby granted to Virgil 0. Zabel dba Radio Cab Co. CGr[• 1�ile No.'Y Robert F. Pe�terao o tt�erea3, Virtu O. Zabd dba Radio Co.. made Applicatio D 706a for ab licCense has to operate ons (I) -auto. Mobile as t c#b !fin# n ..Oka Serial No. change Tne=anie i as ^a° ance pb .-., s 12:0 A.M. !1. Whereas, Said Ccoitpy y the insurap opanly t has a of St. Paul aand l beenba as to foie ti on betite'Corporation .. Sesolvsd.That license to oPerilisiS autonslsbSe as a taxicab vett street*of the Otty of Saint Paul be the amine is r by matted to 'V frgil O. Zabel dba Radio Cab Co. ., Adopted by the Council January 14, ( amary !1, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JA N 1 7 leg 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons JAN 1 71956 Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli ' In Favor 1 n Mayor Peterson 'J Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-55 416102