176446 Original to City Clerk couNCIL _11)4`it6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE C01.111113 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TION—GEN RA FORM PRESENTED BY J ! f/ r6 COMMISSIONS ' �_` -��. � 1-> ._. +�. AVk .q / Jan arT' 1 e�, 1956 iiASs Paul Preston dba Capitol City Checker Cab Co. has made Application D 7239 for license to operate one (l) automobile as taxicab No. 88, upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as a 1950 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No. 126214819, insured by the Exchange Insurance Association an Inter-Insurance Exchange, Policy No. X11083, expiring 12:01 A.N. ST February 12, 1956, and VEAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to fors and execution by the Corporation Counsel therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the sane is hereby granted to Paul Preston dba Capitol City Checker Cab Co. Comae .File No.ss. 1�t9E»- snd:- vertu A. eon-« leas,.Rival Preston!T/b/a Capitol City Checker Cab Co, has made'AP* plication D 72H ,tor license t o open one (1) autmnsbiie ae rta a to No. Paaul, aescrlbed so ,Ey Saittt Sedan,, Serial bro..1 a!1119, insure the Exchange lnaurance Asso aationtia Inter,Innaranee �Excl e;B _iieeg XP-11gBS. eexxppirfnp 18D1-rti.M. ST run 1t,.i116B,' Whereas, and reas, Said applicant has filed 4 copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved- i :hobo pby .ti: C Pprj� therefore be::ti Resolved,Tai license to operate said automobile as a taxic,a�bb upon th$ streets of the City of iiaint Paul be and the same is ,ate°-gram to RENEWAL Paul Preston d/bj ,, capitol City Checker Cab ted by tptt 14ry 'T, Approved tanua7Fy.f7, raw GUM MI At COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciljA N 1 7 1956 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons JAN 1 7 1956 Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli n Favor er tsorr% ^ Mayor Peterson Against Mr.President, Dillon 516 6.55 4.1.2