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Original to City Clerk ed. mot; l • 176403
- CITY OF ST.I rti`"sla ° ., ,. NO.
OFFICE OF THE ( :t ' '414
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��= a —January 11,1, 1956 COMMSSONE qTa
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RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee
therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment
and material (except the cast iron pipe which will be furnished by Water Department)
to install approximately 68 linear feet of 54 inch reinforced concrete casing pipe
and 78 linear feet of 36 inch cast iron pipe under and across the right«►of'way of
the Minneapolis, St.Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway approximately 20 feet north
of the south property line of Larpenteur Avenue near Park Street, and to install
60 linear feet of 36 inch casing pipe and 70 linear feet of 16 inch cast iron pipe
under and across the right«of«way of the Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Pacific RR
Company approximately 28 feet west of the east property line on Chestnut Street near
Spring Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, to O'BRIEN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. in accordance
with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #5522 of
said O'Brien Construction Co., Inc. for the contract price of $9362.00, such bid
being the lowest and said O'Brien Construction Co., Inc. being a reasonable and reliable
bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper
form of contract therefor, add the proper City officials hereby are authorized to
execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul.
Formal Bid #5522.
COUNCI EN Adopted by the Council JAN 1 3 1956' 195—
Yeas Nays
ins JAN 1 1956
/Halvorson \ Approved 195_
Hound AL / / IIP ,q (..,,(14.,
itelli In Favor
/Peterson Against
4r•President, Dillon
PUBLISHED/– -/-5 62
5M 6-55 0410.2
Duplicate to Printer 7f
COMM SSIONER DATE January 11, 1956
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee
therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment
and material (except the cast iron pipe which will be furnished by Water Department)
to install approximately 68 linear feet of 54 inch reinforced concrete casing pipe
and 78 linear feet of 36 inch cast iron pipe ander and across the right'+of.way of
the Minneapolis, St.Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway approximately 20 feet north
of the south property line of Larpenteur Avenue near Park Street, and to install
60 linear feet of 36 inch casing pipe and 70 linear feet of 16 inch cast iron pipe
under and across the right.off.way of the Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Pacific BR
Company approximately 28 feet west •of the east property line on Chestnut Street near
Spring Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, to O'BRIEN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. in accordance
with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #5522 of
said O'Brien Construction Co., Inc. for the contract price of $9362.00, such bid
being the lowest and said O'Brien Construction Co., Inc. being a reasonable and reliable
bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper
form of contract therefor, add the proper City officials hereby are authorized to
execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul.
Formal Bid #5522.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council jatIN 1 3 1956195_
Yeas Nays
Approved -
Marzitelli In Favor
Mortinson Mayor
Peterson Against
Mr. President, Dillon