176389 'Original to City Clem - ', ., S '.nlA ,p• a 1t T. .gAUL • { COUNCIL L NO 176399 COMMITTER OFF ` ' CITY CLERIC LICE OMM '1'TBE COUNCIL . ,', N. NERAL FORM if PRESENTED BY �� q COMMISSION , �LfL__ _ . ' ;t/jaLlt... DATE January 12, 195 RESOLVED: fhatiltenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Moulton rood Stores Inc. 1112 W. Seventh Grocery App. 6250 Renewal N N Butcher N N N N N Off Sale Malt N N N N N Cigarette N N N Leon B. Roe 569 N. Pascal . Grocery N 6560 N N N 1*, Meats N N N N N Cigarette N N N Frank E. Lee, Leland B. Ston b E.E. Tobig S00 S. Cleviland Restaurant N 6578 N N N Cigarette N N N Raymond Zahradka 317 Selby Grocery N 7120 N N I Off Sale Malt N N N N N Cigarette N N N 'Z'ed's Recreation Inc. 1084 W. Larpenteur Restaurant N 7128 N N N On Sale-Malt N N N N N Off Sale Malt N $ N N N N cigarette N N N. Samuel H. Kiane 435 Wabasha Confectionery N 7133 N N N Cigarette N N I Dermal. Knaff 1811 St. Clair Gas Sta. 5 • 7151 N • • V.M. Loc. N N N N N Cigarette N N N Mrs. Alivira I. Isaak 458 E. Maryland Grooety N 7155 N N N Butcher N N N N N Cigarette N N N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6.55 0411102 Original to City Clerk 17(i�_ 7G CITY OF ST. PAUL COE NCIL NO. e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =CUSS COMMITTBI COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAJanuary 12, 1956 TE PADS 2: Murphy Finance Co. 112 B. Sixth •.M. Loc. App. 7172 Renewal Hersey Service Inc. 2275 Wycliff 9.M. Loc. " 7185 " Russell A. Bondin & Albert L. Mullenbach 20 Z. Seventh Restaurant ■ 7220 N N M On Sale Malt • • N M • Off Sale Malt • N M N • Cigarette N N M St. Francis DeSales Church 657 Jaws On Sale Malt N 7222 N " • Bowling 6 A. N " " Prank W. Ashby 1139 Payne Butcher N 7223 " Anton Johnson 962 Forest Grocery N 7230 N M M Cigarette N N N Orville L. Moe 1065 Grand Restaurant N 7232 M M N Cigarette M 4N N O. J. Dawson 521 N. Snelling Barber " 7240 N Mrs. Louis Finn 118 8. Robert Confectionery N 7252 M M M Off Sale Malt N N N N N Cigarette • N M The Hotel Cosmadore Inc. 75-79 N. Western Restaurant " 7255 " • N Hotel N N N N • Gas Sta. 1 P. " N N N N Dance Nall • M N M M Cigarette N N N Tale Johnson 380 Wabasha Orig. Cont. " 7257 " M 1 Off Sale Malt N M N N • Cigarette N N N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli ____In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson , Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-55 .411106.2 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 171;189 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIMB COMMITS/1M COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM SSIONErt DATF Ja=Ars 12. 1956 PAGE 3: Joseph M. Morgan 845 Bdgerton Auto Rep. Gar. App. 7265 Renewal N N V.M. Loc. N N N Wis. Woltovich 625 Central Pk. Pl. Grocery N 7266 N N N ar. Meats N N N N N Off Sale Malt N M N I N Cigarette N N N Paul B. Milner 201 N. Cleveland Beauty Shop N 7269 S tea= Shijo 523 Selby Ldy & D.C. Pickup 7274 N Celia T. Lux 147-9 N. Snelling Grocery N 7276 N N I Butcher N N N N I Off Sale Malt ■ N N N N Cigarette N N N Harold Barnes 1102 R. Larpenteur Grocery N 7278 N N N lr. Meats N N N N N Off Sale Malt N N N N N Cigarette N • N Harvey Gustafson 740 Bd*and Barber N 7282 N Chris & Geo. Bolger 1051 Arkwright Grocery N 7294 N N N Butcher N N N N N Off Sale Malt N N N N • Cigarette N N N John R. Lux Jr. 966 W. Seventh Orig. Cont. N 7299 N N • Off Sale Mal* N N N N N Cigarette N • N John B. Mauer Inc. 141 W. Sixth Restaurant N 7303 N N N On Sale Malt N N N N N Off Sale Malt I N N N N Bowling 12 A. N N N N I Cigarette N N N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr.President, Dillon 6M 6-55 42 Original to City Clerk 176389 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. LIC>I COIOdITB OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 12, 1956 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE 4: Ben A. & Louis 7, Wolter 438 University Confectionery App. 7306 Renewal " N Off Sale Malt N IS l N N Cigarette N N N Stanley S. Rabin & Joseph Gordon 1340 Grand Grocery " 7313 N N " Butcher N N N N N Off Sale Malt N N N " " Cigarette N N N Leo R. Bouttell 469 H. Snelling Restaurant N 7318 " N N On Sale Malt N N I N N Off Sale Malt " I " N N Cigarette N N N John Parte 362 S. Snelling Grocery " 7325 N N N 7r. Meats N N N " N Off Sale Malt N N N e of Cigarette " N N Helen Wagner 624 Rondo Beauty Shop N 7326 " 011ie Ohef 1213 Randolph Barber " 7334 " Snell Sash & Door Co. 1400 Selby V.M. Loc. N 7335 " Transit Supply Co. 400 N. Snelling V.M. Loc. N 7341 " N " Cigarette N N N N Hiwayan Club 1246 University V.M. Loc. N 7342 " " N Cigarette N N N Hiwayan Club 1279 University V.M. Loc. N 7343 " N N Cigarette N N I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council, 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-55 042 Original to City Clerk Q CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCIL NO. ! ,3`7'�n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MUSS COMMITTU COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIIONER DATF January 12, 195 PALS 5: George O. & Raymond A. Kohis 738 Thomas Restaurant App. 7345 Renewal N N On Sale Malt N N N N N Off Sale Malt N N N a a Cigarette N N N Albert Unise 3S0 Jackson Restaurant N 7361 N a N On Sale Malt N N N a a Off Sale Malt N N N a a Cigarette N N N Joseph C. & ?. Kafka 684 I. Western Grocery N 7365 N N N Butcher N N N N a Off Sale Melt N N N • • Cigarette N N N Lawrence, Bisch 380 University Gas Sta. 4 P. N 7366 a Gray's Cut Bate Drug Store 618 Selby Confectionery N 7365 a N a Restaurant N$ N N N N Cigarette N N N Arthur J. Treacy 1098 Grand Confectionery a 7374 N N a Cigarette N N N F. & J. Inc. 1533 Como Mot. Pic. 5149 N 7375 N N a Confectionery N N N Marvin R. Smith 1131 Reaney Mtr. Veh. Dr. N 7556 N Linden D. Rrickson 990 Livingston W.St. Paul Mtr. Veh. Dr. N 7559 N R. Wolf 42 S. oxford Ldy % D.C. PickupN 7383 N St. Paul Police Belief Assn. Public Safety Bldg. Y.M. Loc. N 7388 N N N Cigarette N N N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli in Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 009,2 Original to City Clerk J 7R89 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIONITSE COI MITTBN COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 12, 1956 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGN 6: Nick Gafas 139 N. Dale Ldy & D.C. Pickup App. 7391 Renewal James Seifert 287 N. Hurley Ice Dely. " 7397 " Lawrence N. Schmidt & Joseph Ziskovsky 1079 W. Seventh Barber is 7402 " Harold A. Danield 375 Robert Confectionery " 7425 " Standard Oil Co. 1111 University Gas Sta. 6 P. " 7442 " Norman C. Rotten 505-7 University 2nd Rd. Ante Pte. " 7444 " W. H. Barber Co. 825 'Thornton S.N. Mpis. Baal Dir. " 7446 " Paul Wilde 1010 A. Seventh Gas Sta. 3 P. N 7448 " Stanley Machoveg 999 W. Seventh Grocery N 7449 " " N Butcher " " N" " " Off Sale Malt " N " " " Cigarette " " " Warren N. litlberg 65 N. Ninth Gas Sta. 4 P. " 7454 " Lavearn Hottendorf & John Schulte 1056 Payne Gas Sta. 2 P. N 7458 " Harry H. Benson 627 Dayton & 1 or 201 No. Dale Gas Sta. 3 P. N 71461 " Boa Oil Co. 207 Como Fuel Dlr. " 71465 " Robert M. Spatafore 652 N. Third Gas Sta. 3 P. " 7482 " Len Thole 783 University Broadcasting Ysh. 1 " 7485 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JAN 12i 19Se 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons JAN N 1 2 1956 Halvorson A!proved 195_ Holland / r /---10. 410°.Marzitelli 1--I� n Favor £.�/ . .w fi! Mortinson ti s - Mayor gel Against • PUBLISHEDI-/ ,s- , 0.4 �4 6-55 r.Vi rent (Peterson')