10-445Council File # 10-445 Green Sheet # 3106756 RESO�UTION MINNESOTA � BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative heazing record and testimony heazd at public hearing on Apri17, ZO10 hereby memorializes its decision to certify and approve the Mazch 9, 2010 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the following address: 6 ADDRESS 8 919 Carroll Avenue 9 10 I1 12 13 14 IS 16 APELLANT Tim Wesbrook Decision: Deny the appeal and staying enforcement of the vacant building registration requirement on the following conditions: i) all of the items on the August 13, 2007 Letter of Deficiency revoking the Fire C of O must be addressed by Apxil 15, 2010, with the exception of the repair of the retaining wall which shall be completed by June 1, 2010; if these conditions aze not met, the building shall be vacated, vacant bu3lding registration and fees shall apply, and a certified of code compliance shall be required before the building may be re-occupied; 3) if additional code deficiencies are identified during the re-inspection of the items outlined in the August 13, 2007 letter, the deadl'anes in those orders shall be used, unless those orders 17 are appealed sepazately. 18 19 Adoption Certified by Coun �I Secretary By: Approved Ma or te � �(�J By: Req�esYed by Departme�t oE � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] By: Adoptad by Council: Date ��,��/�l/l� 10-4 5 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Department/Office/Council: Date Initiated: �o-�°°°°�" 1AAPR2050 Green Sheet NQ; 3106756 ConWCt Person & Phone: Decartment Sent To Person Initial/Date Marcia Moermond o ouncil 0 6-$57� I oaodl De artmentDirector A 2 'tvClerk Ci Clerk Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 � For 4 � Routing Doc.Type:RE50LUT10N Order 5 0 E-DocumentRequired: Y Document Coirtact: Mai Vang Contact Phone: 6-8563 Total # oF Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolution memorializing City Council action taken Apri17, 2010 denying the appeal with conditions for property at 919 Carroll Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Co�trects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB CommiHee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: ToW I Amoun[ of Trensaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial I nformation: (6cplain) April 14, 2010 9:00 AM Page 1 R � � a, ° {�:, � � ���mtm m t�� � March 1, 2010 Tim Wesbrook 920 Washington Ave Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 RE: 919 Carroll Ave Dear Mr. Wesbrook: CITY OF SAINT PAUL C1T'Y CLEAK'S OFFICE Your application for an appeal has been received and psocessed. 10-445 Please attend the public hearing before the Legislative Hearing Officer on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 7:30p.m. in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your appeal concerning the above referenced property. At that time the Legislative Hearing Officer will hear all parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial of your appeal. Sincerefy, ,� �-''E��' ""L°le1 Shari Moore City Clerk cc: ��� � Matt Dornfeld, Vacant Buildings Supervisor Steve Magner, Vacant Buiidings Program Manager Dennis Senty, DSI Code Enforcement O�cer Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer Jesry Nendrickson, Deputy City Attorney 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD, SUIT'E 310 SAINT PAiII, MINNESOTA55102 Tel: 651-266-8688 Fax: 651-266-8574 wwwstpaul.gov M Affianahve Actiw Equal Opportuniry Employer 10-445 AP'PLICA'I�30N FOR APPEAL � Saint Paul City Cierk 15 VrT. KeIIogo Blvd., � l � Ciiy Hall Saint Paul, Minnesoia �� 102 Telephone: (651} 266-8688 1. Address of Property being Aopea:ed: C t !] /' 1 � ✓���, 4. Name of Owner: Z�r7 )ZO�o Address: 97_O LU�f�� r 7O ��"� � City: �e. r e. �� State: n �__ Zip: S�ri �b � Z C� � y l$ Z('`� Phoae Numbers: Business�t� ' Residence �Ff Cellulaz �3`�' (��� 5. AppalIanl/ Agplicauf (if other than owner): Phone NutIIbers: Business ��� �.�. L�..b.? ��r;�; FEB 2 o L�p� GCfY CLERK 2. Number of Dwelliu� Units: � 3. Date of Z�uer Appealed: City; Residence �ignature: CeIlulaz NOT'E: A$25.00 filing fee made payable to the City of Saint Paul must aecompany this application as a necessary condition for filing. Yau must atta"ch a copy of the original ozders aud any other eozrespondence relative to this appeal. Any persoA unsatisfied by the final decision of the City Council may obtain judicial review bq �mely filing of an acrion as provided by law in Districi Court. ror O�Fice Use Oniy `� aie Received: Fx Received: Receipt Number: Da�e of Hearing. _;;�� f��/�c� ���'p� � ��l (��{� � � ! 6 StaYe specifically what is being a�pealed` and why (Use au attachment if necessarg): 2000/F5B/05/SAT 0?;56 Ai�f LAKES MORTGAGE GAOUP FAX No,218 844 5470 . Al'PLIC�`I'�flI�I FOR AP�'EAL - s�t �a� cz�y c�� . Is v�'. �eTlo�g Biva.', s1fl c:ity �a1t ----�-��P�, r��o� sszflz-, - 'Felephane: (65i) 266-86$8 1.'Add�ess of Properiy be_g Z�\O 0 � �. NaAas Address:��To�s76n��.-City:�.• ae`: tst'1�" �tate: . '.� _L``_!_ -- Pkivne,�Vnmbers;Busin�ss��-�`/�9' Residen_ ��F7-�a?l�_ Ce.11u�lar 2�j`�• E�'63 ,,: . ��//�� '.. � � _ .. . . 5 • �PP��?�� AgpJite,�f (i;F otber tY�aii o�uei): . . - , • '. � .. . Add�'ess: � CXty: _� V — �S --- Ziimi � ' Phone 1�7nnzbers: Busmess Resideaca Cellul�r 'Si�ature� ' _ .�. ,,, � . ... , .,. ... 5 St�te speci€cca7.iy what Ys lieaug agpeal�d•�d.ww�y..fl7se`a�ta� i�necessar3r)_ Ntimher of DwolIirig Units: 3: ti � t. Np'I`E: A$25.Q0 i�ing fee inadepayabFe xo t�e CiTyof 3aint Pau? must accorn�pany tlus appIicati�'ms a necessacy condition �or flmg: Yov. must �Ya'cb a copy of the o�iginat o�e�s �n[1 an� oflies co�espvad�n�e ieia7ive ta tbis a�peaL .Azz�*�eyson �nsatis£�ed; bA the �ffial de.ciszoa of Y3�e{:ity Cat�Sci� rnay obtain}�c?i.disf revi�w Uy ' �Y �ag of an asiabri as provided I�y ]a'v� 'sn �'ss4a�.-t Go?Rt. �-- - . , . - � /��//n �s'd� �+YO" P, 004 10-445 F3�GE��°�!� FEB 2.� 20]p �1TY CL�RK e _' y ..�z- . . . � .. 10-445 From: Shari Moore To: Haas, Christine Date: 3/1/2010 2:10 PM Subject: Fwd: 919 Carroll Ave, application for appeal Attachments: AR-M350_20000205_010449.pdf »> Tim Wesbrook <td wesbrook(�vahoo com> 3/1/2010 12:12 PM »> Piease add the following to my appeal, My dad and business partrier had a stroke the first part of December and past away February Slth. I spent every e#ra hour with him in the hospital and then in rehab for the past two and a half months. I take responsibility for not following up to make sure I got this property off the vacant building hst. However, due to the above event I wouttl hope you may waive the 1,1OD.00 vacant building fee and give me time to get this property off the list. Attached is my documentation. Best regards, Tim Wesbrook Z18 234 1503 2000/FEB/05/SAT 01:56 A� LAKES MOATGAGE GROUP FP.X No.218 84� 5470 P.002 TRANSACTION REPORT �i8-�49� 2ooa/sA�/zelwFb oz:iz FA�(T%) u nara TAFT T.L___ BBCErVEit 2:11 ?6512651419 Cotd. TTME � PAG£ o;oo:sa z o sc FILE 2057 Febzvary 19,-2010 Rc: AZ9•Catro7l A'Ve -,. �._ . �.�;, - -- T�avelieenreque'sfing'an iiispea(ian"onthis property for flie past couple.aionths. `We :G.aaliY:ai� Ket.a-day'for an;n.�ction anfl nn..ona shq�ed u� This pxopeity. a oategary7�snc1 �ou ha'�e now cbange8 zt`Yo a categor`y.2. I ilo n6ti'kito"va wliaf'is.going an. � �caif3iThe eity of$t. Paui,.but you stt�1. t�ave this home valuod at over 200,000.00 d a7lacs. I puzs�asedtliis.Lome8D,D00.90.I]�avs.also contaatedthe assessor's.of�.ce anrl ��s iufomxed same�ne woald get back to.me but U� the.inspealion ou �kis.ProPert3' no one „�a,Fseplresr`-va.. , -„-;:�;:, � ;.,,::. ., •F �T�4.?�s`notblug.wri+ng'svv�th tbis Propectyro war�ant a category 2 and'cwould 1�7:e a , '�secciad:op'n� � . �����/ . ��' z� Y. �so3 , I � � - + - � � � 2000/FEB/OS/SAT 01:66 AM LAKES MORTGAGE GAOUP ?AX No,218 84� 5470 10 — d 4 003 Yag�e 1 of 1 919 Caaoll Ave FGT:tImWT✓ROOkNl�+`��Yniva.cpray :.CbCaw�in T4..�'^v`:.an/2�.'L]:Ot�'.'eh::6C31. Tc '�-4A1:lT�p.TJ!Ufn.�tus Q. Ce.1�S.SBfIry'g'QA�'JeWt'�. f.{6 9t youL earliesc coavenience we wonld likL eomeonc to inspec[ t[vs propMy. We Lave contacrcd yow office on secvecat ocavioac fni the pastcaaple months. F imdcismadthai there �vas an inspecaoa deYe sctbu[was notkept. (snow stosm) Pkase contact Julie @ 651332 9477 or Tim � if8 234 lifl3 Deonis I callcd Lica's number this mommg and received her voice maIl, spoke to a peson m the o�ce and ste said Lisa was npt in coday. 7 do undearmd msp��mrs work load Las 6eea greafly mcrwsed do to budget cuibaoks. ' Tnankvou. T� Wesbzook http://us.mg 3/I/2010 10-445 CITY OF SAIIvT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, M¢yor February 17, 2010 Timothy Wesbrook 920 Washina on Ave Detroit Lakes MN 56501-3402 DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY .S��ID I�SPECTIONS Sreve Magner, .Manager of Code Ei forcement A'uisanee Buddang Code Enforreme�a 37� Jackson Street, Su¢e 220 651-26G8989 Sa�ntPaul,.�4P'S57(II-1806 651-266-19I9 www stpau( poti/d i VACANT BUILDING REGTSTRATION NOTICE The premises at 919 CARROLL AVE has been inspected and found to meet the legal definition of a Vacant Building as described in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 43. You are required to register this building with the Department of Safety and Inspections, Vacant Buildings Division, by filling out and returning the registration form provided with this letter. You are also required to pay the annual Vacant Building Registration Fee of $1,140.00. The fee is due upon receipt of this letter and must be paid no later than thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, as required in Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 43. If this building is vacant due to a fire, complete the enclosed registration form and return it to this office within 30 days. Please return the enclosed registration form along with your payment by March 17, 2010. Do not mail cash. If you wish to pay in person, you may do so from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at: DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS 375 7ackson Street, Suite 220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 You may file an appeal to this fee or registration requirements by contacting the Office of the Ciry Clerk at (651) 266-8688. Any appeal of this fee must be made within ten (10) days of the date of this notice. ISthe registrarion fee is not received in this office within 45 days of the due date the full amount owed will be assessed to, and collected with, the taxes for this property as permitted by Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 43. The Code Enforcement Officer has notified the Building Inspection And Design Section that this property meets the legai definition of a registered vacant building and in accordance with Legislative Code Chapter 33, no permits (except demolition, wrecking and removal permits) will be issued until the requirements of all applicable ordinances are fulfilled. An Affirmative Action Equal Opportu�iTy Employer 10-445 February 17, 2010 919 CARROLL AVE Pa�e 2 WRITTEN PERNfISSION FROM THE CITY OF SAI�T PAUL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A CATEGORY 2 OR CATEGORY 3 VACA\"T BUILDNG CAN SE SOLD. Category 2: Requirements include: 1. register/re-register the building, 2. pay outstanding fee(s), 3. obtain a code compliance report, 4. submit for approval a rehab cost estimate from a licensed contractor and a schedule for completion of all code compliance work, and �. submit proof financial responsibility acceptable to the Ciry, and 6. obfain Zoning approval of the proposed use. Category 3: All requirements listed for Category 2 vacant buildings, AND obtain a Certificate of Occnpancy OR Certificate of Code Compliance prior to the sale of the building. If the use of this building meets the definition of a nonconforming use by the Zoning Code then the use will lose its nonconforming status 365 days from the date the building was declared vacant. You must contact the Enforcement officer, Dennis Senty, at 651-266-1930 to find out what must be done before this building can be legally reoccupied. The Enforcement Officer may declare this building(s) to constitute a Nuisance Building suhject to demolition and issue an Order to Abate under authority of Legislative Code Chapter 45. In the event this building is declared a Nuisance Building subject to demolition, fhe Enforcement Officer wi11 notify all owners and interested parties of the Order to Abate, as provlded in the Legislative Code Chapter 45. If you have questions about this annual registration fee or other vacant building requirements, please contact the Enforcement Officer, Dennis Senty, at 651-266-1930. This registration form and fee is required by law. Your prompt attention to this matter is appTeciated. Thank You, Steve Magner Vacant Buildings Program Manager Department of Safety and Inspections Enclosures: Regulations Requirements Information Vacant Building Registration Form SM: ds vb_registrnnon notice_mdividual 10/09 DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY All18 J,J��'.CTIONS Rabert Kess[er, Dcrec[or CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B Coleman, MQyor August 13, 2007 NATHAN WEGENER 2812 MARYLAND AVE S ST LOUIS PARK MN 55426 8 E. Fourth Street. Suite 200 Telephome� 6�1-266-9090 Samt Paul. MN55/0/ RE: NOTICE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REVOCATION VACANT BUILDING 919 CARROLL AVE Re£ # 100642 Dear Property Representative: Your building was determined to be a registered vacant building on August 13, 2007. Since certificates are for the occupancy of buildings, it has become necessary to revoke the Certificate of Occupancy. THIS LETTER SERVES AS OFFICIAL NOTICE OF REVOCATION. Saint Paul Legislative Code provides that no building shall be occupied without a Certificate of Occupancy. In order to xe-occupy the building, the following deficiencies (if applicable) must be corrected and a complete Certificate of Occupancy inspection may be required. DEFICIENCY LIST Exterior - SPLC 71.01 - Provida address numbers at least three (3) inches in height. (HN-1) 2. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (1) b,c, 3432 (1) b,c - Provide and maintain all exterior walls free from holes and deterioration. All wood exterior unprotected surfaces must be painted or protected from the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped or peeling paint.-Repair all eaves, soffits and facia that are deteriorated and paint trim around the front door, repair loose siding on the West side of home. 3. � Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (3), 34.32 (3) - Repair and maintain the door in good condition.-Repair or replace broken storm door in the back of home. Exterior - SPLC 34.08 (1), 3431 (1) - All exterior property areas shall be maintained free from any accumulation of refuse, garbage or feces.-Remove tree debris near the garage and boulevard. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (3), 34.32 (3) - Provide or repair and maintain the window screen.-Repair or replace torn screen on the front porch. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (3), 3432 (3) - Repair and maintain the door latch.-Repair or replace broken hardware on the front door. 10-445 Exterior - SPLC 34.08 (5), 3431 (3) - Repair, replace and maintain all exterior surfaces on fences, sheds, garages and other accessory structures free from holes and deterioration. Provide and maintain exterior unprotected surfaces painted or protected from the elements.-Repair holes in the gazage eaves and soffits. 8. Exterior - Sec. 34.08 (5) Exterior Property Areas-All accessory structures shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.-Repair or replace failed retaining wall that has defects and is a hazazd. Throughout - SPLC 34.19 - Provide access to the inspector to all areas of the building.- Failure to allow access may result in further enforcement action. 10. SPLC 39.02(c) - Complete and si� the provided smoke detector affidavit and return it to this office. 11. Provide the inspector with a completed and signed Residential Occupancy Affidavit. If you have any questions, call me at 651-228-6230. Sincerely, Lisa Martin Fire Inspectox Ref. # 100642 cc: Force 10-445 March 9, 2010 Property Code Minutes Page 8 9. Appeai of Tun Wesbrook to a Vacant Building Registration Notice and Fee for property at 919 Carroll Avenue. Appellant Tim Wesbrook (920 Washington Avenue, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501) and tenant Julie Wilson appeared. Mr. Dornfeld stated that the history included two vacant building files. The first was opened on August 17, 2007 on a referral from the C of O Program with eleven deficiencies and no category recommendation. Inspector Senty opened it as a Category 1 and it was closed on February 3, 2008 because the property was re-occupied. The file was reopened on February 16, 2010 on a referral by Inspector Martin with the same eleven deficiencies. Inspector Martin reported that the property had been vacant since the original vacant building file was opened in 200Z Inspector Senty opened it as a Category 2 on Inspector Martin's recommendation. Mr. Wesbrook stated that he had scheduled an inspection in December. He said his father had a stroke in December and passed away in February, and he hadn't followed up with the inspection request. He said he had purchased the property in January 2004, and asked that the property be a Category 1. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Wesbrook what his plans were for the property. Mr. Wesbrook said his plan had been to rent it. He said he purchased four properties and completed them all but this one. He acknowledged that he hadn't followed through and gotten the inspection done. He said there was nothing wrong with the property and requested again that it be a Category 1. Mr. Dornfeld provided a copy of the deficiency letter from 2007. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Wesbrook to confirm that he had been working on other properties in 2009 and hadn't gotten this one done and it was vacant. Mr. Wesbrook said that was correct; he said the property had been occupied since January. Mr. Dornfeld provided an email from Inspector Martin stating that the property was not occupied. Ms. Moermond asked whether a vacant building fee had been paid at closing. Mr. Wesbrook responded that he had not paid any fee. Ms. Wilson said she spoke with Inspector Martin in January to set up an appointment in Februazy. She said Inspector Martin was late fox the appointment and she was unable to wait, so she had gotten a message to Inspector Martin in the field to cancel the appoinhnent. She stated that she had tried numerous times but had been unable to reach or leave a message for Inspector Martin to reschedule the appointment, and then the house was placarded. She said the house was in good condition and ready to be inspected. Mr. Dornfeld provided copies of emails Ms. Wilson had sent to Inspector Martin. Mr. Urmann confirmed that Inspector Martin had been out for a week and her voice mail had been fizll. Ms. Moermond stated that she would like to review the property records and history and would make her decision in a day or two. 10-445 March 9, 2010 Property Code Minutes Page 9 On Mazch 16, 2010, Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal and staying enforcement of the vacant building registration requirement on the following conditions: 1) all of the items on the August 13, 2007 Letter of Deficiency revokin� the Fire C of O must be addressed by April 15, 2010, with the exception of the repair of the retaining wa11 which shall be completed by Tune l, 2010; 2) if these condition are not met, the bullding shall be vacated, vacant building registration and fees shall apply, and a certificate of code compliance shall be required before the building may be re-occupied; 3) if additional code deficiencies are identified during the re-inspection of the items outlined in the August 13, 20071etter, the deadlines in those orders shall be used, unless those orders are appealed sepazately.