176322 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N, OFFICE •F THE CITY CLERK ' •U L R-3►LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY // COMMISSIONE , ► DATE • RESOLVED, that Mrs. Maude E. Roberts be permitted to establish and operate a nursing and convalescent home at No. 67-69 North Milton Street, also described as the south 60 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 29, Summit Park Addition, subject to compliance with the requirements of the State and City Health Departments and of the State Fire Marshall and the City Fire Prevention Bureau, and subject to payment of any license fee required by law, and to the further condition that a maximum of 22 patients be housed therein. .-- Council File No. 17832E—By lfagnard' T. Holland—. vcd., That limos. > ,nitteci to Aamto a nur and itNo 57-89 tu=rn soes.described aS the' e tW of Lots Ir R.and 3r Block:. t rk Addition, subtect ttt com� . tie requirements of the State and City Health artenents and of e Stale 1$iti` and the Ctt .rire Prevention and subject to ayment of any fee reijuired law. t0 con tion ask'k•a;:.. um of-22 galena be housed erein. Adopted by the Coi3ttell January 1O 1000.. Approve .January 10, 180e. (January 14, 1900) JAN 1 n 1gS COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas � Nays iiGbb JAN 1es 195 6 affil lvorson Approved 195— and r�itelli __In Favor ,doiqinson Mayor Against 5M 6.55 Z r ent (Pelere011) JOSEPH R. OKONESKI HAROLD J. RIORDAN City Clerk Council Recorder ■ CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1763V 3 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE 2 January 5, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal and application of Mrs. Maude E. Roberts for permission to operate a nursing, rest or convalescent home at 67-69 No. Milton St., subject to compliance with all requirements of city and state departments having juris- diction over such operations, and the condition that a maximum of 22 patients be housed therein. Very truly yo , { ity Clerk 4 The Board of Zoning Saint Paid, MinnMinnesota (EBTARLtfHE1 RY ORDINANCE Np US.JULY 7.no) A.A. HECKMAN C. DAVID LOEKS PRESIDING OFFICER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 41110® L M.GRIME CLYDE L METHVEN GERALD O'DONNELL W.J.RICE A.H.SCHROEDER.CITY ARCHITECT JULIUS VILLAUME.ALTERNATE 279 CITY-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA January 4, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Mrs. Howard Roberts to establish and operate a nursing home, a rest or convalescent home at 67-69 Milton. This property is located on the south 60' of lots 1,2 and 3 - block 29, Summit Park Addition. This is a 60' lot on the west side of Milton ad- jacent to the north side of the alley which bisects the block bounded by Ashland on the north and Portland on the south. The zoning is "C" resi- dence. At present there is a four-plex on this site. The applicants propose to convert this to a convalescent home or a nursing home with a maximum of twenty-two (22) patients. In matters of this kind several other agencies of the state and local governlpent are consulted. The State Fire Marshall's office, the City Architect's office, the St. Paul Health Department, the State Health Department and the City Fire Prevention Bureau have all reported on this proposal. These reports approved this proposal subject to certain con- ditions outlined in their letters. Copies of these reports are attached to the file. The Zoning Board finds that from the standpoint of adjacent land use and the surrounding area, the proposed activity is appropriate at this point. The Zoning Board feels that as a general policy proposals of this kind which have met the approval of the affected governmental agencies should receive favorable consideration because of the increasing need for hous- ing facilities for the aged. In consideration of these factors the Zoning Board recommends this appeal be granted with a limitation of a maximum of twenty-two (22) patients and also subject to the conditions of the City and State departments which have reported on this matter. S i ce .pal-y r ir\ C. D. Loeks CDL:FS Planning Director Enc. Executive Secretary Board of Zoning • ,. . .. . . ., . . „ . . . . 418 7 3 j i ; t ilf..)'ii;,. 3 in 1 ; A ,..... 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X•■•• az IW P.M 01 . ___„...., . _IN • t • Cr, r 1 I . j r —r---., -- I 11. il i k i ; -1 ...,.............. .........1 ti Ot 0 0 foCt; P .t St. 4...' .--.............-......„— ._ 0.0044.0.0.0004.000.044004,0000c04,440,04.44 -44, -I ? i , 1 s I OFFIC FINED OF CITY CLERK 1955 NOV 8 AM 8 24 St. Paul, Minnesota October 25, 1955 SAN` ;; ' A krESOTA CITY CLERK City of St. Paul Licensing Bureau Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: I, Mrs. Howard Roberts, do hereby state and affirm to the St. Paul City Council that: 1. I am a registered nurse in the City of St. Paul, operating as a supervisor at Miller Hospital and that I now reside at 450 North Roy Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. That I am now interested in a property located at 67-69 North • Milton Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, which is also known as the South 60 feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 29, Summit Park Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 3. That I desire to use, establish, carry on and maintain a nursing home at .the aforementioned property. This nursing home, r e a t A e ri e_ C Go»VALesabut ILe.shall have a capacity of approximately 18 beds. 4. That nay interest in the aforementioned property is less than that of a fee owner thereof, but that I have agreed to purchase fee interest and thereby become the fee owner of said property if this license is granted. That this application is made under and pursuant to Building Zone Ordinance No. 5840, as amended Article I, Sec. 8 ee, and Article V, Sec. 20. Respectfully, i //�CGr�zdG Co- /r��''G2, ,),„L ,, x 0 , CITY CLERK FILE Rd _ 3376 \ APPLICANT -y17:1Vo: OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St: Paul 2, Minn. Decer-rbar.23, 1955. .. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application and appeal from the Zoning Ordinance, of Eaude E. Roberts for permission to establish and operate a nursing home at 67-69 North Vilton St., Property also described as South 60 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 29, Summit Park Addition and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chan/berwvf the Cour House and City Hall Building b'D January.5 , 195.6 , ia the Citrof", St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. - -----maip Norris 0. Halvorson ® File 13214 Commissioner of-Finance.