176318 Original to City Clerk 17631 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RESOLUTION- ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Olt —,11111 January 10, 1956 COMMMSIONE - _ ��'�-�- -- y`� � DATF WHEREAS: Marie Capece and Camille Paul posted the fee of $ 177.00 and made Application D 7372 at 225 W. 7th St. for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses/in error as they are properly licensed with such licenses, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Marie Capece and Camille Paul the fee of $177.00 and to cancel said application for licenses. Council e rlie No. 176318—By Bernard T. Holland—Severin A. Mortl n, Robert P. Peterson— Whereas. Marie Ca a Camille Paugl posted the tee of$1'MAO and`Made and h nSale Malt g.,and Cigarette censer•at.225�W.thSt. in error as hay are rle Hceisseid with such licensee, re, be it 1lesolved ThI• the proper eity pfS- cerw be and•they are hereb7 a to refund to'Marie. Care Psaaittd i atphpe lifceae t ioon f C a e an.du o 1or 7lceanneSQ • C cancel pted by the Cpunril January 10, p$oved3anuary 10, 198688 Granary 14, 1988) CANCELLATION (Refund) On Sale Liquor establishmen t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council % 1 0 19 195_ Yeas ' Nays G- ibbons alvorson Approve. = 1 O t 5• 195- oland ( (5�,� � zitelli n Favor •tt rtinson n Mayor �1_Against 5M 6• '4 (Pena)