10-426Council File # 10-426 Green Sheet # 3107056 1 � � � 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 F SAI )LUTION PAUL. MINNESOTA Presented by WHEREAS, the Riven�ew Holiday�, and E� Association (REDA) holds a block party permit for the Cinco de Mayo WHEREAS, Saint Pau] Parks and Recreation is assisting m the orga�izat�on of a two day sofrball tournament to be held on ,vIay 7 and May 8, 2010 m connect�on w�th the Cmco de Mayo hohday, but separate from the block parry, to be held at the El Rio V �sta ball fields also Iazown as Gi1beR de la O fields: and WHEREAS, REDA has control of the area wrthm the block party permit ]iieuts, which i�cludes the ball fields on which the toumament would take place, and wishes to be mdemiufied in the event of any claims resultmg from the tournament because it is bemg held withm the block party area; and WHEREAS, the Samt Paul City Councii finds that this athletic event is a legitimate public purpose wtuch fosters a stronger West Side commumty and acknowledges the Cmco de Mayo holiday; and therefoie be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, hereby agrees to defend, mdemmfy, and hold REDA harmless from any and all su�ts, claims, actions, or �udgments foz injucies arising out of the sofrball tournamenr, and be it FtiRTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnificahon does not cover any occurcences or events which are not part of the toumament and which do not occur oL take place at the EI Rio Vista ball fields duiing the course of fhe toumament, nor mjuries which anse out of cnminal actions, assaults, battenes or other acts of violence comrnitted by any person or persons; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in the foregoing provisions shall be construed as a waiver of the mumcipal tort hability limits set forth in Minn Stat 466.01 et seq. Yeas Nays Absem RequestedbyDeparhnen:� ParksandRecr � �rion: Bostrom ?/ Carter � Michael hm, Dire toi Harris � gy: r Helgen � r ...,..... Stazk Thune Adopted by Council� Date Adoption Certified by Co cil Secretary BY / / /////�A! /1iiJCSD.7 Approvedb Date �J'�/��j�p�v BY: ��./"`- /���/!/i-C'�/L�CZ�SL�L 1� Approved by the Office of Financial Services � 10-426 ��� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet "� � DepartmenVOffice/Council: . Date Initiated: i � PR_ParksandRecreation ��, 15APR2010 i Green Sheet N 3107056 � ConWCt Person & Phone: � � Department Sent To Person Initial/Date i BevWittgenstein � o ParksandRecreariov !i ' � 266-6365 ' � �, 1 arks and Reereation �I I Director i y�� � �; , Assign i 2 ICity Attornev . CiN Attornev 400 CH � I Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ',, Number � z��y�r,� ntr�a .Ma���i�Arr za� ` � Doc. 7ype: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Amanda Felion Contact Phone: 789-2500 For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages 1 (Clip All Locations for Signature) ; Action Requested: ' Indemnifying and holding harmless the Riverview Economic Development Association (REDA) from suits, claims, actions, or i judgements for injuries arising out of the Cinco de Mayo softball tournament on May 7 and May 8, 2010. Recommendalions: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): Planning Commission CIB Cammittee Crvil Service Commission A Steff Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1 Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a coniract for thls department? Yes No 2 Has this person/frm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Parks and Recreation is assisting in the organization of a two day softball toumament to be held on May 7 and May 8, 2010 in connection with the Cinco de Mayo holiday, to be held at the EI Rio Vista ballfields. REDA holds a block par[y permit for the Cinco de Mayo event, which includes the ballfields at EI Rio. REDA wishes to be indemnified for any claims resulting from the tournament. Advantages If Approved: The Cinco de Mayo softball toumament will be held. Disadvantages If Approved: None ; Disadvantages If Not Approved: ; The Cinco de Mayo softball toumament will not be held. Total Amount of $0.00 Trensaction: Funding Source: F inancial I nformation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: �ld� R � if GU iG � April 15, 2010 9:02 AM Page 1 ROUTIl�FG ORDER: Below are co�rect routrsigs for the six most frequent types of documents: , CONTT2ACTS (assimmes authorized bndget exists) COIIbFCII, BESOLUTIQN,(amend budgetsFaccept g�ts) � 1. OutsideAgency 1. Degaz�entDirector � � � � 2. DeparhnentDirector 2. Offzce'ofFinsncial,SecvicesDiruxoi , 3. CityAttomey 3. CityAttqmey 4. Iviayor/A�;cr 4. Mayor/Assi'stant 5. H�an Rights (for contracts ova $50,000) 5. , City Coffic�1 ', , 6. Office ofFinancial Services - Accounting 6. 0ffice of Fin�cial Services - Accou¢ting ADMINISTRATiVE ORDERS (BudgetRevision) COIR3CIL IZESOLilTION (sll othecs and Ordinances)' �1. ActivitpManagerorDep�entilccoimt�t ' � 2 `DeparfinentDirector �� � � 2. DepartmentDirednr Z. Ciiytlttomey 3., OfficeofFinancialServicesDirector 3. Mayor/a�;ct;mr' 4. CityClerk 4. Cit9Gonncil 5 OffceofFin�cialServices-P.ccounting , � �� � � � ADIviIL37STRATIVE ORDIItS (atI othecs) 1. Depaztm�tbirector z. e�ynuam�y ' 3. OfficeofFinsnciel ServicesD"uector 4. CityCIerk' �� Y •'�91` �.�.� i� �. , ..� „ TOTAL NUMBER OF SICNATURE P:4GES 7ndicate tfie # ofpages on wluch sig�ahaes are ra4�'� � PaPe*�vP or tlag each of these pages: ' "' , ACTIONREQUESTED Descn'bewbskfhepiojeet/reqaestseetcstoaccomplishimeit�rcluonotogicalo�.oro�ofimpint�ce;�vhicheveris ' � aPPr�PnBte for the issae. Do not wnte complete sentences.' Hegin e�h item �7ro�'list wikh a veah. , RECOMIv�NDATIONS � � � � � Complete iftfie issue in questionl�asbeenpresented before an3'�Y P�lic or private_ ', PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS: ' Ilvs info�ation'will be nsed to dete�ine the ciry's liabitity foi tvoikecs'compensation claims; taces and proper ciyil �seivicehsingrnles. � � INITTATINGPROBLEtv� LSSUE, OPPORTUNITY � � . � � � � � � � � Explainthe,situe�tiou"or,conditionsthsYcreatedaneedforyot�r,projectorrequest , � ADVA2�TAGES IF AYPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an snm�al budget procedise iequired by law/chacteror whethecthere'are spec�c ways in which tfie Cilp o£ $sint P�u1 end ils citizens will beoefit fc�i Uus projecfi/ection., � ��� DFSADVANTA{�SIEAPPR{)VFA � � `� � � � � �� � �� � �� � � Whsf negalive effecfs or ma,jor changes to ewstm8 �P�P� ��ProJ��I� PtodIICe if it is �(e-g 4s�c delays, noise; ta�c roaeasu or A�a�*�er�)? �To,w�iom? � WfienR Fosfiow, Iongl � DTSADyANfAGESIFNOTAPPROVID � � , What w�71 be the negative conseqoences if the promised action is not approved? InabHity to defiver serviceT' Gantinu8 Ligh tre$ic, noise, accidenttste? Loss of revemie7 FINANCIAL �IIviPt�CT � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � AlthoughyonmosttaiIortfieiuformationxouprovideheretothe,issueyouaceadd�essing,;ingeuerslyoumustanswer' ' two questions; How much is it,SomB to cost? Who is go�gto pay! ;, , � �� � „. � �.