179781 l Original to City Clerk 179781 LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL Re NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GE RAL FORM PRESENTED BY _4_ t . �� I/ / ,ATF Septeaber 27, 1956 COMMISSIONE i WHEREAS: Mike Gleeman desires to withdraw Application D 12552 for Second Hand Auto Deer Incense at 415 East Seventh Street and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESCUED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to, refund to Mike Gleeman the fee of $100.00 and to cancel said application for license. Council File No. 179781-,By Bernard T. Holland-Severin A. Mor lflsnn— Robert F. Peterson— Whereas. Mike Gleeman desires to wtth&raw application D 12552 for°Sec and Hand Auto Dealer License at 415 East Seventh Street and requests the return of the license fee deposi thereon, therefore, be it fee of Resolved, nose it G er m a g WITFIDRAWAL EE lcea. e (Refund) # 27Adopted by the Council September , 1956. Approved September 27, 1956. Res: 159 E. Fairfield Ave. (September 29, 450 SEP 271 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yea Nays sEp 2 ? De�C urcy —lIolland Approved. IVIi---trzitelli CL rtinson n Favor `'�, ■ ���)U1w Peterson Mayor gainst �MMr.President, Dillon SM 6-56 2